W3C WebOnt Working Group IRC logs for 2003-01-10
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W3C WebOnt Working Group
IRC chat
thanks, Dave Beckett
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[09:03:12] GuusS
- GuusS has joined #webont
[09:04:52] mdean
- mdean has joined #webont
[09:18:14] seanb
- seanb has joined #webont
[09:18:24] pfps
- pfps has joined #webont
[09:20:33] pfps
- 0900: Plenary: Discussion led by Connolly on details of
[09:20:43] pfps
- 1. Needs for LC (and how long to keep it open)
[09:20:54] pfps
- 2. Needs to move from LC to PR (skipping CR)
[09:21:03] pfps
- expected outcome - Resolutions to move to LC by <date> for
[09:21:12] pfps
- <period> for each document
[09:23:10] pfps
- Art of Consensus Guide is main document for WG
[09:23:39] pfps
- danc - What is Last Call?
[09:24:19] pfps
- danc - During Last Call all comments (sent to comments) need to be handled
[09:25:07] pfps
- danc - Actually only substantive comments
[09:26:04] pfps
- danc - XML did a very good job - they built an HTML table (.../XML/2002/12/LC-xml-names11-doc)
[09:26:09] JosD
- JosD has joined #webont
[09:27:32] pfps
- danc - every comment should result in a message back indicating what will/has been done
[09:29:20] pfps
- jim - we will try to put in a line for each message
[09:30:33] pfps
- danc - failure modes - 1/ too many comments - 2/ too few comments -
[09:30:46] pfps
- danc- handle failure 2 by getting previous reviewers to say OK
[09:31:34] pfps
- danc - discharging dependencies - need comments from groups listed in charter - we have four
[09:32:59] pfps
- danc - also need comments from other groups - dan has list
[09:34:34] pfps
- danc - going into last call means that we think we are done
[09:34:48] pfps
- danc - going out of last call means that the world thinks we are done
[09:35:13] pfps
- danc - then we can go to candidate recommendation
[09:35:53] pfps
- danc - jumping to proposed recommendation requires implementation experience (i.e., 2 full implementations)
[09:36:25] pfps
- danc - there are other possibilities - depending on role of spec
[09:36:53] pfps
- jim - what do we do - create a document?
[09:37:48] pfps
- danc - yes, but not a TR or even Note, just perhaps a message
[09:38:14] pfps
- jim - next session is concerned with figuring out implementation details
[09:38:50] pfps
- jim - what about problems in the process?
[09:42:34] pfps
- - pieces of the spec that are not covered in implementations
[09:43:29] pfps
- danc - process table
[09:45:06] pfps
- danc - we decide whether to go to last call
[09:45:18] pfps
- danc - then we have to handle feedback
[09:45:36] pfps
- danc- we could get feedback that requires serious work
[09:46:28] pfps
- danc - making changes requires another last call (except editorial changes)
[09:47:20] bh
- bh has joined #webont
[09:47:30] pfps
- danc - to go to proposed rec we have to give evidence of implementation experience
[09:48:05] pfps
- danc - we generate a request to go to proposed rec, which is approved by director
[09:48:45] pfps
- danc - then W3C members can generate negative votes (because their comments were not handled)
[09:49:17] ChrisW
- ChrisW has joined #webont
[09:49:34] pfps
- danc - W3C members can generate negative votes for other reasons such as non-technical business reasons
[09:50:58] pfps
- danc - finally director approves recommendation
[09:52:11] pfps
- danc - at recommendation time there is a press release
[09:52:13] ChrisW
[09:52:42] pfps
- jim - what happens if there are problems?
[09:53:04] pfps
- danc - technical bugs require iteration to last call
[09:54:30] pfps
- jim - the WG should realize that before LC is the last time for WG members to make objections
[09:54:37] heflin
- heflin has joined #webont
[09:55:00] pfps
- jim - LC comments are much more serious, so we have been trying for comments before LC
[09:56:56] pfps
- jim - reiterations cause serious delays - look at RDF Schema
[09:59:14] ChrisW
- "Don't get caught in the dark - Use OWL"
[09:59:44] pfps
- jim - we need to think about our testing methodologies
[10:01:17] pfps
- jeremy - another risk is that we get to recommendation and we are ignored
[10:01:46] bh
- bh has quit
[10:02:24] pfps
- jeremy - cutting corners during the process means that there is larger chance of being ignored
[10:03:40] pfps
- jim - our tests currently target reasoners, there are other tools that should be targetted
[10:04:11] pfps
- jeremy - can we use the DAML implementations
[10:04:23] pfps
- danc - only if they do something with OWL
[10:04:36] ChrisW
- "Use OWL - do it for Jeremy"
[10:04:58] pfps
- jim - we'll try to point to the DAML tools,
[10:06:49] bh
- bh has joined #webont
[10:08:10] pfps
- jim - jim and guus will dispatch LC comments, the comments list should be reserved for official responses
[10:09:30] pfps
- scribe is now ChrisW
[10:09:40] ChrisW
- break
[10:27:20] ChrisW
- Jim flogs himself
[10:27:40] ChrisW
- on the board:
[10:28:03] ChrisW
- OWL Lite: Decidable, efficient D.P.
[10:28:30] ChrisW
- OWL DL: Decidable, efficient D.P.
[10:28:46] ChrisW
- Full: Undecidable, powerful heuristic tools
[10:29:00] ChrisW
- [OWL DL was ~efficient D.P.]
[10:34:14] ChrisW
- test methodology - reasoners, works better for OWL DL
[10:34:20] ChrisW
- DanC - why only DL?
[10:34:51] ChrisW
- Jim - because it asks if you can handle (ie be decidable) for all cases
[10:35:12] ChrisW
- DanC - again, why only DL. This applies to OWL Full as well
[10:35:57] ChrisW
- PeterC - We have something that can generate any number of cases
[10:36:03] ChrisW
- DanC - that's different
[10:36:57] ChrisW
- Jim - current test philosophy has to do with entailment tests, which requires decidability
[10:39:14] ChrisW
- Jeremy - current test suite is not a conformance suite, it is representative.
[10:39:54] ChrisW
- - We can imagine there being conformance requirements for a DL reasoner (ie complete wrt the semantics)
[10:40:12] ChrisW
- - but many of us believe that wouldn't make sense for OWL Full
[10:48:06] ChrisW
- Jim - one way to think of it is that there are four aspects to OWL conformance: reader, writer, create RDF triples, inference
[10:48:34] ChrisW
- Jeremy - don't want to punish incomplete reasoners as they are very useful for the cases they handle
[10:51:05] ChrisW
- Jeremy - useful to have something that can figure out if a document is OWL Lite, DL, or Full
[10:55:17] ChrisW
- Jim - draws a matrix with rows for each "OWL system" and colum for each test. A system has a check mark in the col for the tests it "passes"
[10:55:47] ChrisW
- - some tools will just have a lot of Xs
[10:55:58] ChrisW
- - some tools will have a sparse number of Xs
[10:56:11] ChrisW
- - some tools will have dense clusters of Xs
[10:56:46] ChrisW
- - tests are arranged by Lite, DL, Full
[10:58:10] bwm
- bwm has joined #webont
[11:00:54] ChrisW
- Jim & Dan - need implementations to show that the design is implementable
[11:02:17] seanb
- seanb has quit
[11:02:40] ChrisW
- Danc - for XMLS, first question was is there an authoring tool, next was is there a validator, next is are there examples
[11:04:50] ChrisW
- Jeremy - drop the idea of a reader and have a validator
[11:05:33] ChrisW
- - a syntactic validator
[11:07:17] seanb
- seanb has joined #webont
[11:07:45] ChrisW
- Jim - some would like to see a D+O to OWL converter
[11:09:14] ChrisW
- Dan - do people want an "This is OWL" sticker
[11:10:38] pfps
- pfps has quit
[11:12:06] ChrisW
- - people do, but what does it mean to have this WHAT DOES AN OWL TOOL DO???
[11:14:00] ChrisW
- Jim - discussion out of scope, we're talking about how to evaluate tools to make our business case
[11:16:03] ChrisW
- Jeremy - need tools that, eg, read valid OWL Lite and write valid OWL Lite. These will be interoperable
[11:20:49] ChrisW
- discussion of what it should mean to be OWL compliant
[11:21:52] ChrisW
- Jim i don't think a discussion of "must" and "should" is what this is about
[11:23:07] ChrisW
- DanC - shouldn't specify classes of SOFTWARE in the spec, just classes of DOCUMENTS
[11:25:43] ChrisW
- Jim - industrial compliance is out of scope
[11:28:37] ChrisW
- Jeremy - we need an OWL editor that produces valid OWL documents
[11:29:31] ChrisW
- - generate OWL Lite, OWL DL, Full
[11:30:04] ChrisW
- MikeD - there is an emacs tool for OWL, and a validator
[11:31:29] ChrisW
- Seanb - Oil-ed outputs the OWL XML presentation syntax
[11:31:55] ChrisW
- PFPS - implementation of translator (XSLT)
[11:37:38] ChrisW
- DanC - need to know there is real need for three languages
[11:38:02] ChrisW
- Jack - Network inference feels OWL DL is important
[11:38:20] ChrisW
- ChrisW - IBM thinks OWL DL is important
[11:38:59] ChrisW
- Jack - and NI is working on a reasoner.
[11:39:46] ChrisW
- ChrisW - IBM also thinks OWL Full is important
[11:41:58] ChrisW
- DanC is chair
[11:42:29] ChrisW
- Discussion of features vs. implementations
[11:42:54] ChrisW
- Guus - please include discussion of conformance
[12:01:19] ChrisW
- PROPOSED: Action the Test editor to add a test for Syntax checker that can tell the difference between OWL sublanguages
[12:01:38] ChrisW
- Abstain: Connoly, Hendler
[12:01:54] ChrisW
- Resolved
[12:02:15] ChrisW
- ACTION: Jeremy to add a test for syntax checker
[12:03:19] ChrisW
- Jeremy - need a definition of what OWL Lite is in a document
[12:03:47] ChrisW
- ACTION: Peter add definition of OWL Lite document
[12:09:05] ChrisW
- discussion of possible conformance proposal
[12:09:18] ChrisW
- for OWL syntax levels
[12:09:44] ChrisW
- PROPOSED: The test document should specify the conformance clauses for OWL Lite, DL, and FULL documents
[12:09:50] ChrisW
- resolved
[12:11:10] ChrisW
- Ian - there should be a semantics checker, then
[12:24:18] ChrisW
- discussion of consistency checker
[12:24:24] ChrisW
- one for OWL Lite
[12:24:28] ChrisW
- other language levels?
[12:25:48] ChrisW
- Discussion of OWL Reader
[12:25:49] ChrisW
- Vocab Reader (no one voted for)
[12:25:49] ChrisW
- OWL Lite/DL/Full Syntax Checker (resolved to have a test case)
[12:26:16] ChrisW
- lots of discussion of Consitency checker (complete or not, etc)
[12:26:29] ChrisW
- possible problem with making this a conformance "stamp"
[12:26:43] ChrisW
- Jim takes over as chair
[12:29:48] ChrisW
- Should there be a document conformance section
[12:29:55] ChrisW
- in the test document
[12:31:01] ChrisW
- jim is trying to make jeremy happy
[12:31:10] ChrisW
- he suceeds
[12:31:46] ChrisW
- Danc - argue against software conformance
[12:32:56] ChrisW
- jim - except for syntax checker, already resolved
[12:35:48] ChrisW
- should the syntax checker be the ONLY kind of software conformance "stamp"
[12:41:04] ChrisW
- should there be a semantic conformance checker, maybe just for lite, maybe for all levels
[12:41:13] ChrisW
- some supports
[12:41:25] bh
- bh has quit
[12:41:43] ChrisW
- discussion ended with lunch break
[13:20:31] GuusS
- GuusS has quit
[13:51:22] Raphael
- Raphael has joined #webont
[13:51:33] Raphael
- Topic is "Consistency Checker"
[13:52:22] Raphael
- Possible Compinations {Lite, DL, Full] x {Syntax, Incomplete, Complete}
[13:54:50] heflin
- heflin has quit
[13:54:52] Raphael
- Ian says, sound is important, no matter what variant you consider
[13:57:57] Raphael
- Welty has problem with stamps, specifaly what is the definition of complete exactly
[13:58:13] Raphael
- Complete is to be understood as "Logically complete"
[14:00:25] Raphael
- Decided: Stickers are: {Lite, DL, Full} x {Incomplete, Complete}
[14:00:54] Raphael
- DeRoo, Hendler, Connoly Abstaining, all others in favour
[14:01:01] bh
- bh has joined #webont
[14:01:24] Raphael
- Action: De Roo
[14:02:44] DanC
- DanC has joined #webont
[14:02:49] DanC
- Action: Review of satisfaction of requirements
[14:02:49] DanC
- From: Jeff Heflin (heflin@cse.lehigh.edu)
[14:02:52] DanC
- Date: Mon, Dec 30 2002
[14:02:56] ChrisW
- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Dec/0300.html
[14:02:56] DanC
- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Dec/0300.html
[14:03:01] DanC
- logger, pointer?
[14:03:01] DanC
- See http://ilrt.org/discovery/chatlogs/webont/2003-01-10#T14-03-01
[14:03:09] GuusS
- GuusS has joined #webont
- * DanC neglected to get RRSAgent here. bummer
[14:04:18] jhendler
- jhendler has joined #webont
[14:05:45] DanC
- R.19 and R.20 are handled by RDF Syntax as a result of http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure
[14:07:02] bh
- bh has quit
[14:08:26] ChrisW
- dan, does that mean my scribe notes (in IRC) were not recorded?
[14:11:31] Raphael
- Resolved: Req Doc to be included in last call, abstains IanH, PPS
[14:11:42] Raphael
- Action Guus to get it into road map
[14:12:20] DanC
- no, logger got them (at ilrt)
[14:12:27] ChrisW
- tnx
[14:12:56] ChrisW
- what about the actions, proposals?
[14:14:08] Raphael
- Action: DanC figure out privacy, security risks / issues in spec
[14:16:05] Raphael
- Discussion on whether we meet Requirement R13
[14:20:16] Raphael
- Topic is now: Review of the test documents (next 30 Minutes), Managed by Jeremy Carol
[14:22:00] Raphael
- Issues are on mailing list: 2003Jan/0136.html
[14:22:42] Raphael
- standard DL test available in literature, include them here ?
[14:26:55] Raphael
- action jeremy caroll: teach sean bechhofer, peter crowber editing/creating tests
[14:34:18] bwm
- bwm has quit
[14:36:48] bwm
- bwm has joined #webont
[14:45:05] heflin
- heflin has joined #webont
[14:54:05] Raphael
- Action: Put examples from guide into test suite to Jos De roo
[15:03:14] bwm
- zakim, who is on the phone?
[15:05:17] Raphael
- Raphael has quit
[15:09:01] jjc
- jjc has joined #webont
[15:12:10] JosD
- JosD has quit
[15:18:06] DanC
- ------- Resume
[15:18:10] DanC
- === AllDifferent
[15:18:52] DanC
- PFPS: what we're after is a way to say, compactly (i.e. O(N)) that there's a list whose members are all different
[15:19:59] DanC
- ... RDFCore gave us the list syntax we asked for, but not what we actually needed; [rdf:parseType="Collection" only works for objects of property elements]
[15:23:49] DanC
- pfps writes several examples on the board... proposal #1 distinctMembers #2 sameAs #3 first/rest Collection
[15:24:49] DanC
- PFPS: given more time, we could ask RDF Core for list syntax that works for typednodes.
[15:31:12] bh
- bh has joined #webont
[15:31:14] DanC
- PROPOSED: to resolve the AllDifferent issue using an AllDifferent class and a distinctMembers property (to be elaborated by the semantics editors).
[15:31:36] DanC
- ACTION PFPS: relaty feedback on parseType="Collection"
[15:31:53] DanC
- RESOLVED; connolly, carroll, Beckhofer, Dale, Volz abstaining.
[15:32:07] jjc
- (carroll abstained because I wasn't listening)
[15:32:11] DanC
- Horan abstainng
[15:33:04] DanC
- ACTION guide editor (Welty), semantics editor (Peter),
[15:33:40] DanC
- yes, it's in Lite (provided differentIndivudual is in Lite; confirmed, it is).
[15:34:14] DanC
- ACTION ref editor (Dean).
[15:34:20] DanC
- a test is hoped for.
[15:36:17] DanC
- [discussion of appending to an enuemeration: x first PuertoRico; rest UnitedStates ]
[15:36:18] seanb
- seanb has quit
[15:37:32] DanC
- [and discussion of a methodology of maintaining lists of distinct classes across imports...]
[15:38:24] DanC
- --- pop back to requirements for R 13 about statements
[15:38:44] DanC
- Horan: I have questions about R 13 and 2 others.
[15:39:45] DanC
- Hefflin: examples: consider "Jeff wrote reqDoc". tagging looks like "Mike said Jeff wrote reqDoc". OK?
[15:39:46] DanC
- Horan: OK
[15:40:29] DanC
- Horan: R16. Cardinality constraints. editorial concerns; not clear what an object
[15:40:56] DanC
- ACTION Hefflin: update terminology (e.g. object) in requirements document
[15:41:20] DanC
- Horan: about R18. User-displayable labels; met by rdfs:label? [several]: yes.
[15:41:24] DanC
- ----
[15:42:11] DanC
- ==== enumeration of document Editors
[15:42:48] DanC
- Hendler reads from W3C manual of style...
[15:43:32] DanC
- http://www.w3.org/2001/06/manual/#editors
[15:43:36] DanC
- 9.1.4 Editors, Authors, and Contributors
[15:44:00] DanC
- [scribe notes the manual of style is "best practice" but not W3C process]
[15:45:08] DanC
- --- Authorship of non-WG publications...
[15:45:22] DanC
- Guus: regarding authorship of OWL articles and such...
[15:45:23] jhendler
- [chair apologizes, stands corrected]
[15:46:03] DanC
- ... e.g. I have been invited to write an article about OWL; I'm inclined to credit [all WG members?] as authors.
[15:46:15] DanC
- ... should we have a shared policy? or just leave it as is?
[15:47:13] DanC
- DanC: I'd rather not be listed as editor on that article; I'm not likely to review it, and I don't want to put my name on stuff I didn't review.
[15:47:44] DanC
- PeterPS: I'd rather not be listed as author either; I think it's important that folks writing articles about OWL make it clear that OWL is a product of the WG.
[15:47:50] ChrisW
- ChrisW has quit
[15:48:04] seanb
- seanb has joined #webont
[15:48:28] DanC
- Ian: 2nded
[15:48:49] DanC
- Guus: so no particular policy, but we've aired the issue.
[15:48:54] DanC
- ----
[15:48:59] DanC
- ======== WG schedule
[15:50:19] heflin
- Jeff is temporarily scribe while Dan is at the board
[15:51:43] heflin
- Dan is discussing schedule for recommendation...
[15:51:51] heflin
- 1) WG decide last call
[15:52:22] heflin
- 2) LC publication (soon after)
[15:52:47] heflin
- 3) WG requests PR (after 3 weeks)
[15:53:04] heflin
- 4) PR publication
[15:53:13] heflin
- 5) Membership reviewes due (4 weeks)
[15:53:34] heflin
- 6) Rec party and press release (2 weeks)
[15:54:43] DanC
- Guus writes a calendar of telcon dates on the board...
- * DanC ths heflin
- * DanC thanks heflin
- * DanC checks on jjc in #webont
[15:56:54] DanC
- Guus enumerates docs: Requirements, Guide, Sem, Test, Overview, Ref
[15:57:32] DanC
- [Dan's schedule above is "speed of light" schedule, absolute minima]
[15:58:16] DanC
- straw poll: subject to editorial discretion (to be checked by one or two reviewers), move Requirements to Last Call.
[15:58:43] DanC
- lots in favor
[15:58:46] DanC
- non against
[15:59:57] DeborahMc
- DeborahMc has joined #webont
- * DanC waves to deb
[16:01:02] DeborahMc
- greetings - does someone have a url for the meeting logs?
[16:01:08] DanC
- logger, pointer?
[16:01:08] DanC
- See http://ilrt.org/discovery/chatlogs/webont/2003-01-10#T16-01-08
[16:02:24] DanC
- PROPOSED: to publish Requirements as a WD, subject to editorial discretion.
[16:02:30] DanC
- RESOLVED, unanimously
[16:03:23] DanC
- connolly: I'm interested in deciding to take Guide and Semantics to last call.
[16:03:32] DanC
- hi deb, we're calling you
[16:03:49] DanC
- deb, we're not sure we can dial internationally from here.
- * DanC notes we're trying to figure out the number here or something...
[16:04:47] DeborahMc
- i provided a phone number to ian in email that does not require exposing the incoming calling number.
[16:05:17] DanC
- # F2F Version of Requirements Document Jeff Heflin (Thu, Jan 02 2003) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jan/0055.html
[16:05:47] DanC
- deb, we got a fax at the phone number we've got
- * DanC sees Ian getting new info
[16:06:25] ChrisW
- ChrisW has joined #webont
[16:07:02] DanC
- attendance + Deb M by phone
[16:08:55] DanC
- Guus: recall we decided to target Requirements for REC, not NOTE.
[16:09:14] DanC
- Guus: based on review from yesterday, it seems Guide is in good shape.
[16:09:53] DanC
- Guus: I'd like to decide to delegate remaining work on Guide to a few reviewers.
[16:10:26] DanC
- JJC: I'd prefer to have a stable doc to review for a time before deciding to go to last call, though I'm prepared to stand aside if other folks prefer otherwise...
[16:11:04] DanC
- PFPS: hmm... there are some new sections...
[16:11:36] DeborahMc
- it is hard to hear - if you want to make sure i get something, please put it in the irc or ask me if i heard it; for example, i can tell that someone is talking now but i cant make out anything
[16:11:46] DanC
- roger, deb.
[16:13:31] DanC
- [... discussion of end-game logistics ...]
[16:13:58] DanC
- Guide reviewers are solicited...
[16:14:12] seanb
- seanb has quit
[16:14:28] DanC
- Heflin: when will the draft be avaiable?
[16:14:33] DanC
- Chris: Monday.
[16:14:59] DanC
- Heflin: I could do a review of the new material by Friday
[16:15:36] DanC
- Guus: I could do a review by the following tuesday
[16:16:10] DanC
- Chris: I need help on the AllDifferent details.
[16:16:18] DanC
- Hendler: the roadmap needs doing, no?
[16:16:38] DanC
- Hendler recalls discussion among editors yesterday about a "roadmap" to go in all document.
[16:17:11] DanC
- Guus: we/I have the ball on the roadmap
[16:17:55] DanC
- Guus: can you get all this other stuff in by Weds, Chris?
[16:18:20] ChrisW
- ok
[16:18:39] DanC
- Guus writes on board: guide draft available to reviewers 15Jan, reviews complete 21Jan, ready for W3C staff to publish
[16:18:48] DanC
- deb, did we lose you?
[16:19:02] DeborahMc
- yes - i just got dial tone
[16:19:23] DeborahMc
- first i had a drop in background noise but the line was up, then just dialtone. ihung up now
[16:19:42] DanC
- PROPOSED: to publish Guide as last call, after edits as actioned in this ftf and editorial discretion, subject to review by Guus and Jeff H.
[16:19:58] seanb
- seanb has joined #webont
[16:20:05] DanC
- 2nded.
[16:20:18] DanC
- so RESOLVED, Carroll, ter Horst abstaining
[16:20:46] DanC
- ACTION Welty: provide guide last call candidate by 15Jan
[16:20:52] DanC
- ACTION Guus: to review by 21Jan
[16:21:00] DanC
- ACTION Hefflin: to review Guide by 21Jan
[16:21:20] DanC
- ACTION Connolly: to publish Guide, after Welty/Guus/Hefflin do their part of Guide.
[16:21:37] DanC
- Guus: on to semantics...
[16:21:58] DanC
- DanC: summary of changes resulting from this meeting?
[16:22:02] ChrisW
- does this mean that the entire working group has until 15Jan to provide any (official) feedback?
[16:22:31] DanC
- well, they can send mail, Chris, but it's at your discretion whether to act on them.
[16:23:20] DanC
- Peter: aside from stylistic stuff, * AllDifferent stuff, * OWL lite [something], * Jeremy to review [informal something], * Ian to review proofs [somewhere]
[16:24:01] DanC
- ... stylistic stuff including terminology as discussed with editors [and send to www-webont-wg, I think]
[16:24:47] DanC
- Peter: I don't think Semantics is ready for last call, cuz it depends on RDF semantics, and I have oustanding issues with RDF model theory
[16:25:13] DanC
- ... w.r.t. rdfs:Literal, among other things
[16:27:05] DanC
- Guus: aren't they going to last call this week?
[16:28:05] DanC
- JJC: they're working on the last few bits, going to make the last call decision next week. PatH wasn't at today's meeting.
[16:28:30] DanC
- Peter: the work-around, if they don't accept my suggestions, is really, really, ugle.
[16:28:31] DanC
- ugly.
[16:30:01] DanC
- ACTION: JJC: investigate this issue (rdfs:Literal etc.) in RDFCore
[16:30:56] DanC
- ACTION JimH: ask SemWeb CG about RDF model theory.
[16:31:23] DanC
- # problems with RDF literals Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Fri, Jan 03 2003) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jan/0093.html
[16:32:41] DanC
- JimH: msg 0093 doesn't make clear the impact on OWL
[16:33:01] DanC
- ACTION PeterPS: write to webont WG (only to webont WG) about the impact of this on OWL.
[16:33:11] bwm
- bwm has quit
[16:33:45] DanC
- PeterPS: provided a fix from RDF Core, I think I can prepare a last call candidate by Monday.
[16:34:22] DanC
- DanC: is that including the roadmap? PeterPS: well, I'll need that, yes.
[16:34:40] DanC
- Semantics reviewers solicited
[16:35:23] DanC
- ter Horst, Jeff Pan [sp?] agree to review.
[16:35:59] DanC
- [discussion of expectations of Ian to review the proofs...]
[16:36:49] DanC
- Guus: I'd like us to decide, 23Jan to take Semantics to Last Call.
[16:38:31] DanC
- ACTION Pfps: keep Dave Beckett informed of status of his comments.
[16:39:05] DanC
- ...
[16:39:16] DanC
- Guus: on to Overview (nee Feature Synopsis)
[16:39:25] DanC
- ... Deb, seen recent news?
[16:39:32] DanC
- Deb: I just got what Frank mailed out
[16:39:59] DanC
- Deb: Frank is going to do a draft based on comments from Thu [yesterday]. No date given.
[16:40:56] DanC
- Guus: substantial changes were discussed yesterday, including a title change. I don't guess you can estimate timeline, then, Deb?
[16:41:04] DanC
- Deb: no, probably not.
[16:42:06] bh
- bh has quit
[16:42:27] DanC
- DanC: since there's no normative content, we can just talk about this as the next telcon
[16:42:42] DanC
- Deb: are there timelines for other docs?
[16:43:03] DanC
- Guus: 23Jan is a deadline for Semantics. that's reviews done.
[16:43:14] ChrisW
- anf Guide
[16:43:18] ChrisW
- and Guide
[16:43:38] DanC
- Deb: it's not clear how the requested changes will be disposed of.
[16:44:02] DanC
- Deb: and it's not clear how much text we can grab from other places
[16:44:14] DanC
- Guus: we discussed moving some of the details of the feature description to Ref.
[16:45:10] DanC
- JimH: Frank's notes are superceded by discussion among editors...
[16:45:34] DanC
- frank's notes: # Report of Feature Synopsis Breakout Session Frank van Harmelen (Thu, Jan 09 2003) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2003Jan/0021.html
[16:45:46] DanC
- Guus: I'd like a draft by [when?] with review [when?]
[16:46:26] DanC
- Deb: are some folks doing reviews in less than a week? Guus: yes, but more time seems in order due to the magnitude of the changes.
[16:46:42] DanC
- Deb: so this might trail others? Guus: well, we havent' discussed Reference yet
[16:46:58] DanC
- Deb: then yes, it seems appropriate to discuss at an upcoming telcon
[16:47:50] DanC
- Guus: please communicate to the chairs ASAP, before the next telcon, [...]
[16:49:25] DanC
- [... discussion of review timing...]
[16:49:48] DanC
- JJC: based on the scope of changes we're discussing, I think a couple week's review time is in order.
[16:50:18] DanC
- Guus: asuming editors provide a draft Mon 20Jan, ...
[16:50:30] DanC
- ... how about a 10 day review until 30Jan ...
[16:50:48] DanC
- ... prepare for decision a week after the 23Jan Semantics doc.
[16:51:04] DanC
- draft = last call candidate
[16:51:18] DanC
- JJC: I can live with 10 days
[16:51:47] DanC
- Deb: I'll be offline 17-19Jan, so I'll have to check with Frank and such...
[16:51:57] DanC
- Guus: that's the best guess we can make for now, I suppose.
[16:52:40] DanC
- ...
[16:52:45] DanC
- === Reference schedule
[16:53:12] DanC
- Guus: recall changes discussed in break-out [yesterday?]...
[16:53:44] DanC
- ... editors plan a draft available for 20Jan; I'd like to get review in the same 10 days, by 30Jan.
[16:53:59] DanC
- ... i.e. for decision 30Jan.
[16:54:10] DanC
- JJC: what title are we talking about?
[16:54:48] DanC
- Guus: we're going with "Reference"; we intend to meet expectations around that name [being careful about informative material]
[16:54:50] GuusS
- GuusS has quit
- * jhendler ...OWL "easy going" reference document
[16:55:06] DanC
- JJC: let's recruit reviewers
[16:55:27] DanC
- ChrisW volunteers to review Overview
[16:55:31] DanC
- Horan volunteers to review Overview
[16:55:57] DanC
- Volz volunteers to review review Reference
[16:56:10] DanC
- JJC volunteers, tentatively, to get a review from HP
[16:57:20] DanC
- Guus: in sum, it looks like 3 docs coming in [3?] weeks, ~23Jan, with others to follow a week or two later.
[16:57:53] DanC
- ... I had envisioned one big package, but I don't see any objection to this...
[16:58:00] DanC
- JJC: how about test...
[16:58:43] DanC
- JJC: to get all the tests we plan, we estimate[d] ~6 weeks, but we can get the text ready in less time
[16:58:58] DanC
- JJC: we could publish a test WD with more tests later in the last call period
[16:59:20] DanC
- Guus: I'd like to have test ready [for last call?] 30Jan...
[17:00:26] DanC
- [... discussion of pointing from Last Call WD to working test development area and/or editor's draft ...]
[17:01:27] bwm
- bwm has joined #webont
[17:01:32] bwm
- bwm has quit
- * DanC waves to brian
[17:02:00] bwm
- bwm has joined #webont
[17:02:02] DanC
- JJC: I think I can have a lcc for the 16Jan telcon
[17:02:36] DanC
- Connolly volunteers to review test between 16 and 30 Jan
[17:02:50] DanC
- Stanton volunteers to review test between 16 and 30 Jan
[17:03:58] DanC
- JJC: how long is last call?
[17:04:29] DanC
- DanC: the number that keeps coming up is 4 weeks, though I'm not sure when that should start
[17:05:21] DanC
- [... discussion of impact of 3-7Mar W3C tech plenary on end-of-last call schedule ...]
[17:06:50] DanC
- JJC: I'm concerned that this might push last call to 3 weeks; I'd prefer 6 weeks...
[17:07:40] ChrisW
- jim - need 4-5 weeks. This schedule (done by Jan 30) gets us there but with no slippage
[17:07:52] ChrisW
- Jim - I'm OK with that
[17:08:05] ChrisW
- Jim - again, it means no slippage
[17:08:31] ChrisW
- danc - this doesn't get us to rec by mar 31
[17:08:42] ChrisW
- - means have to attend telecons after Mar 31
[17:08:54] ChrisW
- pfps - they will be short ones
[17:09:10] ChrisW
- jim - we're all committed thru mar 31
[17:09:26] ChrisW
- jim - we will have to extend after that time
[17:09:42] ChrisW
- jim - we will propose in the middle of march, rec at the end
[17:09:54] ChrisW
- danc - editors are committed for life
[17:09:59] DanC
- 1/2 ;-)
[17:10:02] ChrisW
- (not sure that was a joke)
[17:10:40] ChrisW
- guus - few words about tech plenary
[17:11:28] DanC
- Proposed
[17:11:28] DanC
- 6-7 March 2003 - Semantic Web Architecture Meeting http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/meetings/tech-200303/
[17:12:01] ChrisW
- jim - editors should probably consider coming to finish things up
- * DanC checks access; yes, that's world-readable
[17:12:16] ChrisW
- -probably not a f2f
[17:12:27] ChrisW
- (f2f for webont)
[17:13:05] ChrisW
- danc - semantic web activitiy is chartered thru mar. 2003
[17:13:25] ChrisW
- danc - proposal of what to do next shoudl be out by then
[17:13:37] ChrisW
- danc - proposal could say "take a break"
[17:13:46] ChrisW
- (perhaps miami for spring break)
[17:13:51] DeborahMc
- was that a comment that editors should consider coming to the march 6-7 portion?
[17:13:57] ChrisW
- yes
[17:14:27] ChrisW
- danc reading the URL posted above
[17:15:18] DanC
- actually, getting editors together is more likely on Mon/Tue
[17:15:50] ChrisW
- jim - editors should strongly consider coming the to meeting, finding the information
[17:16:12] DanC
- Technical Plenary http://www.w3.org/2002/10/allgroupoverview.html (member confidential, I think)
[17:16:52] ChrisW
- (some jokes about location)
[17:17:11] ChrisW
- march 3-4 meeting in boston for webont working group
[17:17:26] ChrisW
- jim - we are particularly asking editors to come
- * DanC helps volz log in...
[17:18:02] ChrisW
- jim - everyone is invited
[17:18:18] DanC
- Connolly: please accept my regrets for anything on 4Mar. I have another obligation
[17:18:30] ChrisW
- jim - not confident we don't need another f2f
[17:18:41] Raphael
- Raphael has joined #webont
[17:18:44] ChrisW
- jim - but expect at least the editors
- * DanC trying to sort out access for volz
[17:20:21] ChrisW
- jim - still not completely clear that we need even the editors meeting
[17:21:15] ChrisW
- dan - thanks hosts
[17:21:17] ChrisW
- applause
[17:21:20] DeborahMc
- ok - i also have a request if we need the editors meeting to have it back to back with the other meeting there. thus propose editors meeting on wed and then leave the possibility for staying for thurs meeting
[17:21:24] ChrisW
- jim - thanks everyone in WG
[17:21:53] jhendler
- deb - Wednesday is the technical plenary all groups, I am committed to that, as is Guus and all are invited
[17:22:03] ChrisW
- bye deb
[17:22:09] heflin
- heflin has left #webont
[17:23:02] ChrisW
- deb, you there?
[17:23:25] DeborahMc
- yes
[17:23:48] ChrisW
- i started another chat w/ you directly
[17:24:07] ChrisW
- do you see it?
[17:24:08] DeborahMc
- that did not come up. try again?
[17:24:30] ChrisW
- anything?
[17:25:26] jjc
- jjc has quit
[17:27:44] seanb
- seanb has left #webont
[17:29:38] Raphael
- Raphael has quit
[17:33:12] jhendler
- jhendler has quit
[17:39:28] ChrisW
- ChrisW has quit
[17:48:58] DaveB
- DaveB has joined #webont
[17:49:54] DaveB
- I noticed that logger is the only irc recording bot for today. That's fine but I suggest you copy the logs for today into webont w3.org space. Cheers
[17:49:58] DaveB
- DaveB has quit
[17:50:16] DeborahMc
- where is the recording for yesterday?
[17:51:24] bwm
- http://ilrt.org/discovery/chatlogs/webont/
[17:52:46] DeborahMc
- thx - found that
[18:00:22] bwm
- bwm has quit
[18:17:57] DanC
- DanC has quit
[18:55:54] mdean
- mdean has quit