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IDCC11 Workshop: Domain names and persistence


Sponsored by the World Wide Web Consortium and the Digital Curation Centre
8 December 2011, IDCC11, Bristol
See also the Call for participation

1. Rules of engagement

This is a workshop, and we already know we've got a great collection of people coming who between them cover a huge range of relevant background. We want to exploit that to the full, and that means making sure we have lots of time for discussion. So the plan is to squeeze all the talking-heads-style presentations into the morning, and have the whole afternoon for brainstorming and strategising. The chairs will be ruthless in keeping speakers to their allotted times in the morning.

Since a key goal of this day is to come away with some concrete proposals and actions, we'll be running two projectors in the morning: one for the speakers, and one for the organisers to project a wiki and an IRC window. The wiki will be for collecting questions, proposals, issues, etc., under the general headings of

At the moment we envisage this as something like a matrix, with problems across the top and candidate actions down the side, with the intersections showing which action addresses which problem, with what impediments in the way. . . If we come away from the workshop with such a matrix at least partly filled in, the day will have been a success.

In the first instance the organisers will fill in the wiki in real time during the talks, based on what they hear, and what is contributed via the IRC channel #dnap, which will be open to all attendees at irc.w3.org, port 6665. The password for this will be announced at the workshop on the day. If you don't have an IRC client you can use the W3C's web-based client.

2. Programme

3. Registration and Cost

80 GBP for the full day, see IDCC11 Workshops page. Note that you do not have to attend/pay for IDCC11 itself to attend the workshop!

Online registration is now closed. Please send email to ht at inf.ed.ac.uk if you would like to attend and we'll see if that's still possible.