* Queries with optional triples (straw poll on required: yes 9, no 1) * Queries with disjunction (straw poll on required: yes 4, no 3, chat more 2-3) UC: 5.3.1 * Queries expressing arbitrary RDF data types (straw poll on required: yes 6, no: 3) * Queries supporting datatypes xsd:integer and xsd:float with operations: less than, equal, greater than [DATATYPES-IF] * Queries supporting date and time datatypes with operations equal, before and after. [DATATYPE-DT] (straw poll, yes: 9, no: 3) * Queries expressible as URLs. (straw poll: yes 9, no: 1) * Queries serializable as text. (straw poll: yes everyone) * Query results in user-selectable result template. (straw poll: yes: 0, no: 10) * Query results in user-selectable Internet Media Types. (straw poll: yes: 5, no: 4) * Query results as a sub-graph of the queried RDF graph (straw poll: yes 10, no: 2) * Query results as multiple solution graphs (straw poll: yes 4, no 5) * Queries for the non-existence of one or more triples in a graph. (straw poll: yes 6, no 1) * Queries expressible in a syntax that is easily read and written by people. (straw poll: yes 10, no 1) * Queries shall allow execution against a local RDF storage service without network support (i.e., queries independent of any network protocol). (straw poll: yes 10, no 0) * The protocol shall allow the negotiation of query languages (straw poll: yes 4, no 8) * Query results can be returned as 0 or more variable bindings (tuples) (straw poll: yes 12, no 1) * Query results must return source/provenance (straw poll: yes 2, no 10) * Query results may return source/provenance (straw poll: yes 8, no 3) * Query results can be interpreted without knowledge of RDF. (straw poll: yes 2, no 6) * Queries written in an RDF syntax (straw poll: 0, no: 8) * The graph of the query looks like the graph of the result (straw poll: yes 1, no 8) * The query language shall be extendable (such as via function calls or namespace mechanism) (straw poll: yes 11, no 1) * The query protocol shall address bandwidth issues of result formats. (straw poll: yes 9, no 1) * The query language/protocol supports limit, offset and ordering of results. (straw poll: yes 5, no 3) * The query language/protocol supports limiting of the number of results. (straw poll: yes 9, no 2) --- Obvious: * Queries with paths of two or more edges Insufficient Support * Query results using 1) graph entailment *OR* * Query results (not using entailment) but 2) treating the graph as a fixed object * Query results can be returned as triple bindings * The query protocol should be cognizant of network access.