Some thoughts on SW Best Practices

Guus Schreiber, Web Ontology WG co-chair
SW Architecture meeting, Tech Plenary, 6-7 March 2003

General objective

Helping users to set up their (first) semantic-web application. Note: objective over lap with SWAD Europe/MIT activities.


1. Supporting initiatives for publishing vocabularies

Goal: Supporting/initiating efforts for making existing/upcoming vocabularies/thesauri/ontologies publicly available in RDFS/OWL format for SW applications.


Note: public domains such as medicine, science, cultural heritage and public libraries are likely to be prime focus points.

2. FAQs and how-to-do-it guidelines

Setting up an archive of guidelines and examples for:

3. Tool and demo applications

Tool/application archive:

Facilities for opens-source development

4. Links to related techniques

Publishing technical notes on issues such as:

This should typically be done in cooperation with the other organizations involved (OASIS, OMG)


Interest group with task forces for particular topics.e.g. targeted at producing technical notes.