RDF Core Working Group IRC logs for 2002-02-26 | |
These are the logs from the
RDF Core Working Group
IRC chat.
Dave Beckett
- [07:25:56] DanC
- DanC has joined #rdfcore
- [07:46:49] libby
- libby has joined #rdfcore
- [07:57:23] JosD
- JosD has joined #rdfcore
- [07:58:33] libby
- some photos from yesterday, some of the group: http://swordfish.rdfweb.org/photos/2002/02/25/
- [08:03:32] JosD
- DanC in full (guitar) preparation of the golden triple song
- [08:04:57] gk
- gk has joined #rdfcore
- [08:05:02] gk
- The golden triples:
- [08:05:02] gk
- Lyrics:
- [08:05:02] gk
- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Oct/0103.html
- [08:05:02] gk
- Chords (Spanish Lady):
- [08:05:02] gk
- http://ils.student.utwente.nl/main/r/reilly_paddy/spanish_lady.crd
- [08:05:03] gk
- MP3 of Spanish Lady:
- [08:05:05] gk
- http://www.thepaleboys.com/Paddy%20and%20the%20Pale%20Boys%20-%20Spanish%20Lady.mp3
- [08:13:44] bwm
- bwm has joined #rdfcore
- [08:13:44] JosD
- 1. DaveB's detailed test case for rdfms-nested-bagID
- [08:15:05] JosD
- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jan/0113.html
- [08:17:04] gk
- FYI, I18N discussion: logging in #rdfcore-i18n
- [08:23:22] DanC
- we tried with the W3C validator, and it seemed to agree; 14 triples.
- [08:23:49] DanC
- But we're not in a good position to decide; it doesn't seem intuitive to us that the nested stuff wouldn't get tagged with "this was said on tuesday".
- [08:23:58] DanC
- ------
- [08:25:10] JosD
- testcas 2 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jan/att-0113/02-test002.rdf
- [08:29:14] DanC
- test2 seems straightforward.
- [08:29:16] DanC
- [08:33:31] JosD
- 2. Jeremy's XML base test cases (+ve test cases for error2 and error3)
- [08:33:31] DanC
- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Feb/0516.html
- [08:35:00] DanC
- LMM: yes, re / question, the text of 6.H isn't quite clear...
- [08:39:19] DanC
- LMM: no, re #frag , doesn't seem consistent with RFC2396
- [08:41:02] DanC
- ACTION DanC: get "thismessage:" from RFC2557 in the IANA URI scheme list http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes
- [08:42:49] DanC
- LMM: consider defining a "thisdocument:" uri scheme which works similarly
- [08:45:05] JosD
- (e) When the methods above do not yield an absolute URI, a base URL
- [08:47:43] DanC
- (re / question is test011.rdf)
- [08:48:22] DanC
- LMM: for self-document referce, perhaps you're not doing relative URI references.
- [08:50:34] DanC
- DanC: should we have you review the relevant text?
- [08:50:47] DanC
- LMM: actually, somebody not familiar with the issue should review it...
- [08:50:56] JosD
- test011 APPROVED
- [08:50:57] DanC
- ... e.g. implementors, during CR.
- [08:59:27] JosD
- discussing error001
- [09:01:30] DanC
- -- err002
- [09:01:57] DanC
- re-reading RFC2396 carefully, it seems that the path component of mailto:foo is empty, not undefined...
- [09:02:13] DanC
- so "relfile" relative to mailto:foo@bar is mailto:relfile.
- [09:02:40] DanC
- so RFC2396 does give an answer in this case. perhaps we needn't make it an error.
- [09:03:43] DanC
- -- back to same-document refs:
- [09:05:14] DanC
- in 4.2, there's an "If ... always intended to result in a new request"... that can explain why "#foo" can work with xml:base in RDF.
- [09:05:52] DanC
- -- back to err002, mailto:foo@bar + relfile
- [09:05:59] DanC
- LMM: 1.4 seems relevant...
- [09:07:43] DanC
- suggests that relative URIs are only to be used with schemes that are specified as hierarchical.
- [09:08:03] DanC
- so while it's not an error to do the syntactic composition, users should be warned that this makes no sense.
- [09:08:17] DanC
- (meanwhile: there are lots of ways to say nonsense in RDF.)
- [09:14:23] DanC
- re err002, seems we shouldn't make it an error.
- [09:18:10] DanC
- -- re the same-document case again:
- [09:18:56] DanC
- perhaps the algorithm for computing the absolute form has another input, in addition to the normal base and the relative URI: an address to use in the "this document" case.
- [09:19:14] DanC
- this would require enhancing our test infrastructure to take another input.
- [09:38:59] gk
- gk has quit
- [09:40:05] bwm
- bwm has quit
- [09:55:11] mdean_
- mdean_ has joined #rdfcore
- [09:57:24] mdean_
- test case for nested-bag-ids is approved
- [10:03:50] mdean_
- ACTION: jeremy review error2 and error3 test cases
- [10:05:11] gk
- gk has joined #rdfcore
- [10:08:54] mdean_
- Jeremy: xml:base should apply to rdf:about="" and "#foo", otherwise we should abandon it
- [10:11:14] mdean_
- DanC: we need to show that developers can read the spec and implement it
- [10:15:20] mdean_
- RESOLVED: xmlbase/test001 approved
- [10:17:06] mdean_
- Jeremy summarized internationalization discussion
- [10:17:13] mdean_
- very successful, didn't get beat up
- [10:17:30] mdean_
- most interested in equality as a mathematical operation
- [10:17:47] mdean_
- charmod normalization has changed slightly
- [10:18:09] mdean_
- string literals should be in normal form C and shouldn't start with a combining character (to allow concatenation)
- [10:19:21] DanC
- note to self: testing normalization stuff.
- [10:19:58] mdean_
- want to have IRI's where URIs
- [10:20:25] mdean_
- 3 options
- [10:20:47] mdean_
- need to define IRI equality for RDF graphs (in order to define tidiness)
- [10:22:00] mdean_
- Martin wanted to define equality in such a way that preserves the original input string, since that's what the user intended
- [10:22:39] mdean_
- talked about xml:lang and literal containing Italiano example from yesterday
- [10:22:53] mdean_
- fr:chat en:chat problem
- [10:22:54] DanC
- note to self: does this fuzzy matching of IRIs conflict with the URI opacity axiom? hmm...
- [10:23:54] mdean_
- they were happy for us to define strict equivality as long as we did not mislead application developers that this was the only type of equality
- [10:24:04] mdean_
- Brian minuted exact wording
- [10:24:58] mdean_
- RFC 3066
- [10:25:12] mdean_
- dialects are considered different languages
- [10:25:46] mdean_
- no new parseType="Literal" issues
- [10:27:02] mdean_
- began hearing about what internationalization requirements for NTriples might be, and ruled it out of order (as only a test format)
- [10:27:56] mdean_
- deployment: if we put all of this normalization into our spec, our implementors are dependent upon the XML layers implementing this -- they haven't yet
- [10:28:28] mdean_
- question about whether we need a normalizing transcoder
- [10:29:13] gk
- Only for reading from a non-UTF source.
- [10:31:49] mdean_
- issue of charmod versions -- synchronizing glaciers
- [10:32:01] gk
- jjc: Who gets to rec first ... the race of the glaciers
- [10:32:51] mdean_
- IRI comparison: hexify representations and do binary compare
- [10:33:51] mdean_
- different handling than namespaces?
- [10:34:55] mdean_
- charmod spec is uncooked
- [10:35:47] mdean_
- Jeremy: charmod spec is advice to us on how to meet our internationalization responsibility
- [10:36:00] mdean_
- ... which would be there even without charmod
- [10:37:59] mdean_
- need for waiver from Director on implementing internationalization, if we're depending on features from XML implementors
- [10:38:07] mdean_
- view that this is unlikely to happen
- [10:38:53] mdean_
- suggestion to separate IRI and literal normalization
- [10:39:14] mdean_
- IRI is not yet an IRC
- [10:40:17] JosD
- i.e. an RFC
- [10:40:30] mdean_
- yes -- thanks!
- [10:41:50] mdean_
- discussion about hex encoding
- [10:42:11] mdean_
- many IRIs correspond to one URI
- [10:42:49] mdean_
- RDF works in URI space, not IRI
- [10:43:20] mdean_
- we don't want to have to normalize hostnames, etc.
- [10:45:53] mdean_
- Jeremy discussed test case with escaped IDs
- [10:45:56] mdean_
- not approved yet
- [10:46:38] mdean_
- rdfms-difference-between-ID-and-about/test2
- [10:47:15] gk
- Fort information: there is an XML erratum (http://www.w3.org/XML/xml-V10-2e-errata#E26) says that conversion to hexified form should be deferred until the latest possible moment.
- [10:47:52] gk
- (This bears only indirectly on our discussion, I think)
- [10:49:11] mdean_
- DanC: XML folks seem to have moved to IRIs and treat the protocols that use URIs as legacy
- [10:50:14] DanC
- note to self: this (doing RDF in IRI space, as opposed URI space) seems to have architectural impact.
- [10:52:36] mdean_
- in Jeremy's example, doing it in IRI space produces 2 nodes, doing it in URI space produces 1 node
- [11:19:32] logger
- logger has joined #rdfcore
- [11:19:32]
- Topic now RDF Core WG meeting, Cannes, France 25-26 Feb (telcon 16:00-18:00 UTC each day) - Agenda http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20020225-f2f/
- [11:19:32]
- Users on #rdfcore: logger gk mdean_ JosD libby DanC AaronSw
- [11:19:35]
- * DanC thinks folks now know the issue well enough to form an opinion... let's take a straw poll, please.
- [11:20:15] libby
- we lost some text in the log
- [11:20:17] libby
- [[
- [11:20:26] libby
- mdean_: Jeremy: If we just use a bit, we lose round-tripping
- [11:20:26] libby
- mdean_: DanC: don't kid people into thinking that RDF is extensible in this way
- [11:20:26] libby
- mdean_: EricP: think of this as encoding rather than parseType
- [11:20:26] mdean_
- EricP: what is the cost/benefit of having an extensibility mechanism
- [11:20:27] libby
- ]]
- [11:20:55] mdean_
- DanC: parsers may reach wrong conclusions
- [11:24:20] mdean_
- straw poll against using this as an extensibility mechanism
- [11:25:05] mdean_
- GK: XML has a distinguished status w.r.t. RDF
- [11:26:47] gk
- ... other point is that parseType can still be used for defining alternative pure-syntactic structuired like daml:collection that don't have special representation in the graph (i.e. other than triples)
- [11:28:50] DanC
- note to self: as to actual n-triples, I don't want to use (0, none, "abc") for "abc" with no lang and no Literal... I want to use "abc". with lang="en", it becomes "abc"/en or some such... for parsetype literal, I'd rather something like xmlparse("c14n form"). hmm... XML with lang... hmm.
- [11:32:29] mdean_
- possibility of grandfathering support for daml:collection in RDF
- [11:32:43] mdean_
- RESOLVED: treat parseType as a bit
- [11:33:19] mdean_
- next topic: regarding xml:lang string vs. URI
- [11:33:33] mdean_
- Jeremy: this isn't our problem
- [11:36:03] gk
- http://search.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-klyne-urn-ietf-lang-01.txt
- [11:36:13] mdean_
- DanC: regstries are available, but their URIs keep moving around
- [11:36:21] mdean_
- registries
- [11:36:35] mdean_
- DanC: cost of doing this now doesn't seem to be worthwhile
- [11:36:49] mdean_
- GK: IETF proposal to map lang tags to URIs
- [11:37:23] gk
- (URI is above)
- [11:37:26] mdean_
- Jeremy: sounds like an RDF 2 issue
- [11:38:22] mdean_
- EricP: make lang a string now with intent to move to a URI later
- [11:38:42] mdean_
- ACTION (Brian): add this to postponed list
- [11:39:17] mdean_
- RESOLVED: string from XML 1.0 (RFC 3066)
- [11:39:58] mdean_
- not ready to close charmod-literals
- [11:40:57] mdean_
- Patrick: test case for daml:collection
- [11:41:25] mdean_
- ACTION (DanC): test case that daml:collection is an error
- [11:42:34] mdean_
- ACTION (DanC, DaveB): update NTriples document
- [11:42:57] DanC
- s/daml:collection is an error/is just like Literal/
- [11:43:35] mdean_
- issue: ask WebOnt whether they would like us to bless/grandfather daml:collection
- [11:44:22] mdean_
- ACTION (DaveB): update syntax doc
- [11:44:55] mdean_
- ACTION (Brian): contact Pat about any required updates to Model Theory
- [11:45:31] mdean_
- Brian: can we close rdfms-xmllang?
- [11:45:38] gk
- Ohhh.... but (e.g. for DAML) *not* generating a literal for parseType!=literal may not be an error?
- [11:46:55] mdean_
- TimBL raised rdfms-xmllang
- [11:47:19] mdean_
- RESOLVED: close rdfms-xml-lang
- [11:47:30] mdean_
- rdfms-xmllang
- [11:48:29] mdean_
- regarding rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure
- [11:49:35] mdean_
- MathML example in M&S section 7.5
- [11:50:16] mdean_
- already in UTF-8
- [11:50:31] mdean_
- otherwise we'd need a normalizing transcoder
- [11:50:46] mdean_
- namespaces that aren't used don't get inherited
- [11:51:48] mdean_
- exclusive and inclusive canonicalization are different in their handling of QNames
- [11:53:17] mdean_
- have to explicitly say xmlns="" to turnoff namespaces in parseType="Literal"
- [11:54:22] mdean_
- will get equivalent canonical XML, not necessarily original -- no way to force representation
- [11:55:24] mdean_
- what about comments, entities, etc.?
- [11:59:14] mdean_
- ACTION (Jeremy): review canonicalization spec w.r.t. comments and processing instructions and produce proposal
- [12:00:10] gk
- gk has left #rdfcore
- [12:00:26] gk
- gk has joined #rdfcore
- [12:00:47] mdean_
- Jeremy: concerned about overly-onerous impact on DPH
- [12:01:48] mdean_
- RESOLVED: closed rdfms-literal-is-xml-structure
- [12:02:30] mdean_
- canonicalization will address rdfms-literal-namespaces -- wait for Jeremy's proposal before closing
- [12:02:31] gk
- gk has left #rdfcore
- [12:02:40] mdean_
- lunch now, back in 1 hour
- [12:02:41] libby
- cvs commit
- [12:02:44] libby
- oops
- [12:03:18] libby
- ehem
- [12:03:29] libby
- libby has quit
- [12:40:14] DanC
- DanC has quit
- [12:40:14] JosD
- JosD has quit
- [12:58:47] mdean_
- mdean_ has quit
- [13:09:50] mdean_
- mdean_ has joined #RDFCore
- [13:11:41] JosD
- JosD has joined #rdfcore
- [13:11:50] libby
- libby has joined #rdfcore
- [13:13:25] libby
- brian would like to look at rdfs assertion beiefly
- [13:13:54] libby
- [[asaserting anrdf graph amounts to claiming it is true...]] model theory
- [13:15:07] libby
- dabc
- [13:15:10] libby
- nc:
- [13:15:21] libby
- the web context is taht you publish it and you meab it
- [13:15:31] libby
- bran: what about saying this is rubbish?
- [13:15:54] gk
- gk has joined #rdfcore
- [13:16:28] libby
- brian: 'assrting' an rdf graph - web context you are asserting it, a mail you are not (for example)
- [13:16:28] libby
- ps: need to define what asserting means
- [13:16:28] libby
- jjc: about legal stuff
- [13:16:28] libby
- danc: social implications
- [13:16:59] libby
- ep: least maount can do that clear that contextual issuesz are fdor the courts to decide?
- [13:17:35] libby
- ps there could be other rdf statements saying you are nmot asserting that they are true
- [13:18:11] libby
- brian: need to cature when asserted and when not: not our job
- [13:19:01] libby
- danc: publishes somethign traditional way in rdf whioch looks like a promise to supply widgets, and then can deny it,then we havce failed.
- [13:19:48] libby
- ps: lots diff ways to assert stuff on the web. not our job to say so. klegal issue. we're not qualified
- [13:20:00] libby
- jos: person need to know has such consequences
- [13:20:13] libby
- ps: societty not the web
- [13:20:25] libby
- jjc: 2 cases in uk, web-realted
- [13:21:00] libby
- ...1 low price advertised, didnt get goods; 2 ditto, but w an email ...
- [13:21:12] libby
- ...2nd place email closed the contract, and liable
- [13:21:23] libby
- brian: we are off-course
- [13:21:41] libby
- jjc: asserting is a legal issue, so resolved in the courts
- [13:22:22] libby
- ...agree w brain that this closes issue
- [13:23:03] libby
- danc: prefer to say 'for example publishing it on the web with a 200 response code bla bla bla' maybe better in primer
- [13:23:23] libby
- ...we could be back here again if our readers dont agree
- [13:24:08] libby
- ps: because gl;obal, wont apply everywhere; also make peopel afraid of legal implicationas of rdf
- [13:24:22] libby
- ...just a means for expressing knowldge
- [13:24:31] libby
- ..danc - a contract mechanism
- [13:24:33] libby
- danc: yes
- [13:24:45] libby
- ...'absolutely'
- [13:25:19] libby
- brian: lots of specs in the legal process...
- [13:25:30] libby
- ...dont believe we have to complete entire chain
- [13:25:53] libby
- ...we have to lay a part in making it so directpor can claim that a contract happened
- [13:26:09] libby
- gk: violent agreemnt! propose we accept dancs proposal
- [13:26:32] libby
- ...'for example by publication on the web with response code 200'
- [13:26:46] libby
- md: in absense of legal sigs, problem
- [13:26:57] libby
- danc, no, is http spec, same as http
- [13:27:10] libby
- ep: avoid 'true'
- [13:27:30] libby
- ep: ...some text comparing rdf to any other language....
- [13:28:24] libby
- danc: agree no more (bit also no less) than html
- [13:28:38] libby
- jjc, ps like ep's text more than danc's
- [13:29:55] bwm
- bwm has joined #rdfcore
- [13:31:50] libby
- ep: assertion made in rdf are analgous to assertions made in any other langiuage. the author of these assertions is responsible for tehse assertions but it remains the responsibility of courts to determine the effects of context and other factors.
- [13:31:50] gk
- For information: If we're going to talk detailed wording, here are the ones I proposed: "RDF is intended to convey assertions that are meaningful to the extent that they may, in appropriate contexts, be used to express the terms of binding agreements."
- [13:32:56] libby
- (some tweaking)
- [13:33:07] libby
- (some arguing)
- [13:34:01] libby
- brain: the director needs something. we nede to have something to show his, and see if efficient
- [13:34:09] libby
- ..will that work danc?
- [13:34:23] libby
- danc, yep, but also need to get it right
- [13:35:28] libby
- arguing about publisher
- [13:37:25] libby
- danc: treat it like text! I cannot change my position
- [13:38:11] libby
- dave, jos think too weak, ambiguous
- [13:38:25] libby
- dac, thinks could change 'may be' to 'is'
- [13:39:38] libby
- jjc: proposes a change 'is responsible for these assertions. It remains...'
- [13:40:52] libby
- ...'it reamins the responsibility of courts to determine legal responsibioity considering the effects of context and otherr factors'
- [13:41:14] libby
- dave now happy, jos noit quite happy
- [13:41:26] libby
- danc yjoimks needs to say somethiogn about web servers
- [13:42:18] libby
- jjc: does think we shoudl untuil/if director says need something about web servers
- [13:42:27] gk
- I think we're wasting our time here on two counts: (a) the text is being offered in isolation from the document in which it to appear, (b) from my previous work in legally admissable messaging, legal liability is determined far more by custom and practice than anything we may say in a document.
- [13:42:44] libby
- brian: action (brian) to send this text to timbl and test whether this meets his needs
- [13:44:01] libby
- ---issue rdfs-not-id-and-resource
- [13:44:07] libby
- -attr
- [13:45:02] libby
- jjc: was a problem when ID didnt mean reification. but now it does, this is fixed.
- [13:45:13] libby
- Appoved!
- [13:45:19] libby
- (shortest time ever)
- [13:45:28] libby
- actions: daveb to update testcases
- [13:46:01] DanC
- DanC has joined #rdfcore
- [13:46:15] libby
- (generate or amend testcase, review existing ones)
- [13:46:29] DanC
- in case Brian sees this: when you send the text to TimBL, he's gonna want to read it in context; i.e. in the context of the primer or the model theory.
- [13:46:37] libby
- ----datatyping
- [13:46:47] libby
- (universal happiness)
- [13:47:39] libby
- danc: time to choose one of teh props
- [13:47:48] libby
- jjc: liked simple 2 better
- [13:48:21] libby
- brain: titdy contradicts simple datatypes 2.
- [13:48:32] libby
- jjc would like 3-4 moins to talk about it.
- [13:48:38] libby
- jjc talks about simple 2
- [13:49:37] libby
- jjc: the literal "foo" is is replacable in the MT with a bnode _b <rdf:dlex> "foo"
- [13:49:53] libby
- ...completely replaceable with each other, seen one, seen the other
- [13:50:01] libby
- danc: infinte regress?
- [13:50:06] libby
- jjc: can sort it if so
- [13:50:46] libby
- ...from tidiness pov, the bnode becomes typed and so is not tidy
- [13:51:28] libby
- ..jjc thought allows SB idom, interworks with SA idiom, and they are genuinely compatible
- [13:52:02] libby
- danc: convinced to reopen the issue?
- [13:52:38] libby
- brian: who supports reopening issue
- [13:52:45] libby
- 3 1/2 - not enough
- [13:53:11] libby
- jos: proposed similar earlier, coinvinced not workable
- [13:53:19] libby
- - not reopened
- [13:53:53] libby
- danc has some questions:
- [13:54:36] libby
- http://.....#decimal - lots people want to use it as a class name; lots as a property name (xsd:decimal)
- [13:55:02] libby
- gk: ambivilant, cos have to assin afdditional meaning to it in the rdf context not in schema one
- [13:55:47] libby
- danc: in your favourite design, doy ou want to use this as a prooperty
- [13:55:50] libby
- ?
- [13:56:36] libby
- brain realizes what danc is trying to do....
- [13:57:08] libby
- brian: pat's latest doc has been amended over night
- [13:58:20] libby
- ...who agrees with it?
- [13:58:39] libby
- ..m,artyn yes; miked reservations; jjc, opoosed
- [13:59:46] libby
- ...lukewarm support
- [14:00:23] libby
- ...made all the key deciisons, minor stuff only
- [14:00:23] libby
- ps would like path to review some things he's found with it
- [14:00:36] libby
- jjc will bedragged with the group reluctantly
- [14:01:12] libby
- brian thinks jeremy is they only one who doesnt have what he wants
- [14:01:41] libby
- brian: do you want to do the process?
- [14:02:00] libby
- agrement that if danc fails to persuade we revert to the path doc
- [14:02:13] libby
- danc: 10 mins
- [14:02:45] libby
- http://....#decimal (xsd:decimal) is a propert name?
- [14:02:56] libby
- ...sometimes people like this, sometime not
- [14:03:20] libby
- danc: if so
- [14:03:45] libby
- .. people like: dc:date range date
- [14:04:54] libby
- ...B4
- [14:05:22] libby
- mary age "10"
- [14:05:22] libby
- film title "10"
- [14:05:22] libby
- mary age _x
- [14:05:25] libby
- filem title _x
- [14:05:41] libby
- about 1/2 each way as a good thuing
- [14:06:55] libby
- danc is close to abandoning all hope is his method...
- [14:07:16] libby
- serveral peple withdraw their 'nos'
- [14:07:46] libby
- danc gives up in despair
- [14:07:58] libby
- brain: we go to pat's doc then
- [14:08:10] libby
- danc: what are the big and what small issues for discussion
- [14:08:58] libby
- danc: ascethetic arguments are no longer in order
- [14:12:16] libby
- [scribe missed a bit by jjc, sorry]
- [14:12:51] libby
- ps: woulod like to talk about changing pats proposal - postponed to later
- [14:13:20] libby
- brian jjc has pointed out that entailment important to us, and path's rules it aout
- [14:13:41] libby
- ...change your mind anyone, re jjc comments (unfixable by minor changes)
- [14:14:24] libby
- ?
- [14:14:48] libby
- danc would not want to move forwar in that case, nor grahma, ps or jjc
- [14:15:28] libby
- jjc thinks possible to solve problem by halving path's proposal and taking half any half!)
- [14:15:34] libby
- brian thinks this in scope
- [14:17:47] libby
- brian: propose simple datatypes doc is the basis for our datatypes solution: http://www.coginst.uwf.edu/users/phayes/simpledatatype23-02-2002.html
- [14:18:30] libby
- ...we will only make changes to fix specific problems, with testcases. A problem is something the WG agrees is a problem
- [14:19:37] libby
- danc: the lack of xml e.g.s in the doc is a problem. but path doesnt, cant do that
- [14:19:44] libby
- gk does think a problem
- [14:19:51] libby
- sorry, doesnt think so
- [14:20:04] libby
- most people think lack of e.gs in xml is a problem
- [14:20:30] libby
- ps 'volunteers'
- [14:20:43] libby
- action PS produce these examples
- [14:20:59] libby
- brian: is jjcs entailment not being entoialed a problem?
- [14:21:02] libby
- ...yes
- [14:21:17] libby
- jjcs entailment si a problem - WG agrees
- [14:22:14] libby
- going to do this here and on telecon
- [14:22:48] libby
- ps: problem that it is too complex correctly
- [14:22:56] libby
- s/correctly/currently
- [14:23:15] libby
- jjc: let's appreciate patH's work here
- [14:24:25] libby
- ps: too cumbersome
- [14:24:58] libby
- brian: not enough support for that as a problem heree, maybe in another few weeks
- [14:25:36] libby
- mikeD: take out octal and germal decimal are not good in here
- [14:25:51] libby
- (also as a point xsd:number shopuld be xsd:decimal)
- [14:26:39] libby
- ..no octal concept in xsd, not commas intead of periods in xsd
- [14:27:08] libby
- agreemnt that this a problem
- [14:27:39] libby
- gk: question: are we limited to xsd datatypes for the purposes of evaluating this proposal?
- [14:30:40] libby
- gk: no rational numbers in sd
- [14:30:43] libby
- xsd
- [14:31:06] libby
- 'what we define a datatypeto be'
- [14:31:41] libby
- jjc: small changes, e.g. examples form xsd unl;ess compelling reason not to
- [14:31:56] libby
- approved!
- [14:32:01] libby
- whoo!
- [14:32:49] libby
- libby has quit
- [14:52:01] AaronSw
- <Zakim> SW_RDFCore()10:00AM has now started
- [14:52:01] AaronSw
- <Zakim> +TP-Iles-C
- [14:52:11] AaronSw
- <Zakim> +AaronSw
- [14:53:07] DanC
- testing suggests phone working well... low latency, full duplex.
- [14:53:41] AaronSw
- http://www.thepaleboys.com/Paddy%20and%20the%20Pale%20Boys%20-%20Spanish%20Lady.mp3
- [14:53:53] AaronSw
- <gk> http://ils.student.utwente.nl/main/r/reilly_paddy/spanish_lady.crd
- [14:59:43] AaronSw
- <Zakim> +Manola
- [15:00:59] AaronSw
- <Zakim> +Guest P7 7332 - is perhaps PatH?
- [15:01:47] patH
- patH has joined #rdfcore
- [15:03:19] DanC
- for W3C process presentation, the materials are: http://www.w3.org/2001/02pd/rec54.ps
- [15:03:29] libby
- libby has joined #rdfcore
- [15:04:59] DanC
- I tried to actually hold a design discussion about datatypes, but it became clear after <10min that we were so far from consensus that we just picked pat's most recent as "as good as it gets".
- [15:05:34] gk
- gk is now known as gk-scribe
- [15:19:21] gk-scribe
- (Dan is talking through the process for last call, based on the diagram at: http://www.w3.org/2001/02pd/rec54.png)
- [15:19:57] gk-scribe
- Thinks we have a good chance o shooting directly for proposed rec (i.e. have sufficient interoperable implementation experience.)
- [15:21:00] gk-scribe
- The next step (to full recommendation) is not so much about technology development as getting consensus from the AC that this is a worthwhile technology to deploy.
- [15:22:54] gk-scribe
- So now we need to estimate the schedules (overrun from original charter) going forward from here to proposed rec ... and to full rec???
- [15:23:32] gk-scribe
- As a working group, we need to agree that this is more that just an editorial clarification of the original RDR M&S, which was the original plan.
- [15:23:56] gk-scribe
- Aaaron: but we could have made some more interesting decisions....??
- [15:24:17] gk-scribe
- [But the charter limited our scope there - ed]
- [15:24:34] gk-scribe
- AGREED: out new documents are not just an editorial clarificaTion.
- [15:25:32] gk-scribe
- Documents are: primer, syntax, model th, schema, test cases, datatypes(?), relationship to other specs.
- [15:25:47] gk-scribe
- Which of these are REC track?
- [15:26:25] gk-scribe
- DanC: all but XML relationship.
- [15:26:33] gk-scribe
- GK: dont think the primer is.
- [15:30:40] gk-scribe
- AGREED: the primer will be recommendation track, with dissent from 1 (GK)
- [15:31:53] gk-scribe
- Discussion of datatyping -- will this be rolled into the schema specfication?
- [15:32:50] gk-scribe
- FrankM: consequence is that maybe cannot use RDF without using _some_ schema features.
- [15:33:45] gk-scribe
- jjc: support for idea that Datatyping is published as a NOTE; lack implementation experience, treat design as a hypothesis for a design to be used.
- [15:34:34] gk-scribe
- Jos: entailment rules in current model theory [...] advantage of having in RDFS is a coherent whole.
- [15:34:52] gk-scribe
- Aaron: if we find problems, who'se responsible to fix?
- [15:35:01] gk-scribe
- jjc: tougher if a REC
- [15:35:31] gk-scribe
- DanC: Have sympathy, but there are real dependencies here, so we really need to have this sorted, not just hypothesis.
- [15:36:27] gk-scribe
- ... seems to be some implementation experience with schema.
- [15:36:48] gk-scribe
- Aaron: may take RDF schema to CR, and have others skip to PR.
- [15:37:08] gk-scribe
- DaveB: all documents need to be ready by May -- there are to many interdependencies.
- [15:37:23] gk-scribe
- [May? did we agree that?]
- [15:37:39] gk-scribe
- bwm: back to datatypes...
- [15:38:05] gk-scribe
- jjc: unhappy committing datatypes to REC
- [15:38:57] gk-scribe
- GK sympathy expressed, but DanC made compelling case.
- [15:39:59] gk-scribe
- AGREED: Datatyping will be in the schema spec ... maybe with parts in model theory???
- [15:40:24] gk-scribe
- DanC think we can do last cal my May.
- [15:41:00] gk-scribe
- i.e. beginning of May (May 7)
- [15:41:03] gk-scribe
- FrankM: if scope creep can be limited.
- [15:41:36] gk-scribe
- PatH: remember there's lots of conferences, etc., in April
- [15:42:01] gk-scribe
- Aaron, DanC: would like finished copies of specs to hand out at WWW2002
- [15:42:48] gk-scribe
- If working draft= document author not embarassed to put name on (may be incomplete)
- [15:42:56] gk-scribe
- When can primer be ready???
- [15:43:15] gk-scribe
- Basically, current material, made presentable.
- [15:43:24] gk-scribe
- FrankM: a week.
- [15:43:58] gk-scribe
- ACTION: FrankM, primer WD copy ready by next week.
- [15:44:28] gk-scribe
- Model theory... last-call working draft??
- [15:45:11] gk-scribe
- PatH: 1 May 2002, Pat Hayes busy in March, relatively fee in April.
- [15:46:10] gk-scribe
- EricM: If the primer is the document that will integrate the other parts, it will need a _lot_ of work from all WG members to be ready for last-call.
- [15:46:50] gk-scribe
- Schema, DanBri is not available -- need a plan B.
- [15:47:54] gk-scribe
- ABove... *if* DanBri is not available...
- [15:48:04] gk-scribe
- ... and isn't in current call.
- [15:48:16] gk-scribe
- PatrickS, if people will "look over my shoulder" I'll be plan B editor for Scema.
- [15:48:54] gk-scribe
- We need a woring draft of schema (as well as Primer) *before* last call.
- [15:49:34] gk-scribe
- Ask PatrickS to come back with a higher confidence answer in a week.
- [15:50:00] gk-scribe
- So, for the time being, plan is to have everything to go by 1 May 2002.
- [15:51:01] gk-scribe
- ==== Note target above ====
- [15:52:02] gk-scribe
- XML relationships NOTE, not same deadline. Words might appear in the primer.
- [15:53:58] gk-scribe
- ----
- [15:54:02] gk-scribe
- After May...
- [15:54:55] gk-scribe
- DanC: It will be too soon to disband the WG, so when should we? conventional wisdom = REC+6 months
- [15:55:26] gk-scribe
- Will also deliver list of suggestions of what to do next.
- [15:57:19] gk-scribe
- Suggested we'll hang around for 6 months without necessarily meeting regularly.
- [15:57:27] gk-scribe
- Seems like general agreement.
- [15:59:35] gk-scribe
- How long for last call? Aim for 3-week response period, all responses by end of May - need F2F to resolve difficult comments.
- [16:00:32] gk-scribe
- (If no issues, we have F2F for a big party ;-)
- [16:03:06] gk-scribe
- Aiming for mid-June (maybe around Sardinia meeting?)
- [16:08:14] gk-scribe
- AGREED: plan to meet in Europe, dates around the Sardinia conference
- [16:09:29] gk-scribe
- Bristol is preferred to Pizza, for many.
- [16:10:08] DanC
- s/Pizza/Pisa/g
- [16:10:31] gk-scribe
- ACTION: bwm to specify precise dates and sort hosting details.
- [16:11:11] gk-scribe
- Schedule another event, later F2F ??
- [16:12:05] gk-scribe
- ... not a WG activity? Workshop as oriming activity for follow-on work. People may want to think iof they're available for more
- [16:12:18] gk-scribe
- ACTION: bwm, consider arrangements for RDF-2.0 workshop.
- [16:13:50] AaronSw
- aw, no singing
- [16:14:12]
- * AaronSw starts up "Spanish Lady" on Karaoke mode
- [16:14:13] gk-scribe
- Aaargh! We had it all lined up.
- [16:14:30] gk-scribe
- End of session.
- [16:14:36] gk-scribe
- ---
- [16:14:43] gk-scribe
- gk-scribe is now known as gk
- [16:16:11] AaronSw
- Whack for the toora loora laddie
- [16:16:11] AaronSw
- Whack for the toora loora lay.
- [16:18:22] AaronSw
- Well, we'll have to have at least a get-together at Hawaii.
- [16:18:38] DanC
- you plan to come to Hawaii? I guess you said that.
- [16:19:11] AaronSw
- Yeah, I spent my one travel opportunity on it
- [16:19:16] AaronSw
- I want a F2F I can actually be at, gosh darnit.
- [16:22:29] AaronSw
- Tho I did find someone who'll pay to fly me out to California for some meetings.
- [16:22:51] gk
- gk has left #rdfcore
- [16:23:31] patH
- patH has quit
- [16:37:03] bwm
- bwm has quit
- [16:41:15] AaronSw
- We'll have to save the singing for our next telecon.
- [16:46:05] mdean_
- mdean_ has quit
- [17:02:36] libby
- libby has quit
- [17:52:39] JosD
- JosD has quit
- [19:42:43] DanC
- DanC has quit
- [22:41:34] DanC
- DanC has joined #rdfcore
- [23:17:12] DanC
- DanC has quit
Provided by Dave Beckett,
Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol