"Generated by Triplify V0.7 (http://Triplify.org)" . . "blog.aksw.org" . "AKSW" . . . "2007-02-27T17:23:36"^^ . "Submissions open: 3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web" . "The submissions web-site is now open for the 3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web. Scripting languages play a central role in the development of flexible, lightweight semantic web applications. Hence, the workshop aims to bring together developers of the RDF base infrastructure for scripting languages with practitioners building applications using these languages. It includes a scripting challenge which will award a prize (an Apple iPod Video or alternatively Euro 200 cash) to the most innovative small scripting application or mashup. The workshop is co-located with 4th European Semantic Web Conference and takes place on June 6, 2007 in Innsbruck, Austria. The complete call for papers is located at: http://www.semanticscripting.org/SFSW2007. " . "2008-02-22T21:41:00"^^ . . . "2007-02-19T10:07:58"^^ . "AKSW is blogging . . ." . "We've setup a WordPress based blog site at blog.aksw.org to publish the latest news about our projects and the Semantic Web in general. This blog is shared by all AKSW members." . "2007-03-08T00:06:33"^^ . . . "2007-02-01T23:44:23"^^ . "3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web" . "Meet the Powl/OntoWiki developers at SFSW07 on June 6th in Innsbruck / Austria (collocated with ESWC). The workshop also includes a challenge for the most innovative Semantic Web mashup. More information at: semanticscripting.org" . "2008-02-22T21:41:23"^^ . . . "2006-11-07T08:46:18"^^ . "pOWL 0.94 with Ontowiki user-interface released" . "This is release 0.94 of the pOWL web based ontology editor. It is the first version of pOWL, which includes the Ontowiki user-interface. We try to provide new releases more frequently in the future (approx. ever 2-3 months)." . "2007-02-19T09:53:18"^^ . . . "2006-09-01T08:58:26"^^ . "Powl/OntoWiki presented at ISWC" . "The new OntoWiki prototype developed on the basis of Powl will be presented at 5th International Semantic Web Conference 5th-9th of November in Athens, GA, USA. For an OntoWiki demo have a look at http://3ba.se. For a PDF version of the article \"OntoWiki - A Tool for Social, Semantic Collaboration\" have a look at our publication site." . "2008-02-22T21:42:06"^^ . . . "2006-07-05T11:02:27"^^ . "Screencast Demo for OntoWiki" . "We've created a screencast demo for our generic RDF Browser and collaborative Knowledge Management application OntoWiki. OntoWiki is an alternative frontend for the pOWL application framework. The screencast demo can be viewed at http://3ba.se." . "2008-02-22T21:42:48"^^ . . . "2007-03-08T21:38:19"^^ . "Query browser for Wikipedia extraction" . "The query browser and builder interface for our Wikipedia extraction is (re-)launched. You can build your own queries on the semantic database containing over 10 million facts extracted from the English Wikipedia at: http://wikipedia.aksw.org." . "2008-02-22T21:40:39"^^ . . . "2007-03-13T16:28:28"^^ . "OntoWiki / Powl 0.95 released" . "We've released Version 0.95 of our OntoWiki / Powl Semantic Web application suite. New features include an OntoWiki Command Line Interface (owcli), which is a PHP command line script for administration and remote control of OntoWiki models. Other changes are:\r\n
  • system ontology translation updates (nl)
  • \r\n\t
  • code and gui cleanups (OntoWiki)
  • \r\n\t
  • installation improvements
  • \r\n\t
  • further steps towards MSIE compatibility
  • \r\n\t
  • shipping with newest RAP version
  • \r\n\t
  • some bugfixes (Powl API, OntoWiki)
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nYou can download this release at SourceFourge\r\n\r\nBTW: pOWL is now written Powl to avoid questions on how to pronounce the name :-)" . "2008-02-22T21:40:21"^^ . . . "2007-03-20T13:59:56"^^ . "Conf. on Social Semantic Web" . "The AKSW workgroup co-hosts the conference on Social Semantic Web, September 26-28th in Leipzig, Germany. The well known entrepreneur and innovator Kingsley Idehen will give an invited talk on \"Hello Data Web - Exposing the Data Web\". Submission deadline for CSSW is June 1st, so still much time to prepare a submission. All details are to be found at http://aksw.org" . "2008-02-22T21:40:02"^^ . . . "2007-04-29T16:45:55"^^ . "OntoWiki 0.6 released" . "\"Another\r\nWe've released the version 0.6 of our distributed knowledge engineering tool OntoWiki. We re-engineered most part of it to support a more flexible architecture with themes and plugins. OntoWiki is based now on the Zend Framework and requires PHP 5.2 (because of the new __toString() behavior).\r\n\r\nThis is the first stand-alone version of OntoWiki. It still includes Powl but we decided to release both tools separately to provide a more user-friendly installation and setup process.\r\n\r\nChanges in this release includes a themeable interface, a guided installation, basic access control at model scope and some bugfixes in the class tree, the map tab and the auto suggestion feature." . "2008-02-22T21:38:11"^^ . . . "2007-04-03T19:41:28"^^ . "dbpedia is catching on" . "The dbpedia project started by AKSW (together with Chris Bizer from FU Berlin and OpenLink Software) is getting increasingly popular. No wonder, since the over 10 Mio. RDF triples extracted from the English Wikipedia allow the astonishing answering of previously hard-to-answer questions. Who for example knows what connects Leipzig with Innsbruck?\r\n\r\nInteresting articles about dbpedia:\r\nDid You Blink? The Structured Web Just Arrived - Michael K. Bergman (AI\u00C2\u00B3) \r\nDifferent Approaches to the Semantic Web - Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media)\r\nIntegrating Wikipedia and SW - Ivan Herman (W3C)\r\nQuerying Wikipedia like a Database - Mike Linksvayer (Creative Commons)\r\n Interview with S\u00C3\u00B6ren Auer (Semantic Web School)\r\n" . "2008-02-22T21:39:44"^^ . . . "2007-04-13T20:03:57"^^ . "Collaborative Knowledge Construction - The Challenge" . "Next week starts the Knowledge Construction Challenge from the CKC2007, a Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge which is arranged in conjunction with the 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2007) in Banff, Canada.\r\n\r\n
The goal of the CKC challenge is to use the current state of the art for the tools as a jumping off point to collect and discuss requirements for such tools; features that users need; features that they like or dislike.
\r\n\r\nOntoWiki is one of the participating tools and we invite you to participate in the challenge." . "2008-02-22T21:39:25"^^ . . . "2007-04-24T17:50:04"^^ . "DBpedia Hack Night in Copenhagen" . "Via Binary Relations Blog: If you are in the general vicinity of Copenhagen on the evening of the 24th of April (yep, that's tomorrow), and remotely interested in RDF, SPARQL or DBpedia, stop by ITU, where we'll be hacking away from 20:00.\r\n\r\nIf you read Danish, see the original announcement by Claus Dahl in the kitchen: DBPedia hack-aften?\r\n" . "2008-02-22T21:39:06"^^ . . . "2007-04-29T00:24:13"^^ . "New database-driven SPARQL engine for RAP" . "Today our diploma student Christian Weiske finished the last bits of his RAP based database-driven SPARQL engine which implements most parts of the W3C recommendation now. Compared to the current memory-based SPARQL engine in RAP, SparqlEngineDb generates SQL queries to load off the hard work to the database engine. This speeds up SPARQL queries greatly, allowing operation on millions of RDF statements with ease, and without worrying about PHP memory consumption.\r\n\r\nA new version of RAP including the new engine will be released shortly. In the meantime, Powl and OntoWiki internals will be switched to use SPARQL queries making it possible to use different data backends.\r\n" . "2008-02-22T21:38:27"^^ . . . "2007-05-03T12:06:29"^^ . "DBpedia Relationship Finder released" . "Release of the DBpedia Relationship Finder. The relationship finder explores the DBpedia dataset two find out which relations exist between two things. It can answer questions like \"How are Leipzig and the Semantic Web related?\"." . "2008-02-22T21:37:52"^^ . . . "2007-05-18T15:13:40"^^ . "New AKSW Layout" . "Thanks to Michael Haschke - he has provided a new layout both for our wiki @ aksw.org and our blog here. In his diploma thesis he will upgrade OntoWiki for use-cases in the personal knowledge management area. I hope, he will also find time to burnish our OntoWiki GUI ;-) ." . "2007-05-18T15:33:58"^^ . . . "2007-06-06T15:50:57"^^ . "LDAP 2 SPARQL: Accessing RDF Knowledge Bases via LDAP Clients" . "In order to exploit the client support of LDAP directories with the semantic expressivity of RDF knowledge bases, we aim at integrating RDF knowledge bases into LDAP directory services.\r\n\r\nLDAP 2 SPARQL is a Backend to the widely used OpenLDAP server. It translates LDAP queries into SPARQL queries, asks a SPARQL endpoint and translates the result back to LDIF.\r\n\r\nWe've just released LDAP 2 SPARQL 0.2, the first official version the backend. It was presented as a Demo at the 4th European Semantic Web Conference this week ..." . "2008-02-22T21:37:18"^^ . . . "2007-06-07T17:40:22"^^ . "The Scripting for the Semantic Web workshop is over" . "We had 39 registered participants, and a great selection of papers and scripting challenge entries. There are some some photos of the workshop available, and the proceedings are now published as CEUR-WS Vol. 248.\r\n\r\nThe Winner of the Semantic Scripting Challenge was Joshua Shinavier for \"Ripple: Functional Programs as Linked Data\". See the screencast and download the code at http://ripple.fortytwo.net. Well done Joshua!\r\n" . "2008-02-22T21:36:39"^^ . . . "2007-07-02T12:05:37"^^ . "SPARQLer's choice: SparqlEngineDb" . "\"Benchmark\"\r\nChristian Weiske, one of our diploma students, has ran some benchmarks to compare his new PHP SparqlEngineDb to some other implementations (Jena, ARC, Redland). The results are surprising - in most cases, his new SPARQL Engine is faster then all competitors.\r\n

OntoWiki 0.7, which will be released in the next two weeks, will be shipped with this new engine and a nice SPARQL shell.


Detailed benchmark results are available at cweiske.de.

" . "2008-02-22T21:36:15"^^ . . . "2007-08-16T19:27:26"^^ . "OntoWiki 0.7.1 released" . "OntoWiki 0.7.1 is now available for download. This is a bugfix release which closes 25 bugs from version 0.7 See a complete list at the sourceforge bug-tracker (status: deleted, group: OntoWiki 0.7.1)." . "2008-02-22T21:34:29"^^ . . . "2007-07-16T16:59:54"^^ . "OntoWiki downloads skyrocketing" . "\"OntoWiki Within the last year monthly Powl/OntoWiki downloads were skyrocketing. Check out OntoWiki's Sourceforge statistics page, do get more details. They effectively quadrupled within the last year, reached now a level of 400-500 monthly downloads and we expect even higher increases in the upcoming year, as OntoWiki will significantly mature, include many more additional features and be overall easier-to-use also for knowledge engineering novices." . "2008-02-22T21:35:41"^^ . . . "2007-07-21T16:43:52"^^ . "OntoWiki 0.7 released" . "OntoWiki 0.7 is now available for download. Changes in this release include\r\n\r\nNotes for Updaters:\r\n
  • Create a new config.ini from the distributed file, the old 0.6 one doesnt work with 0.7
  • \r\n\t
  • Users are saved as RDF content now, you need to reregister your users.
  • \r\n
\r\n" . "2008-02-22T21:35:30"^^ . . . "2007-07-31T11:16:02"^^ . "DBpedia Relationship Finder Release 2" . "Second Release of the DBpedia Relationship Finder. The Relationship Finder explores the DBpedia infobox dataset to find out which relations exist between two things. It can answer questions like \"How are Leipzig and the Semantic Web related?\". The new version includes, amongst other changes, better algorithms and the possibility to ignore objects and properties." . "2008-02-22T21:35:05"^^ . . . "2007-08-08T16:57:40"^^ . "CSSW programme online" . "The schedule for the conference on Social Semantic Web is available. CSSW is co-organized by AKSW and is part of the multi-conference on Software, Agents, and Services for Business, Research, and E-Sciences (SABRE) Highlights include Kingsley Idehen's keynote, many paper and poster presentations as well as a panel discussion. You may register for CSSW at: http://www.sabre-conference.eu. We look forward to see you in September in Leipzig." . "2008-02-22T21:34:52"^^ . . . "2007-08-23T02:53:17"^^ . "DL-Learner open source software project created" . "The AKSW research group announces the creation of a new software project called DL-Learner. DL-Learner is a tool for learning concepts in Description Logics (DLs) from user-provided examples. Equivalently, it can be used to learn classes in OWL ontologies from selected objects. The goal of DL-Learner is to support knowledge engineers in constructing knowledge and learning about the data they created.\r\n\r\nMore information can be found on the project homepage and the SourceForge.net project page." . "2008-02-22T21:34:11"^^ . . . "2007-08-23T10:58:39"^^ . "Meet us at the GC (Halle 5 / E44)" . "Members of the AKSW group are presenting the SoftWiki research projects at this year\u00E2\u0080\u0099s Games Convention from 23rd to 26th of August in Leipzig. Especially for this event we installed OntoWiki and ATUIN to collect ideas for new electronic games. If you can\u00E2\u0080\u0099t come, you can take a look here: http://gc.softwiki.de." . "2008-02-22T21:33:57"^^ . . . "2007-09-01T13:44:31"^^ . "DL-Learner Build 2007-08-31 released" . "The AKSW group announces the first release of DL-Learner, which we open sourced recently. DL-Learner is available for download at its sourceforge.net project page. Its goal is to learn class definitions from examples. To do this, it implements various learning algorithms, supports different input formats, and can make use of different OWL reasoners. DL-Learner provides a command line interface and a separately released PHP web interface.\r\n" . "2008-02-22T21:32:47"^^ . . . "2007-09-06T19:07:04"^^ . "Triple-I 2007 in Graz" . "

\"Grazer\r\nToday is the second day of the Triple-I Conference in Graz / Austria. Thomas presented the SWORE Ontology for Requirements Engineering which is part of our Softwiki project and I will present the LDAP 2 SPARQL project tomorrow.


Graz is really a nice city with many cultural places of interest and a great old city center with small alley and this castle hill.

" . "2008-02-22T21:32:33"^^ . . . "2007-09-22T13:01:28"^^ . "OntoWiki 0.8 and owcli 0.2 released" . "OntoWiki 0.8 is now available for download. Changes in this release include\r\n
  • A complete new default theme with smarter html structure and a desktop like style with windows and menus
  • \r\n\t
  • Statement Based Access Control (experimental)
  • \r\n\t
  • Improved RDF/XML exporter for resources and models
  • \r\n\t
  • Support for hidden classes
  • \r\n\t
  • Several GUI enhancements (see a complete list in the changelog)
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nAdditionally, we've released the second version of our OntoWiki Command Line Interface (owcli). owcli is a php-based command line tool to administrate and manipulate OntoWiki Knowledge Bases. Changes in release 0.2 include:\r\n
  • Support for SPARQL queries (table and graph output)
  • \r\n\t
  • bash autocompletion
  • \r\n\t
  • New commands for content subscriptions, geocoding and much more
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nYou can download OntoWiki and owcli in our SF File Section." . "2008-02-22T21:31:53"^^ . . . "2007-10-29T18:07:51"^^ . "More than 8.000 Cofundos.org visitors" . "Cofundos.org is now online for the first week and we would like to take the chance to thank everybody who has registered and to give you some updates.\r\n\r\nWe are very happy, that Cofundos got some coverage in news channels and blogs (e.g. Heise, linux.com and many others). Due to that, we had in the first week more than 8.000 visitors, of which more than 150 registered and created more than 40 projects and were placing roughly 100 bids amounting Euro 3700.\r\n\r\nThe numbers suggest, that most people find Cofundos interesting but maybe not yet fully comprehend the potential of pooling ideas and resources for funding open source:\r\n\r\nImagine if 1 Million users and people interested in open-source donate only 10 Euro a year and contribute ideas, requirements and votes, how this could accelerate the open-source movement.\r\n\r\n\r\nIn order to achieve this vision we would really appreciate your help:\r\n
  • please blog about Cofundos, put a link on your Web site and invite everybody you know to participate,
  • \r\n\t
  • continue to post ideas for new projects and comment existing ones, check the projects if there is something you like and bid
  • \r\n\t
  • if you posted a project idea, send a notification to relevant mailing lists, to newsgroups and people who regularly blog about related topics
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nIn the next weeks we plan to roll out many small and large Cofundos improvements, e.g. a newly designed Web site, better integration with 3rd party Web sites & applications and much more - stay tuned." . "2008-02-22T21:29:40"^^ . . . "2007-09-26T22:27:03"^^ . "CSSW started today" . "The Conference on Social Semantic Web, which is co-organized by AKSW started today with a keynote by Kingsley Idehen. We look forward to two days of paper presentations, demos, discussions and hands-on-work. More information about the program can be found at http://aksw.org/cssw." . "2008-02-22T21:31:17"^^ . . . "2007-09-28T23:25:20"^^ . "CSSW is over" . "Two days of presentations, demos and discussions about Social Semantic Web approaches, tools and benefits are over. We had more participants than expected - social semantic collaboration seems to be indeed a hot topic. Kingsley Idehen's keynote about the Data Web did not just excite CSSW participants but visitors of other SABRE conferences as well. We were very happy to incorporate some late breaking additions to the program, among them Santtu Toivonen's talk about \"Web on the Move - Landscapes of Mobile Social Media\" and Marc Fleischmann's inspiring sMeet presentation \"sMeet - Bringing a Rich and Realistic Communication Experience to the Global Virtual Society\". CSSW concluded on Thursday with a panel discussion about obstacles and benefits of the Social Semantic Web and a come together in the restaurant Pier1 at lake Cosupden." . "2008-02-22T21:31:04"^^ . . . "2007-10-22T04:42:24"^^ . "Open-source innovation platform Cofundos.org" . "Cofundos.org is a novel platform for spurring innovation and development of open-source software. It can have quite an impact on open-source and web collaboration in general: Cofundos.org is about revealing bright ideas regarding the development of open-source software and attracting a critical mass for their realization. The main idea of Cofundos.org is to share innovative (open-source) ideas, to refine them and to mobilize funding for their realization.\r\n\r\nThere exist now already a number of Web sites and services empowering its users to pool resources in order to achieve certain goals.\r\nPledgebank for example is a universal pledging service, whereas Fundable is a platform for goal-oriented fundraising.Change.org, tries to connect people concerned about certain causes with non-profit organizations that relate to them. And when it comes to widgets, ChipIn makes it easy to embed dynamic fundraising boxes into any website. There are a number of Facebook applications as well.\r\n\r\nMissing so far was a platform exploiting the power of many distinctively for open-source software development. This is the aim of Cofundos.org. The concept is based on the following principles:\r\n\r\n
  • Open-knowledge and open-source. All ideas and contributions on Cofundos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. All project outcomes must be licensed under an OSI approved open-source license.
  • \r\n
  • Reputation and community. Bright ideas and excellent solutions often originate from outstanding individuals. But it needs a community to mature these ideas and solutions and in order to bring the critical mass together for their realization.
  • \r\n
  • Fairness and trust. An open, accountable and transparent environment will foster fair communication and trustworthy relationships between its users.
  • \r\n
  • Big impacts can be achieved in small steps. Conceiving and realising bright ideas does not require many year developments or huge amounts of funding. Their realisation can be achieved by bringing together innovative ideas with clearly defined features and requirements based on community involvement and fostering their accomplishment by committed specialists.\r\n
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nIn addition to these principles, Cofundus.org is entirely semantically interoperable - all (non-sensitive) content is accessible in the form of Atom, JSON feeds or as RDF export. Cofundos invites everybody to register or login using OpenId and to post software ideas, requirements or even bid for the realization of existing projects.\r\n\r\nCofundos is operated by the Agile Knowledge and Semantic Web research group (AKSW) at the Department of Business Information Systems at Universit\u00C3\u00A4t Leipzig. It is supported by the collaborative research project SoftWiki and the International Association of Online Engineering." . "2008-02-22T21:29:51"^^ . . . "2007-11-10T21:56:45"^^ . "Cofundos.org redesigned" . "Michael Haschke (eye48.com) redesigned Cofundos.org. We hope the new Cofundos layout is clearer, better scalable and generally more consistent. It was developed according to the guidelines of W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative. The new theme is completely based on CSS and is largely barrier-free. Let us know, if you have remarks or see room for tweaks." . "2008-02-22T21:29:28"^^ . . . "2007-11-13T10:27:28"^^ . "DBpedia-Presentation at ISWC" . "S\u00C3\u00B6ren presented today the paper \"DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data\" at International Semantic Web Conference in Busan, Korea. You can view the slides here." . "2008-02-22T21:29:10"^^ . . . "2008-01-08T06:16:58"^^ . "Interview regarding Cofundos.org" . "The Semantic Web School just published an interview with Cofundos founder S\u00C3\u00B6ren Auer on Cofundos and the vision of participatory R&D. Read the interview here." . "2008-02-22T21:27:42"^^ . . . "2007-11-14T14:47:09"^^ . "First Contact (Introducing xOperator)" . "\"xOperatorFresh from the subversion repository, our new semantic agent project xOperator is now able to play with my local OntoWiki knowledge bases. The initial development to this tool will be done by J\u00C3\u00B6rg Unbehauen as part of his master thesis.\r\n\r\n
xOperator tries to create a decentralized network of trust. Information is shared in the form of resources, which can be anything (even the information that you are selling your old washing machine). In a later stage it enables you to find friends of friends like centralized services, can already. At the end of the road, xOperator might even be able to find the best product for you without the normally necessary tedious internet research. Companies will be able to offer semantic annotated information about their products, giving the customer a new way of yet unknown price transparency.
\r\n\r\n\r\n\"FirstAlthough xOperator is able to use any SPARQL endpoint out there, our main use case is to marry it with OntoWiki. Users should be able to use the agent just as an additional view to the knowledge bases of their OntoWiki installation.\r\n\r\nTo do this, it will be possible not only to ask the agent with special query languages like SPARQL but also to ask him with natural language. To achieve this, xOperator will map templates based on the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) to SPARQL queries and transform the XML result set to the instant message which will be send back to the user.\r\n\r\n

Implementation Status

The agent is able to log into existing accounts and can receive querying and configuration commands. The template based query generation is still a bit quirky. Queries can only be executed against locally configured data stores, the p2p part is not yet implemented.
\r\n\r\nIf you're interested in the project, please write to the public mailing list xoperator-public in our SourceForge area. The official homepage is http://aksw.org/Projects/xOperator" . "2008-02-22T21:28:48"^^ . . . "2007-12-02T16:49:39"^^ . "Embed Cofundos.org into your Website" . "We released a kiosk modus for Cofundos today, which allows to embed the complete Cofundos.org functionality into your Web site.\r\n\r\nThis is realized by defining an HTML template which should be used for the kiosk and one (or multiple tags) of projects to be shown in the kiosk. The kiosk will be reachable via its own address (e.g. kioskname.cofundos.org). Once signed in, you can create a kiosk for your website at http://cofundos.org/kiosk.php.\r\n\r\nThe new Cofundos kiosk mode allows for example open-source projects to seamlessly integrate Cofundos functionality into their Web sites." . "2008-02-22T21:28:19"^^ . . . "2008-02-03T03:02:35"^^ . "OntoWiki Eyetracking" . "\r\n\"OntoWiki\r\n

Yesterday, Steffen Lohmann from the Interactive Systems Working Group at the University of Duisburg-Essen has surprised me with very nice eyetracking images from an OntoWiki 0.7.1 session last year which was arranged in the scope of the SoftWiki project.


We will meet in Duisburg this march and repeat the experiment with the OntoWiki theme which was introduced in 0.8. The results can lead to more GUI enhancements in the OntoWiki default theme and of course I'm looking forward to play around with this very cool technology! :-)

" . "2008-02-04T00:49:23"^^ . . . "2008-01-22T17:21:58"^^ . "Open Source Meets Business 2008" . "Today, S\u00C3\u00B6ren presents OntoWiki at the Open Source Meets Business conference (22. \u00E2\u0080\u0093 24. Januar 2008 in N\u00C3\u00BCrnberg). In preparation for this talk, I've prepared a new screencast, which showcases an OntoWiki demo session, which is interrupted by some explanatory bubbles ..." . "2008-02-22T21:26:40"^^ . . . "2008-02-09T17:00:15"^^ . "DBpedia 3.0 Release" . "Hereby, we announce the availability of the DBpedia 3.0 final release. Most notably, multi-language support was improved, new linked data sets added, and extraction code improved. Compared to the 3.0 release candidate, a number of extraction framework and data set bugs reported at our sourceforge.net bug tracker were fixed.\r\n\r\nOverall, the combined download size of all provided NT and CSV files is 5,0 GB (uncompressed: 48,1 GB). The available data sets contain 92M triples (excluding 126M triples for internal Wikipedia links). DBpedia's coverage grows to 2.4M entities for the English edition in this release, thanks to the hard-working Wikipedia contributors.\r\n\r\nThe extraction was performed on a server of our research group. I would like to thank J\u00C3\u00B6rg Sch\u00C3\u00BCppel, S\u00C3\u00B6ren Auer, Chris Bizer, Richard Cyganiak, Georgi Kobilarov, the OpenLink team, and many other contributors for their DBpedia support.\r\n\r\nDBpedia 3.0 Downloads | DBpedia 3.0 Changelog" . "2008-02-09T17:00:15"^^ . . . "2008-02-18T18:04:53"^^ . "DL-Learner Build 2008-02-18 released" . "Hereby, we announce the availability of DL-Learner Build 2008-02-18, the second DL-Learner release. DL-Learner is a tool for learning complex classes from examples and background knowledge. It extends Inductive Logic Programming to Description Logics and the Semantic Web.\r\n\r\nDownloads are available at the sf.net project page. For a list of the most important changes since the last release (Build 2007-08-31), see the Changelog. Most notably, DL-Learner now has a flexible component based design, which allows to extend it easily with new learning algorithms, learning problems, reasoners, and supported background knowledge sources. A new type of supported knowledge sources are SPARQL endpoints, from which DL-Learner can extract knowledge fragments, which enables learning classes even on large knowledge sources like DBpedia. Furthermore, DL-Learner now supports learning from positive examples only, inclusion axiom learning, the usage of N-Triple files as background knowledge, the OWL API reasoner interface, and has a more powerful web service interface. I'd like to thank Sebastian Hellmann, Sebastian Knappe, and Tilo Hielscher for their support." . "2008-02-18T18:04:53"^^ . . . "2008-02-20T20:08:31"^^ . "xOperator 0.1 released" . "xOperator combines advantages of social network websites with instant messaging. It tries to be a semantic agent for xmpp / jabber network which finds and shares content about resources (using RDF/SPARQL) for you and your jabber friends.\r\n\r\nThe first public version of xOperator is now available for dowload. It includes the following features:\r\n
  • basic xmpp account management (user account, proxy account)
  • \r\n\t
  • management of query templates, datastores and namespaces directly with your jabber client
  • \r\n\t
  • simple query templates for easy starting with xOperator
  • \r\n\t
  • query scripts in groovy for advanced queries and post processing
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nLinks: Homepage, Changelog, Mailing list" . "2008-02-22T21:24:39"^^ . . . "2008-02-15T17:01:39"^^ . "4th ESWC Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web" . "As already during the last 4 years we again organize this year a workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web, co-located on June 1st with European Semantic Web Conference in Tenerife, Spain. Scripting languages as PHP, JavaScript, Ruby etc. will play a crucial role for getting the Semantic Web out on a large scale and most of the really deployed Semantic Web applications (e.g. Semantic MediaWiki, DBpedia, Tabulator etc.) are implemented in scripting languages. The deadline for submitting papers to the workshop is March 7th. The workshop will also include a challenge, which awards an (iPod or the equivalent in cash) to the most promising lightweight Semantic Web Application developed in a scripting language. Details can be found at: http://www.semanticscripting.org/SFSW2008" . "2008-02-22T21:25:26"^^ . . . "2008-02-21T16:26:42"^^ . "OPDW-ONE: First OntoWiki Plugin Developer Workshop" . "

When & Where?

\r\nNext week (27.02.2008) we arrange the first OntoWiki Plugin Developer Workshop (OPDW-ONE :-) ) at the IfI / University of Leipzig (room 5-10 3-36).\r\n\r\n

Group of Participants

  • OntoWiki Core Team: Christoph Riess, Michael Haschke, Norman Heino, Philipp Frischmuth, Sebastian Dietzold
  • \r\n\t
  • Plugin Developer: Ceriel Jacobs (vakantieland.nl), Deniz Dalli (Interactive Systems), Martin Peklo, Maria Moritz, Michael Martin, Leszek Kotas, Thomas Kappel, Rolland Brunec
  • \r\n



Deliverables after the Workshop

  • Plugin development cookbook for common plugin problems
  • \r\n\t
  • Example plugin which uses most tricks of the plugin development cookbook
  • \r\n\t
  • Screencast of the team programming session (maybe)
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nThe workshop language is german. If you are interested in participation or want your own OntoWiki workshop drop a note to me." . "2008-02-27T11:06:57"^^ . . . "2008-02-27T18:52:58"^^ . "Triplify - technology preview" . "Solely for the reader community of the AKSW blog we have a technology preview, which we hope will increase the amount of semantics on the Web and maybe even provide the missing spark for a large scale deployment of semantic technologies on the Web. Triplify is a minimalistic technique to \"semantify\" Web applications by exposing information from their relational database backends as RDF, JSON and Linked Data. The required effort to do so is minimal - just some SQL queries selecting the information to be made available have to added to the Triplify configuration. Triplify cares about everything else.\r\n\r\nThe Triplify implementation and further information is available from the still preliminary web site at: http://triplify.org" . "2008-03-29T15:32:57"^^ . . . "2008-02-25T12:54:45"^^ . "Goodbye SourceForge ..." . "\"xOperator\r\nThe xOperator Project is moved to Google Code which is much faster (the tracker, not the subversion repository) and has some nice features (e.g. the customizable grid view).\r\n\r\nTraditionally we use SourceForge.net for our open source project management. SF is a great side and I'm member of 9 projects there but it was time to move. Basically its a matter of speed. I work every day on tracker items like bug reports, feature requests and tasks for one of our projects and the sf-page is very slow in comparison to google code and also in comparison to our tracker for commercial projects (we use mantis for that).\r\n\r\nProject resources of xOperator are now Issue Tracker, Downloads and Mailinglist (moved to google groups). Our homepage @ aksw.org does not move." . "2008-02-27T18:44:29"^^ . . . "2008-03-16T05:28:42"^^ . "Triplify - expose semantics!" . "\"Triplify\r\n\r\nAfter a first preview release a couple of weeks ago we worked hard to prepare a first public release of Triplify. We fixed a number of bugs and added several additional features, some example configurations for popular Web applications were created and the Web site was completely overhauled: Michael Haschke created the new Triplify logo as well as the design and most other visuals on the site. For those who missed the first Triplify announcement:\r\n\r\nTriplify enables the effortless \u00E2\u0080\u009Csemantification\u00E2\u0080\u009D of Web applications. Triplify is a small plugin for Web applications, which reveals the semantic structures encoded in relational databases by making database content available as RDF, JSON or Linked Data.\r\n\r\n\"Triplify\r\n\r\nTriplify is very light weight: It consists just of few files with less than 500 lines of code. For a typical Web application a configuration for Triplify can be created in less than one hour and if this Web application is deployed multiple times (as most open-source Web applications are) the configuration can be reused without modifications.\r\n\r\nTriplify makes Web applications easier mashable and lays the foundation for next generation, semantics based Web searches.\r\n\r\nMore infos, the software release, some example configurations for OpenConf, Open Journal Systems, WackoWiki, WordPress and Drupal are available from: http://triplify.org" . "2008-08-02T13:50:29"^^ . . . "2008-03-25T16:22:47"^^ . "Triplification with Google's Summer of Code" . "We did not participate as a mentor this year in Google's Summer of Code program. However, there seem to be some Triplify related projects appearing. The PHP Content Management System Joomla! for example aims at integrating Triplify within a GSoC project:\r\n\r\nhttp://docs.joomla.org/Code_04000\r\n\r\nAlso the Drupal community is actively discussing to integrated Semantic Web and Linked Data interfaces such as Triplify. Probably also a number of other PHP related projects would be excited to see a Triplify integration. If you as a student are interested in participating and earning $5000 during the summer, just suggest a corresponding project to one of the GSoC mentors. But hurry, the application deadline ends March 31st.\r\nBTW: You will also be eligible to participate in the Triplification Challenge we are currently preparing with the chance to win an MacBook Air, an EeePC or an IPod Touch." . "2008-03-25T16:24:48"^^ . . . "2008-04-09T03:53:04"^^ . "Triplify 0.3 released" . "We just release a new version of our Web application plugin Triplify, which exposes structured data from relational databases as Linked Date, RDF, and JSON. This release contains a number of bugfixes and impovements. Most notable the compatibility with PHP4 was improved and the possibility to add meta-data to your RDF added.\r\n\r\nThese are the changes in V0.3 (08-04-2008):\r\n * added owl:imports statement importing the vocabulary\r\n * added rdfs:comment about generator\r\n * configuration variable \"register\" added\r\n * Syntax for indicating objectProperties added:\r\n SELECT id,user_id 'sioc:has_creator->user'\r\n * Configuration variable $triplify['cachedir'] added\r\n * proper UTF8 encoding of literals added (thanks to Rolf Strathewerd)\r\n * Configuration variable $triplify['license'] added\r\n * Configuration variable $triplify['LinkedDataDepth'] added\r\n * Configuration variable $triplify['metadata'] added\r\n * Configuration variable $triplify['CallbackFunctions'] added\r\n" . "2008-04-09T17:13:24"^^ . . . "2008-03-28T13:28:07"^^ . "Article about Cofundos in this years OpenSourceJahrbuch edition" . "This years edition of the renowned German OpenSourceJahrbuch contains an overview article about Cofundos (in German)." . "2008-03-29T15:32:23"^^ . . . "2008-04-09T22:19:53"^^ . "LOD Triplification Challenge" . "Together with this years I-Semantics conference we are organizing a Linking Open Data Triplification Challenge.\r\n\r\nThe challenge aims at expediting the process of revealing and exposing structured (relational) representations, which already back most of the existing Web sites, as well as raising awareness in the Web Developer community and showcasing best practices.\r\n\r\nThe challenge awards attractive prices (MacBook Air, EeePC, iPod) to the most innovative and promising semantifications. The prizes are kindly sponsored by OpenLink Software, Punkt.NetServices and InfAI.\r\n\r\nMore Information about the challenge can be found at:\r\n\r\nhttp://triplify.org/Challenge\r\n\r\nOutreach to the Web developer communities (as intended with the challenge) is really crucial right now to expedite the Semantic Web deployment and we would be very excited if you support this effort - e.g. by spreading the word and/or submitting to the challenge." . "2008-04-09T22:21:14"^^ . . . "2008-04-22T05:43:13"^^ . "Joomla! triplification starts as Google Summer of Code project" . "Danh Le Phouc (a computer science PhD student from DERI Galway) is starting the Google Summer of Code project \"Joomla! semantification - expose Joomla data as RDF and Linked Data\". Danh already created a first guess for a Joomla! Triplify configuration (available at http://triplify.org/Configuration/Joomla)). Work of the project will focus on tighter integrating Triplify into Joomla! and showcasing the benefits of of the Joomla! triplification to the user community. The GSoC project is mentored by S\u00C3\u00B6ren." . "2008-04-22T13:21:19"^^ . . . "2008-07-08T12:52:46"^^ . "CfP: International Workshop on Interacting with Multimedia Content in the Social Semantic Web (IMC-SSW 2008)" . "Media sharing and social networking websites have attracted many millions of users resulting in vast collections of user generated content. The contents are typically poorly structured and spread over several platforms, each supporting specific media types. With the increasing growth and diversity of these websites, new ways to access and manage the contents are required - both within and across web platforms.\r\n\r\nThis workshop focuses on the interaction with these multimedia contents. We are particularly interested in contributions that follow Web 2.0 principles of simplicity and/or social navigation in combination with the representation, annotation, and linking power of the Semantic Web.\r\n\r\nThe Submission Deadline is the 14th September. A complete workshop description including topics of interest and important dates is available at http://aksw.org/Events/2008/IMCSSW." . "2008-10-14T20:19:58"^^ . . . "2008-08-13T11:17:29"^^ . "DBpedia 3.1 breaks 100 million triples barrier" . "Today, we released DBpedia 3.1. As always in the past years, the size of Wikipedia increased a lot over the past months. The new extraction contains 116,7 million triples, marking an increase of 27% over the previous version. The OpenLink team and the research group around Chris Bizer helped us to produce the release.\r\n\r\nApart from the more recent Wikipedia dumps we used, some notable improvements are a much better YAGO mapping, providing a more complete (more classes assigned to instances) and accurate (95% accuracy) class hierarchy for DBpedia. The Geo extractor code has been improved and is now run for all 14 languages. URI validation has switched to the PEAR validation class. \r\n\r\nDownloads | ChangeLog" . "2008-08-13T11:17:29"^^ . . . "2008-05-06T13:15:43"^^ . "AKSW presentation at LinkedDataPlanet in NYC" . "S\u00C3\u00B6ren will give a presentation \"From DBpedia to OntoWiki - Emergent Data and Semantics from Social Collaboration\" at this years LinkedDataPlaned Conference & Expo on June 18, 2008 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. The presentation will cover AKSW's current work regarding social semantic collaboration (i.e. DBpedia and OntoWiki) and light-weight technologies aiming to overcome the chicken-and-egg problem of the Semantic Web (such as Triplify). If you are at the East Coast in June consider joining us for the LinkedDataPlanet and meeting other LinkedData protagonists such as Tim Berners-Lee, Kingsley Idehen and Ian Davis. For those on a tight budget SWC is awarding a free conference pass (worth $1095) or email S\u00C3\u00B6ren (for a guest pass)." . "2008-05-06T13:15:43"^^ . . . "2008-06-10T08:43:25"^^ . "OntoWiki 0.8.5 released" . "The AKSW research group is pleased to announce that OntoWiki 0.8.5 is now available for download. Changes in this release include\r\n\r\nas well as a bunch of bug fixes.\r\n\r\nThe project development site moved from SourceForge to GoogleCode. We have also created two new mailing lists as google groups for user support and development issues. The issue tracker moved a few weeks ago in order to prepare the release (see Goodbye SourceForge ...).\r\n\r\nMany thanks to the main contributors of this OntoWiki release: Norman Heino, Philipp Frischmuth, Christoph Rie\u00C3\u009F and Julian J\u00C3\u00B6ris as well as Michael Haschke and Maria Moritz!\r\n" . "2008-06-10T19:30:41"^^ . . . "2008-05-30T20:27:41"^^ . "ESWC / SFSW 2008" . "\r\n\"OntoWiki\r\n

I will give a talk about our xOperator project at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2008) on Tenerife next Wednesday. The xOperator is an agent for xmpp / jabber network which queries and shares trusted resources (using RDF/SPARQL) for you and your jabber friends. In addition to the full paper, we got good reviews for the demo session too. So I present the xOperator in a more technical way at the demo session on Tuesday.


Another project which we started here is RDFAPI-JS. I present this work at the Scripting for the Semantic Web Workshop (SFSW2008) which is co-located with the ESWC. RDFAPI-JS is used for RDFa widgets which can be used to modify embedded RDF models.


Thanks to J\u00C3\u00B6rg, Martin and Seppl (and of course Haschek for the awesome poster) which helped me preparing the demo and the presentations. Sorry for this last week ... :-)


For more information about the projects, have a look at the following publications:\r\n


" . "2008-09-09T16:20:11"^^ . . . "2008-07-15T18:17:50"^^ . "ParticipatoryResearch initiative launched" . "This ParticipatoryResearch initiative launched by AKSW aims at developing and promoting the concept of stakeholder-driven research. Goals are to (1) develop a prediction market model for research funding, (2) implement a Web platform for organising this market and the participatory research process, (3) persuade research funding agencies to use this platform for managing a part of their research portfolio.\r\n\r\nA first step towards this goal was made with Cofundos.org \u00E2\u0080\u0093 a market for open-source software R&D. The Web site of the ParticipatoryResearch initiative is hosted at: http://wiki.Cofundos.org." . "2008-07-31T14:22:49"^^ . . . "2008-08-06T19:18:17"^^ . "xOperator 0.2 pre-release reunion" . "

After some weeks of silence, Sebastian asked for a pre-release meeting for the 0.2 release of xOperator which we held today. We updated the issue tracker and talked about future plans and ideas. For this, J\u00C3\u00B6rg and Sebastian created presentations:


We plan the xOperator 0.2 release for the last week of August. Overall, this release includes all the features which I've presented at the ESWC 2008 Demo session. In addition to this, we will present a web-based configuration tool where users can easily create their own xOperator setup file.

" . "2008-08-06T19:31:20"^^ . . . "2008-07-31T03:27:15"^^ . "Triplification Challenge Nominations" . "Out of the submissions for the LOD Triplification Challenge we received eight were nominated to win one of the three prizes. The submissions and demos can be viewed on the challenge nominations page. The final decision about the winners of the challenge will be made by the organizing committee. The prizes will be awarded at I-SEMANTICS 2008, 3\u00E2\u0080\u00935 September 2008, Graz, Austria.\r\n\r\nPlease vote for your personal favorite (using the poll widget on the nominations page) and invite your friends and colleagues to do so as well. Although this will not have a formal influence on the committee decision the winner of the community vote will draw more attention and finally earn a honorable mention." . "2008-07-31T14:21:27"^^ . . . "2008-08-01T01:04:45"^^ . "Triplify 0.4 released" . "We just released version 0.4 of the Triplify script. After the initial release several months ago we made quite some additions and bug fixes the most important of which are:\r\n\r\n
  • Update log functionality added - allows Semantic Web crawlers to get incremental updates, see http://triplify.org/vocabulary/update
  • \r\n\t
  • linked data publication now also works without Apache's mod_rewrite
  • \r\n\t
  • Syntax for indicating objectProperties added, e.g.:SELECT id,user_id 'sioc:has_creator->user'
  • \r\n\t
  • Additional metadata can now be added via $triplify['metadata']
  • \r\n\t
  • The configuration variable $triplify['CallbackFunctions'] allows programmatic post processing of DB content
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nThanks to everybody contributing bug fixes or comments (especially Sebastian Hellmann, Danh Le Phuoc, Rolf Strathewerd, Elias Theodorou)." . "2008-08-06T18:38:04"^^ . . . "2008-09-08T15:48:49"^^ . "OntoWiki 0.8.6 released" . "This is a bugfix release with minor enhancements. We fixed some issues from the user community. The most important enhancement is the support for HTTPS now. For a list of all issues, have a look at the Changelog." . "2008-09-08T17:05:48"^^ . . . "2008-10-14T20:18:56"^^ . "IMC-SSW 2008 - Accepted Submissions" . "The IMC-SSW Programme Committee has now finished the task of selecting papers for the International Workshop on Interacting with Multimedia Content in the Social Semantic Web (IMC-SSW). The list of accepted submissions is available at the workshop homepage. We thank all authors for submitting papers and look forward to seeing you in Koblenz in December." . "2008-10-14T20:19:38"^^ . . . "2008-09-07T19:41:41"^^ . "Triplification Challenge Winners" . "We are very pleased to announce that the winners of this years Triplification Challenge were awarded on September 5th at I-Semantics 2008. The winners are:\r\n\r\n1st prize (Macbook Air): Linked Movie Data Base\r\nby Oktie Hassanzadeh, Mariano Consens\r\nhttp://www.linkedmdb.org\r\n\r\n2nd prize (eeePC): DBTune by Yves Raimond\r\nhttp://dbtune.org\r\n\r\n3rd prize (iPod): Semantic Web Pipes by Danh Le Phuoc\r\nhttp://pipes.deri.org\r\n\r\nFurther information can be found on the Challenge homepage.\r\n\r\nSome impressions from the award ceremony at I-Semantics after Tom Heath's keynote \"Humans and the Web of Data\" are available at Flickr.\r\n\r\nWe are very thankful to those nominees who did not win this year. We are also grateful to the Challenge sponsors OpenLink, Punkt.NetServices and InfAI, without the Challenge would not have been possible." . "2008-09-08T14:25:32"^^ . . . "2008-10-13T18:57:29"^^ . "OpenResearch.org launched" . "A large portion of their time researchers are searching for information, e.g. about calls, people, projects, tools, journals. Such information is not always easy to find and it is consequently difficult especially for young researchers or researchers crossing community boundaries to quickly get relevant information. Semantic Wiki's are tools, where many people can collectively gather, structure and organize content - not just textually, but also semantically. In order to improve access to scientific information, increase transparency and efficiency of research, we have set up a semantic Wiki for science meta-data at: http://OpenResearch.org." . "2008-10-13T18:58:27"^^ . . . "2008-10-13T19:07:10"^^ . "Web of Data Practitioners Days" . "On 22nd of October S\u00C3\u00B6ren will give a talk at the Web of Data Practitioners Days in Vienna. Topics of the talk will be\r\nhow to expose RDF data from existing Web applications and how structured and semi-structured legacy data sources can be exposed as RDF and Linked Data.\r\n\r\nIn particular we will present Triplify - a lightweight plugin for Web applications, D2R - a mapping system which allows to expose relational data as RDF and enables mappings of SPARQL queries to SQL queries on the underlying relational databases, Virtuoso's RDF Views - a technology, which is part of the Virtuoso Universal Server - a combined database and triple store - and which has similar functionality as Triplify and D2R. We will demonstrate how Wikis can serve as a source for structured content and semantics with the example of how DBpedia extracts knowledge from Wikipedia. We will show how OpenCalais can be used to annotate textual content. Last but not least we will explain how to expose other legacy sources, in particular from LDAP directories, CSV/Excel files, digital libraries with OAI-PMH." . "2008-10-13T19:07:10"^^ . . . "2008-10-13T19:22:52"^^ . "DL-Learner Build 2008-10-13 released" . "Today, we released DL-Learner Build 2008-10-13. DL-Learner is a tool for learning complex class descriptions from examples and background knowledge. It extends Inductive Logic Programming to Description Logics and the Semantic Web.\r\n\r\nDownloads are available at the sourceforge.net project page. For a list of the most important changes since the previous release (Build 2008-02-18), see the ChangeLog. Some notable features are:\r\n
  • addition of a new learning algorithm, which uses background knowledge more efficiently to find solutions of learning problems
  • \r\n
  • a GUI as interface to create or modify configuration files and execute algorithms
  • \r\n
  • a fast approximate instance checking algorithm decreasing the time for example coverage checks (the most expensive operation) significantly, thereby improving overall performance
  • \r\n
  • a matured fragment extraction algorithm, which allows to grab OWL-DL fragments from large knowledge bases (using SPARQL), which contain enough relevant information to conduct concept learning, while they are small enough to reason efficiently (more information)
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nDL-Learner can be used to:\r\n
  • solve general supervised Machine Learning problems using ontologies as background knowledge (given as OWL files, SPARQL endpoints, etc.) , e.g. it was used to predict whether chemicals can cause cancer
  • \r\n
  • help knowledge engineers by learning definitions and subclass axioms (plugins for Prot\u00C3\u00A9g\u00C3\u00A9 and OntoWiki in progress)
  • \r\n
  • support searching/navigating/recommendations in knowledge bases
  • \r\n
" . "2008-10-13T19:22:52"^^ . . . "2008-11-16T17:57:12"^^ . "IMC-SSW 2008 - Proceedings Online" . "

The IMC-SSW 2008 proceedings are now available via the CEUR Workshop Proceedings publication service. You can download either the complete proceeding as one single PDF document or select a specific paper from the proceedings page.

\r\n" . "2008-11-16T17:59:05"^^ . . . "2008-11-10T19:16:22"^^ . "Semantic-Web.at Interview on DBpedia and UMBEL" . "Semantic-Web.at published an interview titled \"DBpedia, UMBEL & the Future Web\u00E2\u0080\u0099s Ecology\" with S\u00C3\u00B6ren Auer and Mike Bergman. Read more at: http://blog.semantic-web.at/2008/11/10/umbel-dbpedia-futureweb-ecology-interview/" . "2008-11-16T17:52:18"^^ . . . "2008-12-10T20:42:00"^^ . "OSM Linked Geo Data extraction, browser & editor" . "We were working in the last weeks on bringing geo data derived from the marvelous OpenStreetMap project to the data web. This work in progress is still far from being finished, however, we would like to share some first preliminary results:\r\n\r\n
  • A vast amount of point-of-interest descriptions was extracted from OSM and published as Linked Data at http://linkedgeodata.org
  • \r\n\r\n\t
  • The Linked Geo Data browser and editor (available at http://linkedgeodata.org/browser) is a facet-based browser for geo content, which uses an OLAP inspired hypercube for quickly retrieving aggregated information about any user selected area on earth.\r\n
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nFurther information can be also found in our AKSW project description.\r\n" . "2009-02-11T09:05:46"^^ . . . "2008-12-22T16:23:49"^^ . "Prot\u00C3\u00A9g\u00C3\u00A9 DL-Learner plugin 0.1" . "Today, we released a plugin for Protege 4, the upcoming release of the popular ontology editor. The plugin allows you to get suggestions for axioms you may want to add to your OWL ontology by analysing the instance data using the DL-Learner framework. You can get an idea of how it can help you in engineering an ontology by watching our screencast. It is very easy to download and install by simply copying a file into your Protege 4 plugin directory. More information can be found on the plugin wiki page. Thanks to Christian K\u00C3\u00B6tteritzsch for implementing the plugin and a Merry Christmas to all AKSW blog readers." . "2008-12-22T16:23:49"^^ . . . "2009-02-11T16:28:58"^^ . "Leipziger Semantic Web Tag on 29th of April" . "In the context of our recently started BmBF funded WK-Potential project LE4SW we organize a Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT) in order to get more in touch with enterprises from Saxony and to raise awareness about the opportunities Semantic Web technologies offer for small and medium sized companies. The day will take place at the marvelous Mediencampus Villa Ida and will comprise talks about fundamental Semantic Data Web technology pillars as well as presentations from an application and user perspective. More information about the LSWT can be found (in German) at: http://aksw.org/Events/2009/LeipzigerSemanticWebDay." . "2009-04-30T14:54:15"^^ . . . "2009-02-10T00:56:14"^^ . "Paper on Triplify accepted at WWW 2009" . "Our paper \"Triplify - Light-weight Linked Data Publication from Relational Databases\" was accepted for the Semantic Data Web track at this years World Wide Web Conference. In the paper we discuss the motivation, workings of Triplify as well as its spatial and update log extensions. WWW 2009 will take place from April 20th to 24th in Madrid. Besides paper presentations WWW 2009 also includes a workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2009)." . "2009-02-11T09:03:47"^^ . . . "2009-02-11T15:42:27"^^ . "DBpedia Live Extraction Test Server" . "We currently feature a live extraction of DBpedia on one of our servers. The live extraction is aimed at bringing Wikipedia and DBpedia closer together. Errors in DBpedia can soon be corrected directly by editing the corresponding Wikipedia article.\r\nWe created a test page on Wikipedia for observing the effects of the live extraction on the endpoint at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:DBpedia\r\n\r\nOur further plans regarding the live extraction are:\r\n
  • Changing the current Virtuoso version to 6.0, which will come out soon (counting the days...)\r\nNote: since Virtuoso has a Wikipedia page with an Infobox, you could tell your personal semantic agent to notify you, as soon as the 6.0 release is out, as it can now be queried with SPARQL on DBpedia-Live. See the Wikipedia page, DBpedia and DBpedia-Live (Addition: Kidehen just contacted us and installed a DBpedia vad on our DBpedia mirror and now the data is accessible via LinkedData also. See http://db0.aksw.org:8890/resource/Virtuoso_Universal_Server. Note the owl:sameAs link to the original DBpedia.)
  • \r\n
  • Getting all extractors online (some are deactivated right now)
  • \r\n
  • Gathering feedback from the community, as DBpedia is a vital resource of the Semantic Web.
  • \r\n
  • Deploy the Live-Extraction on the public DBpedia endpoint.
  • \r\n
  • Deploy an OntoWiki on our DBpedia-Live mirror.
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\nAs we are in the phase of active developments, we are looking forward to receive your feedback and comments on the live extraction and our further ideas (described below).\r\n\r\nWorkings of the algorithm:\r\nEach extractor now has 3 different states:\r\nActive, Keep, Purge, which can be used (in order) to update triples, leave triples unchanged, remove triples.\r\nAs each extractor is responsible for certain properties in DBpedia and the overlapping is low, we used this to determine which triples to keep and which to delete. Let's say an article like dbpedia:Berlin is updated. First the current triples which have dbpedia:Berlin as subject are retrieved from DBpedia-Live via a SPARQL. A Diff is created and all triples that changed are deleted and all new ones are updated. When an extractor, such as the ExternalLinksExtractor, is in status 'Keep' a filter is imposed on the SPARQL query, which filters all triples with properties corresponding to the extractor (in this case http://dbpedia.org/property/reference) . The triples, which are filtered out during retrieval, do not show up in the Diff and will therefore be deleted. Certain properties such as owl:sameAs are always included in the filter, as they are not generated by any DBpedia extractors.\r\nAlso more sophisticated filters like triples with a certain namespace as predicate and object. This gives control over which data to keep, remove, update in DBpedia.\r\n\r\nThis is an example of the current filters imposed on the queries as on our test server (!regex is very fast, while regex isn't). From these, It is also possible to guess which extractors are currently still deactivated:\r\nSELECT * WHERE { ?p ?o.FILTER(\r\n((!regex(str(?p), 'http://dbpedia.org/property/wikilink'))\r\n&&(!regex(str(?p), 'http://dbpedia.org/property/wordnet_type'))\r\n&&(!regex(str(?p), 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs'))\r\n&&(!regex(str(?p), 'http://dbpedia.org/property/abstract'))\r\n&&(!regex(str(?p), 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment'))\r\n&&(!regex(str(?p), 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/depiction'))\r\n&&(!regex(str(?p), 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/img'))\r\n&&(!regex(str(?p), 'http://dbpedia.org/property/hasPhotoCollection'))\r\n&&(!regex(str(?o), 'http://dbpedia.org/class/yago/'))\r\n&&((!regex(str(?p), 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type') \r\n||!regex(str(?o), 'http://dbpedia.org/ontology/') )))). }\r\n\r\n\r\nOpen issues:\r\n
  • synchronization with the LOD cloud, e.g. automatic creation of links if new DBpedia instances appear.
  • \r\n
  • as there is no static state in DBpedia-Live any more Yago and Umbel also have to be loaded on the fly
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\nA collection of ideas on an update log:\r\n
  1. OWL 2 Axiom Annotations: Although this would result in at least 5 times more triples, it would represent a clean solution, tackling many problems. As the extractors already have URIs the provenance of a triple would be clear. Also additional information like confidence can be kept. DBpedia is quite a small dataset compared to Bio2RDF (2.5 billion triples) and DBtune (14 billion), so performance might not be a problem.
  2. \r\n
  3. making a service that could parse older revisions of Wikipedia pages on the fly and recreate older versions.
  4. \r\n
  5. making Named Graphs, any ideas?
  6. \r\n
  7. Additionally, the update log idea of the WWW paper about Triplify can be applied
  8. \r\n
\r\n\r\nSome ideas on a Live update stream to create synchronized mirrors of DBpedia (far future):\r\n1. release DBpedia dumps more frequently, e.g. once a week\r\n2. Provide a method to receive updates via a push or pull mechanism in SPARUL\r\n\r\nDBpedia is a joint effort of AKSW (S\u00C3\u00B6ren Auer, Jens Lehmann, Sebastian Hellmann), Freie Universit\u00C3\u00A4t Berlin (Chris Bizer, Georgi Kobilarov, Anja Jentsch) and OpenLink Software, who provide the public endpoint and the powerful Virtuoso Universal Server. \r\n" . "2009-02-16T18:57:23"^^ . . . "2009-03-12T21:23:46"^^ . "xOperator Masters Thesis completed" . "Finally my Masters Thesis covering our xOperator project is finished and can be viewed here. The thesis covers the whole creation and implementation process and thus adds some Software Engineering to the ideas presented at ESWC08 and ISWC08.\u00C2\u00A0 I'll happily continue my studies here at AKSW as a Ph.D. student. Thanks again for your help, Sebastian Hellmann and Sebastian Dietzold!" . "2009-03-12T21:23:46"^^ . . . "2009-03-27T13:55:12"^^ . "Semantic Web lecture in the summer semester at Uni Leipzig" . "Together with the intelligent systems research group at Universit\u00C3\u00A4t Leipzig AKSW offers a Semantic Web lecture, seminar and lab course in the summer semester of 2009. The first lecture starts April 6th. More information can be found in the Semantic Web course module description (in German)." . "2009-03-27T13:55:12"^^ . . . "2009-04-15T16:00:01"^^ . "Triplification Challenge 2009" . "After the great sucess of last years Triplification Challenge we decided to organize a challenge this year again. Michael Hausenblas chairs the challenge this year. Submission deadline is Mai 30th, 2009. The prizes will be awarded at Triple-I conference 2009 in Graz. All further information can be found at this years Triplification Challenge homepage at: http://triplify.org/Challenge/2009." . "2009-04-15T16:00:01"^^ . . . "2009-04-23T18:12:46"^^ . "Triplify release and presentation at WWW2009" . "We just released a new improved version of Triplify, which allows to map regular expression URL patterns on sets of SQL queries. Former Triplify releases only included support for simple path patterns. This version is also used to publish the 160GB of geo-data collected by the OpenStreetMap project at http://linkedgeodata.org. The following presentation of a research paper on Triplify was given on April 24th at WWW2009 in Madrid at the Semantic Data Web track:\r\n\r\n" . "2009-04-25T18:22:52"^^ . . . "2009-04-25T17:05:07"^^ . "Prot\u00C3\u00A9g\u00C3\u00A9 DL-Learner plugin 0.5" . "Today, we released a major update of the DL-Learner plugin for Protege 4, the upcoming release of the popular ontology editor. The plugin allows you to get suggestions for axioms you may want to add to your OWL ontology by analysing the instance data using the DL-Learner framework. Again, we prepared a small screencast to give you an idea of how it works. The plugin is installable via the standard Prot\u00C3\u00A9g\u00C3\u00A9 plugin mechanism (Protege 4 build 110 or higher required). This version comes with a completely new suggestion algorithm and enhanced performance. More information can be found on the plugin wiki page. Thanks to Christian K\u00C3\u00B6tteritzsch for his implementation work and Nick Drummond for supporting us in integrating the plugin." . "2009-04-25T17:05:07"^^ . . . "2009-04-29T13:34:11"^^ . "Today is Semantic Web Day in Leipzig :-)" . "Today is the Leipziger Semantic Web Day 2009 in Leipzig, which is the status meeting for LE4SW project. We're lucky to welcome more than 60 guests in the Villa Ida in Leipzig/Gohlis, which is more than our firstly booked room could host.\r\n\"LSWT2009\r\nLinks:\r\n\r\n\r\n" . "2009-04-30T14:54:26"^^ . . . "2009-05-06T16:26:55"^^ . "DL-Learner Build 2009-05-06 released" . "Today, we released DL-Learner Build 2009-05-06. DL-Learner is a tool for learning OWL class expressions from examples and background knowledge. It extends Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) to Description Logics and the Semantic Web. Some notable features in this release are:\r\n\r\n
  • a new learning algorithm (CELOE) designed specifically for extending OWL ontologies
  • \r\n
  • a Protege plugin using CELOE
  • \r\n
  • a manual for getting started using DL-Learner
  • \r\n
  • performance improvements through stochastic methods
  • \r\n
  • more learning examples, unit tests, code quality improvements
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nDL-Learner can be used to:\r\n
  • solve general supervised Machine Learning problems using ontologies as background knowledge (given as OWL files, SPARQL endpoints, etc.), e.g. it was used to predict whether chemicals can cause cancer
  • \r\n\t
  • help knowledge engineers by learning definitions and subclass axioms (see the Protege plugin and another one for OntoWiki is in progress)
  • \r\n\t
  • generating user recommendations when browsing knowledge bases
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nI'd like to thank all contributors, in particular active developers and everyone who sent us valuable feedback.\r\n" . "2009-05-06T16:32:38"^^ . . . "2009-05-31T00:27:31"^^ . "Video of WWW09 Presentation on Triplify available" . "The presentation we gave last month on Triplify at the 20th International World Wide Web Conference in Madrid is available at: http://videolectures.net/www09_auer_tlwldp/." . "2009-06-29T19:38:51"^^ . . . "2009-06-17T02:10:06"^^ . "New OntoWiki Screencast" . "

We've prepared a brand new OntoWiki Screencast from the source trunk to show some special features of the new OntoWiki.


In particular, this screencast demonstrates\r\n

  1. the model dashboard with current discussions,
  2. \r\n
  3. discussions on specific resources,
  4. \r\n
  5. how to create a new property on a resource,
  6. \r\n
  7. how to link a local resource with an external one (from sindice), and
  8. \r\n
  9. how to gather linked data from this external resource.
  10. \r\n


From a technical point of view, this screencast demonstrates our new RDFa widget library (thx to Norman Heino), our data wrapper system (thx to Philipp Frischmuth) and our new map plugin (thx to Natanel Arndt).


The screencast is based on revision 3333 from the current trunk and uses the Virtuoso backend.

" . "2009-08-17T14:24:54"^^ . . . "2009-06-29T18:42:17"^^ . "The Road to OntoWiki 1.0" . "As our new APIs slowly become stable it is time to announce some of the new features. OntoWiki 1.0 will have an enhanced plug-in architecture and a lot of APIs that allow you to customize the user interface. In addition to plug-ins which have been around for some time, there are three new extension types:\r\n
  • Components
  • \r\n\t
  • Modules
  • \r\n\t
  • Wrapper
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nIn short, components are pluggable controllers, modules are those little boxes OntoWiki has been using for some time now and wrapper are extension for extracting triples from external sources and importing them into your knowledge base.\r\n\r\nOne wrapper that ships with OntoWiki can e. g. load triples from Linked Data-enabled endpoints like Sindice or DBpedia. Among others, this feature is demonstrated in the new screencast. But the wrapper is only a part of OntoWiki's new Linked Data enhancements. A plug-in publishes resources as linked data, provided their URI shares the prefix with the domain the respective OntoWiki installation runs under and the named graph is readable.\r\n\r\nBesides extensibility, improvements in performance was one of the key goals for OntoWiki 1.0. Thus, it was only natural to make OntoWiki work with Virtuoso, one of the fastest RDF triple stores around. Besides Virtuoso, MySQL is still supported as well. It underwent, however, serious refactoring and is now based around ZendDb instead of ADOdb as its abstraction layer.\r\n\r\nA preliminary version (OntoWiki 0.9) will be released in the coming weeks. It is based on the 1.0 code base but doesn't contain all the features we'd like to include in 1.0." . "2009-07-13T17:29:37"^^ . . . "2009-07-08T15:26:35"^^ . "Master studies Content- and Media Engineering at Leipzig School of Media" . "Together with HTWK Leipzig Universit\u00C3\u00A4t Leipzig is organizing extra-occupational master study courses at Leipzig School of Media in the splendid media campus. AKSW is particularly involved in implementing the master course Content- and Media-Engineering, which focuses on topics such as media creation, management, sharing and search as well as e-commerce and semantic technologies. Students can accomplish the master studies while working full or part time; monthly presence lectures are accompanied by distance learning units. More information can be found on the homepage of Leipzig School of Media or in the following article at Contentmanager.de (in German)." . "2009-07-08T18:20:40"^^ . . . "2009-07-08T18:22:42"^^ . "Foaf+ssl presented by Henry Story in Leipzig" . "Next week, we are happy to welcome Henry Story on his foaf+ssl world tour. Henry will arrive on Sunday by bike (let's wish for good weather and few wind) from Berlin. \r\nOn Monday, we will have an open meeting at the Johannisgasse 26, Leipzig starting 10 am , so whoever (students, colleagues, other) is interested in the topic is welcome to join us.\r\n\r\nSemantic Social Web\r\n\"It is possible and easy to do what Facebook, LinkedIn, Orkut and others do in a distributed way. On Facebook every user has a limited view of the social network available to him. Facebook on the other hand has the complete view of the network of its 200 millions members. We can now do the same and cut out the middleman.\"\r\n\r\nMore information about foaf+ssl\r\n\r\nTime: 13.07.09 starting at 10 am\r\nPlace: Johannisgasse 26, Leipzig\r\nRoom: Felix-Klein H\u00C3\u00B6rsaal 1-22 \r\nSchedule (not strict):\r\n- 10.00 talks: AKSW members give a brief introduction about current work and projects and then Henry talks about Foaf+ssl\r\n- 13.00 Lunch\r\n- 14.00 hands on session: creating foaf files, setting up a foaf+ssl server amongst other\r\n\r\nNote from Seebi: Maybe we hack foaf+ssl support into OntoWiki? :-)\r\n\r\nThanks in advance to Henry" . "2009-07-13T10:09:19"^^ . . . "2009-07-08T23:01:48"^^ . "LinkedGeoData official launch" . "We are pleased to announce the first public version of the LinkedGeoData.org datasets and services.\r\n\r\nLinkedGeoData is a comprehensive dataset derived from the OpenStreetMap database covering RDF descriptions of more than 350 million spatial features (i.e. nodes, ways, relations).\r\n\r\nLinkedGeoData currently comprises RDF dumps, Linked Data and REST interfaces, links to DBpedia as well as a prototypical user interface for linked-geo-data browsing and authoring.\r\n\r\nMore information can be found at the LinkedGeoData homepage at: http://linkedgeodata.org" . "2009-07-08T23:01:48"^^ . . . "2009-08-06T18:21:35"^^ . "OntoWiki 0.9 Available" . "The AKSW team is very delighted to announce a new major release of our semantic data wiki OntoWiki. OntoWiki 0.9 is available from our download page. A screencast showing some new features is also available.\r\n\r\n

OntoWiki 0.9 Frontend Changes

  • RDFa widget editing This feature separates the visualization of the RDF data in the browser\r\nfrom the statement editing component by using RDFa annotations inside the view and JavaScript\r\nediting widgets which are sensible to the type and context of the edited data.
  • \r\n\t
  • Extension architecture with support for components, themes, datawrapper, translations and\r\ngeneric plugins: Most of OntoWiki's functionality is implemented as extensions now; thus keeping\r\nthe OntoWiki core very small.
  • \r\n\t
  • Authentication support for local sioc:Users, FOAF+SSL WebIDs and OpenIDs.
  • \r\n\t
  • Support for LinkedData both as server and consumer (see data gathering backend below).
  • \r\n\t
  • Translations in English, German and Chinese
  • \r\n

OntoWiki 0.9 Backend Changes (Erfurt)

  • Separation of the Semantic Web API Erfurt from the OntoWiki core
  • \r\n\t
  • Support for multiple SPARQL RDF stores: Implementations are available for Virtuoso and\r\nZendDB (i.e. MySQL); allowing installations with support for millions of triples.
  • \r\n\t
  • Pattern-based query cache: In order to improve the performance of Semantic Web applications, we\r\ndeveloped an approach for caching SPARQL query results and complete application objects, which\r\nis sensitive to knowledge store updates.
  • \r\n\t
  • Data gathering: Support for plugable data gathering backends, e.g. for LinkedData gathering,\r\nDataWrapper for Twitter and Musicbrainz or Exporter, e.g. for EXIF data
  • \r\n

Selected extensions packed with OntoWiki 0.9

  • FileManager: Upload / serve files and manage associated metadata.
  • \r\n\t
  • Community: Create comments and discuss resources.
  • \r\n\t
  • History / versioning: See last changes, browse history and rollback edits.
  • \r\n\t
  • Map extension: Visualize resources which have direct and indirect geo-attributes attached.
  • \r\n
\r\n" . "2009-10-30T22:38:14"^^ . . . "2009-09-07T13:51:09"^^ . "Triplification Challenge 2009 Winners" . "On Friday the winners of this year's Triplification Challenge were announced at I-Semantics 2009 in Graz. The winners are:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWe received a number of very high-quality submissions and decided to award two honorable mentions to:\r\n\r\n" . "2009-10-30T22:37:12"^^ . . . "2009-09-07T15:44:03"^^ . "SoftWiki Final Seminar" . "Tomorrow the final seminar of the BMBF-sponsored project SoftWiki - Distributed, End-user Centered Requirements Engineering for Evolutionary Software Development will take place within the framework of the Mensch und Computer 2009.\r\n\r\n\r\nWorkshop: Nutzerinteraktion im Social Semantic Web\r\nSeptember 8, 2009: 11:00 am - 4:30 pm\r\nMain Building at the Humboldt University of Berlin\r\nUnter den Linden 6\r\nBerlin\r\n\r\n\r\nApart from many publications on details about Requirements Engineering und Semantic Web technologies, the most important results of the SoftWiki project are\r\n
  • a prototype on the basis of OntoWiki as well as several supporting tools,
  • \r\n\t
  • and an OWL-Ontology for the description of requirements.
  • \r\n
\r\nThe results of the project are comprehensively outlined in the book\r\n\r\nAgiles Requirements Engineering\r\nf\u00C3\u00BCr Softwareprojekte mit einer gro\u00C3\u009Fen Anzahl verteilter Stakeholder\r\nS\u00C3\u00B6ren Auer, Kim Lauenroth, Steffen Lohmann, Thomas Riechert (Hrsg.)\r\nLeipziger Beitr\u00C3\u00A4ge zur Informatik | Band XVIII\r\nISBN: 978-3-941608-05-4\r\n\r\n\r\nwhich will be issued at the final seminar in Berlin.\r\n\r\nThe SoftWiki-Competence-Network continues with this work, aiming to provide the technologies for future applications. It is notable for its interesting group of members. Together with the Universities of Duisburg-Essen and Leipzig we comprise an extraordinary scientific know-how. RE-tool developers (QA-System, ProDV) und users mainly in the field of Web-Engineering and E-Government (T-Systems MMS, Lecos GmbH) participate as partners for further development in the future und will facilitate the business deployment.\r\n
\r\nIm Rahmen der Mensch und Computer 2009 findet morgen die Abschlussveranstaltung des BMBF-gef\u00C3\u00B6rderten Projektes SoftWiki - Distributed, End-user Centered Requirements Engineering for Evolutionary Software Development statt.\r\nWorkshop: Nutzerinteraktion im Social Semantic Web\r\n08.09.2009: 11:00 Uhr - 16:30 Uhr\r\nHauptgeb\u00C3\u00A4ude der Humboldt Universit\u00C3\u00A4t zu Berlin\r\nUnter den Linden 6\r\nBerlin\r\n\r\n\r\nDie wichtigsten Ergebnisse des SoftWiki - Projektes sind, neben vielen Publikationen \u00C3\u00BCber Details des Requirements Engineerings und Semantic Web Technologien,\r\n
  • ein Prototyp auf Basis von OntoWiki, sowie mehreren unterst\u00C3\u00BCtzender Werkzeuge,
  • \r\n\t
  • und eine OWL-Ontologie f\u00C3\u00BCr die Beschreibung von Anforderungen.
  • \r\n
\r\nDie Ergebnisse des Projektes werden ausf\u00C3\u00BChrlich im Buch\r\n\r\nAgiles Requirements Engineering\r\nf\u00C3\u00BCr Softwareprojekte mit einer gro\u00C3\u009Fen Anzahl verteilter Stakeholder\r\nS\u00C3\u00B6ren Auer, Kim Lauenroth, Steffen Lohmann, Thomas Riechert (Hrsg.)\r\nLeipziger Beitr\u00C3\u00A4ge zur Informatik | Band XVIII\r\nISBN: 978-3-941608-05-4\r\n\r\nvorgestellt, welches zur Abschlussveranstaltung in Berlin ver\u00C3\u00B6ffentlicht wird.\r\n\r\nDas SoftWiki-Kompetenznetzwerk f\u00C3\u00BChrt diese Arbeiten mit dem Ziel fort, die Technologien f\u00C3\u00BCr zuk\u00C3\u00BCnftige Anwender zur Verf\u00C3\u00BCgung zu stellen. Es zeichnet sich durch eine interessante Kombination seiner Mitglieder aus. Mit den Universit\u00C3\u00A4ten Duisburg-Essen und Leipzig verf\u00C3\u00BCgen wir ausgezeichnetes wissenschaftliches Know-how. RE-Werkzeughersteller (QA-System, ProDV) und Anwender vor allem im Bereich Web-Engineering und E-Government (T-Systems MMS, Lecos GmbH) stehen als Entwicklungspartner f\u00C3\u00BCr zuk\u00C3\u00BCnftige Weiterentwicklung und den industriellen Einsatz zur Verf\u00C3\u00BCgung." . "2009-10-20T13:02:28"^^ . . . "2009-10-01T16:00:39"^^ . "Triplify 0.6 Released" . "We just released version 0.6 of the Triplify script, which includes the following changes:\r\n
  • Support for the Provenance Vocabulary (added by Olaf Hartig): The Provenance Vocabulary enables providers of Web data to publish provenance-related metadata about their data. For a more detailed description of this extension, have a look at this wiki page.
  • \r\n
  • small fix and docu for better postgresql support
  • \r\n
  • small fix for better character encoding
  • \r\n
\r\n\r\nThanks to everybody contributing bug fixes or comments and codes (especially Olaf Hartig and Thomas Schandl)." . "2009-10-30T22:35:30"^^ . . . "2009-11-05T18:58:34"^^ . "ESWC 2010 Semantic Web in Use Track" . "Some AKSW members are involved in next year's Semantic Web in Use Track of the Extended Semantic Web Conference 2010. Yes, its called \"Extended\", instead of formerly \"European\", in order to reflect the broadening of the topics of interest. Next year's In-Use track is particularly devoted to:\r\n
  • Description of concrete problems in specific application domains, for which Semantic Web technologies can provide a solution.
  • \r\n
  • Description of an implemented application of Semantic Web technologies in a specific domain.
  • \r\n
  • Assessment of the pros and cons of using Semantic Web technologies to solve a particular business problem or other practical problems in a specific domain.
  • \r\n
  • Comparison with alternative or competing approaches using conventional or competing technologies.
  • \r\n
  • Assessment of the costs and benefits of the application of Semantic Web Technologies, e.g. time spent on implementation and deployment, efforts involved, user acceptance, returns on investment.
  • \r\n
  • Evidence of deployment of the application, and assessment/evaluation of usage/uptake.
  • \r\n
  • Domains of interest include, but are not limited to: semantics in the enterprise, improving access to governmental data, semantics-based solutions for health care and life sciences, digital libraries, games with a purpose, semantic geo-data management.
  • \r\n
\r\nMore information can be found at: http://www.eswc2010.org/calls/semantic-web-in-use" . "2009-11-06T17:56:39"^^ . . . "2009-10-30T20:36:59"^^ . "Triplify 0.7 Released" . "We just released version 0.7 of the Triplify script, which includes the following feature enhancements and fixes:\r\n
  • Triplify can now be used as a tool for Extract-Tranform-Load (ETL) cycles by calling it from the command line.
  • \r\n\t
  • The default behavior for mapping URIs to SQL queries can now be easily extended by using regular expressions to match request URL's.
  • \r\n\t
  • The default provenance namespaces was fixed
  • \r\n\t
  • A error with two or more tables in a query (#2875711) was fixed
  • \r\n
\r\nThe new features are documented on triplify.org.\r\n\r\n\r\nThanks to everybody contributing bug fixes or comments and code (especially S\u00C3\u00B6ren Auer and Soren Roug)\r\n" . "2009-11-02T12:35:49"^^ . . . "2009-09-24T18:16:44"^^ . "Semantic Data Wiki Talk on 25th November in Darmstadt" . "We will present our semantic data wiki OntoWiki as well as its role in the emerging data web at a workshop in Darmstadt on 25th November. The aim of the workshop is to give practitioners insight into recent developments in the field of semantic wikis and into their applicability for collaboration scenarios in enterprise settings. More information about the event can be found on the website of eXousia Management (in German), who organize this one-day workshop." . "2009-10-30T22:36:07"^^ . . . "2009-12-09T11:40:41"^^ . "DBpedia in ReadWriteWeb's Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2009" . "The new year is slowly approaching and people start compiling their top x lists of 2009, with x usually ranging between 10 and 365. ;-)\r\n\r\nThe popular Web technology blog ReadWriteWeb has chosen x with value 10 and picked DBpedia as one of their top Semantic Web products of 2009. Its actually the only non-commercial community project in the list and in good company with products such as Google's Search Options and Rich Snippets, Apperture and Data.gov. Other picks, which btw. heavily use or link to DBpedia, include OpenCalais, Freebase, BBC Music and Zemanta.\r\n\r\nRead the full article at http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/top_10_semantic_web_products_of_2009.php " . "2009-12-09T11:40:41"^^ . . . "2009-12-09T12:24:52"^^ . "Open Knowledge Conference 2010" . "OKCon, now in its fifth year, is the interdisciplinary conference that brings together individuals from across the open knowledge spectrum for a day of presentations and workshops.\r\n\r\nOpen knowledge promises significant social and economic benefits in a wide range of areas from governance to science, from culture to technology. Opening up access to content and data can radically increase access and reuse; improving transparency, fostering innovation and increasing societal welfare.\r\n\r\nIn addition to high-profile initiatives such as Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap and the Human Genome Project, there is enormous growth among open knowledge projects and communities at all levels. Moreover, in the last year, many governments across the world began to open up their data.\r\n\r\nAnd it doesn't stop there. In academia, open access to both publications and data has been gathering momentum, and similar calls to open up learning materials have been heard in education. Furthermore, this gathering flood of open data and content is the creator and driver of massive technological change. How can we make this data available, how can we interlink it, how can we use it to collaborate and share our work?\r\n\r\n
  • where: London, UK
  • \r\n\t
  • when: Saturday 24th April, 2010
  • \r\n\t
  • www: http://www.okfn.org/okcon/
  • \r\n\t
  • cfp: http://www.okfn.org/okcon/cfp/ (deadline: Jan 31st 2010)
  • \r\n\t
  • hashtag: #okcon2010
  • \r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n" . "2009-12-14T15:18:14"^^ . . . "2010-01-20T19:16:26"^^ . "LESS - Content Syndication based on Linked Data" . "We've announced LESS today - an end-to-end approach for the syndication and use of linked data based on the definition of visualization templates for linked data resources and SPARQL query results.\r\n\r\nSuch syndication templates are edited, published and shared by using LESS' collaborative Web platform. Templates for common types of entities can then be combined with specific, linked data resources or SPARQL query results and integrated into a wide range of applications, such as personal homepages, blogs/wikis, mobile widgets etc.\r\n\r\nLESS and further information and documentation can be found at:\r\n\r\nhttp://less.aksw.org\r\n\r\nParticular thanks go to Raphael Doering (Netresearch) who performed most of the development work and to Sebastian Dietzold (AKSW) for contributing in various ways." . "2010-02-02T11:46:38"^^ . . . "2010-01-25T00:34:21"^^ . "Adaptive SPARQL Query Cache" . "AKSW is pleased to announce the first availability of our Adaptive SPARQL Query Cache, a light-weight SPARQL proxy for caching query results and selectively invalidating stored results upon updates. SPARQL-backed applications can be accelerated by simply routing all SPARQL and SPARUL queries through the proxy. In scenarios with recurring query patterns the caching increases responsiveness and overall performance as we validated with an adapted version of the BSBM benchmark. The caching and invalidation was implemented in Java and in PHP and is available together with additional documentation from:\r\n\r\nhttp://aksw.org/Projects/QueryCache " . "2010-02-08T16:07:45"^^ . . . "2010-02-03T22:03:44"^^ . "Doctoral and PostDoc positions available at AKSW" . "For collaborative research projects in the area of Linked Data technologies and Semantic Web the research group Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) at Universit\u00C3\u00A4t Leipzig opens positions for one postdoctoral researcher and 2 doctoral students. The complete job offers are available at: http://aksw.org/Jobs" . "2010-02-08T16:07:32"^^ . . . "2010-02-05T17:50:40"^^ . "2nd Leipzig Semantic Web Day on 6th May" . "After the great success of the first Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT) in 2009 AKSW is organizing another installment of this event on 6th May. In addition to demonstrating the benefits of semantic technologies to enterprises, this year's LSWT focuses on Open Data in science and E-government. A particular highlight will be the festive announcement of the German chapter of the Open Knowledge Foundation. More information on the LSWT can be found (in German) at: http://aksw.org/Events/2010/LeipzigerSemanticWebDay." . "2010-02-08T16:05:37"^^ . . . "2008-01-01T10:50:12"^^ . "Pingback Test" . "Test to Phil: Phil's Blog" . "2010-03-04T11:34:53"^^ . . . "2010-03-03T12:39:07"^^ . "Prot\u00C3\u00A9g\u00C3\u00A9 DL-Learner plugin 0.6" . "Today, we released a major update of the DL-Learner plugin for Protege 4, the popular ontology editor. The plugin allows you to get suggestions for axioms you may want to add to your OWL ontology by analysing the instance data using the DL-Learner framework. A screencast is available to show you how it works. The plugin is installable via the standard Prot\u00C3\u00A9g\u00C3\u00A9 plugin mechanism (Protege 4 stable release required). This version allows to fine tune the language features you want to use and displays the length of expressions, which have been searched. It also fixes bugs related to inconsistency handling. More information can be found on the plugin wiki page. Enjoy!\r\n" . "2010-03-03T12:39:07"^^ . . . "2010-03-05T15:43:10"^^ . "Triplify 0.8 Released" . "We just released version 0.8 of the Triplify script, which includes the following feature enhancements and fixes:\r\n\r\n
  • Triplify now supports the Semantic Pingback mechanism: It exposes a X-Pingback HTTP header field, it contains a XML-RPC service (also usable by conventional Pingback clients) and it exports Pingback statements along with the instance data.
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  • Fix: The cache ID is now generated using the server name, port and request URI.
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  • Fix: We added a 404 Resource not Found error message.
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  • Fix: We added a config option to disable the use of mod_rewrite (for cases, where the module is available, but not configured).
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  • Fix: Removed hard-coded MySQL settings to allow e.g. PostgreSQL servers (#2899948)
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  • Fix: Duplicate triples in some cases (#2833620)
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  • Fix: 404 when URI with query was requested (e.g. json output, #2631600)
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\r\n\r\nThe new features are documented on triplify.org.\r\n\r\nThanks to everybody contributing bug fixes or comments and code (especially Eric Feliksik)." . "2010-03-05T15:43:10"^^ . . . "2010-03-05T19:06:46"^^ . "Studieninformationstag an der Leipzig School of Media" . "Die Leipzig School of Media bietet vier berufsbegleitende Masterstudieng\u00C3\u00A4nge auf Hochschulniveau im Medienbereich an. Darunter auch den vom Insitut f\u00C3\u00BCr Informatik der Universit\u00C3\u00A4t Leipzig betreuten Studiengang Content and Media Engineering, der Studenten an aktuelle IT-Entwicklungen wie z.B. semantische Technologien, E-Commerce und Wissensmanagement heranf\u00C3\u00BChrt. Der Studiengang ist mit einmal monatlich stattfindenden geblockten Lehrveranstaltungen und einer starken Verbindung mit Praxisanwendungen optimal auf berufst\u00C3\u00A4tige Studierende abgestimmt.\r\n\r\nAm 12. M\u00C3\u00A4rz 2010 sind alle Interessierten ab 15 Uhr herzlich zum Studieninformationstag eingeladen. Dieser findet in Leipzig auf dem Mediencampus (Poetenweg 28, 04155 Leipzig) statt. Neben Informationen zu den Studieng\u00C3\u00A4ngen sowie Stipendien- und Finanzierungs\u00C2\u00ADm\u00C3\u00B6glichkeiten k\u00C3\u00B6nnen Interessierte an Lehrveranstaltungen mit renommierten Dozenten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis teilnehmen.\r\n\r\nDie Teilnahme und das anschlie\u00C3\u009Fende Get together mit Speisen und Getr\u00C3\u00A4nken ist kostenfrei. Interessierte werden gebeten sich auf der Webseite der School of Media anzumelden. Die Anreise- und \u00C3\u009Cbernachtungskosten werden Besuchern des Informationstags erstattet, die zum Wintersemester ein Studium an der Leipzig School of Media beginnen." . "2010-03-06T13:06:32"^^ . <> . <> _:x2 . _:x2 . _:x2 "2010-03-08T18:05:49+01:00"^^ . _:x2 _:x1 . _:x2 _:x3 . _:x2 _:x4 . _:x3 _:x5 . _:x5 . _:x5 _:x6 . _:x6 . _:x6 "2010-03-08T18:05:49+01:00"^^ . _:x6 _:x1 . _:x4 . _:x1 . _:x1 "Triplify V0.7 (http://Triplify.org)" .