Copyright © 2005 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark, document use, and software licensing rules apply.
The aim of this document is to outline a syntax for layering RDF information on any XML document, via attributes.
This is an internal draft produced by the RDF-in-HTML task force [RDFHTML], a joint task force of the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group [SWBPD-WG] and HTML Working Group [HTML-WG].
Last Modified: 2005-10-27
1 Motivation
2 Terms and Abbrevations
2.1 Namespaces
2.2 RDF Terminology
2.2.1 N-Triples
2.3 Using xml:base
2.4 Using CURIEs
3 Introduction to the structure of RDF/A
3.1 General Approach
3.2 Qualifying document components
3.3 Relating document components
3.4 Global RDF statements
4 RDF/A in detail
4.1 Processing
4.2 Establishing the predicate
4.2.1 Using the property attribute
4.2.2 Using the rel attribute
4.2.3 Using the rev attribute
4.2.4 Using both rel and rev attribute
4.3 Establishing the subject
4.3.1 The about attribute
4.3.2 Inheriting the about attribute
4.3.3 meta and link elements meta or link inside the head in XHTML2
4.4 Establishing the object
4.4.1 Literal object resolution using the content attribute
4.4.2 URI object resolution using the href attribute
4.5 Summary
5 RDF Concepts
5.1 Literals as Objects
5.1.1 Without datatype XML Literals Language Tags
5.1.2 With datatype Literal from string value of meta
5.2 Blank nodes
5.3 Reification
6 Examples
6.1 Creative Commons
6.2 FOAF
7 Rules
8 Bibliography
9 Change History
RDF/XML [RDF-SYNTAX] provides sufficient flexibility to represent all of the abstract concepts in RDF [RDF-CONCEPTS]. However, it presents two challenges; first it is difficult or impossible to validate documents that contain RDF/XML using XML Schemas or DTD's, which makes it difficult to import RDF/XML into other markup languages. Whilst newer schema languages such as RELAX NG [RELAXNG] do provide a way to validate documents that contain arbitrary RDF/XML, it will be a while before they gain wide support.
Second, even if one could add RDF/XML directly into an XML dialect like XHTML, there would be significant data duplication between the actual data and the RDF/XML metadata. It would be far better to add RDF to a document without repeating the document's existing data. For example, an XHTML document that explicitly renders its author's name "Mark Birbeck" should not need to repeat this name for RDF expression of the same concept: the existing markup should be augmentable to RDF with minimal data repetition.
In the past, some attributes were 'hard-wired' directly
into the markup language to represent specific concepts.
For example, in XHTML 1.1 and HTML there is
a cite
attribute. The attribute allows an author
to add information to a document to indicate the origin of a
quote. The following example comes from [HTML], although it has been reformatted as XHTML
<blockquote cite=""> <p>They went in single file, running like hounds on a strong scent, and an eager light was in their eyes. Nearly due west the broad swath of the marching Orcs tramped its ugly slot; the sweet grass of Rohan had been bruised and blackened as they passed.</p> </blockquote>
The problem here is that we have had to add a specific attribute to designate citation, and further, both the browser and some metadata processor need to have knowledge of this attribute, and its position within the mark-up.
The RDF/XML solution is to take the citation out as a specific statement about the quote. Our source document may now look like this:
<blockquote id="q1"> <p>They went in single file, running like hounds on a strong scent, and an eager light was in their eyes. Nearly due west the broad swath of the marching Orcs tramped its ugly slot; the sweet grass of Rohan had been bruised and blackened as they passed.</p> </blockquote>
and the RDF/XML looks like this:
<rdf:Description about="#q1"> <xh11:cite href="" /> </rdf:Description>
Whilst this approach gives unlimited flexibility, it has not been widely adopted outside the RDF community. Part of the reason is the complexity of RDF/XML. A more fundamental problem is that RDF/XML often requires duplicating data already expressed in the original XML dialect. The motivation of RDF/A was to devise a means by which documents could be augmented with metadata, using property values from the growing range of available taxonomies, reusing existing content from the host language. In RDF/A, one way that the example given above could be marked-up is as follows:
<blockquote> <link rel="dc:source" href="" /> <p>They went in single file, running like hounds on a strong scent, and an eager light was in their eyes. Nearly due west the broad swath of the marching Orcs tramped its ugly slot; the sweet grass of Rohan had been bruised and blackened as they passed.</p> </blockquote>
Or, if the publisher wishes to give the user a clickable link with the same embedded RDF:
<blockquote> taken from <a rel="dc:source" href=""> Tolkien's Two Towers</a>. <p>They went in single file, running like hounds on a strong scent, and an eager light was in their eyes. Nearly due west the broad swath of the marching Orcs tramped its ugly slot; the sweet grass of Rohan had been bruised and blackened as they passed.</p> </blockquote>
We feel this proposal contributes to standardisation, and takes the pressure off language authors to anticipate all the metadata requirements users of their language might have -- in this example we have used "source" from the Dublin Core [DC] list, rather than inventing our own citation attribute which would be unknown to other languages. For example, the source could still be determined if the same quote were marked-up in SVG:
<svg:text> <link rel="dc:source" href="" /> They went in single file, running like hounds on a strong scent, and an eager light was in their eyes. Nearly due west the broad swath of the marching Orcs tramped its ugly slot; the sweet grass of Rohan had been bruised and blackened as they passed. </svg:text>
We feel these aspects of our proposal are crucial to the future of the Semantic Web, and the place of mark-up documents within it.
This proposal therefore outlines a new XML syntax for RDF that relies only on XML attributes, and so can be easily imported into other markup languages allowing them to carry arbitrary RDF.
In the following examples, for brevity assume that the following namespace prefixes are defined:
cc: | |
dc: | |
ex: | |
foaf: | |
rdf: | |
rdfs: | |
svg: | |
xh11: | |
xsd: | |
This document uses the following terminology defined in [RDF-CONCEPTS]:
URI reference
plain literal
typed literal
XML literal
XML value
blank node
RDF graph
We also add two further concepts, an [RDF/A element] and the [context statement] both of which are explained in the processing section.
The aim of RDF/A is to allow [RDF graph]s to be carried in XML documents of any type. An [RDF graph] comprises [node]s linked by relationships. The basic unit of a graph is a [triple], in which a subject [node] is linked to an object [node] via a [predicate]. The subject [node] is always either an [RDF URI reference] or a [blank node], the predicate is always an [RDF URI reference], and the object of a statement can be an [RDF URI reference], a [literal], or a [blank node].
In RDF/A, a subject [RDF URI reference] is
indicated using the attribute about
predicates are represented using one of the
, rel
, or rev
. Objects which are [RDF URI reference]s
are represented using the attribute href
, whilst objects that are [literal]s are represented either with the
attribute content
, or the content of the element in question.
Most of the examples in this document are shown translated into N-Triples [N-TRIPLES] syntax, with a slight variation in that QNames can be used to replace a URI reference. To tell them apart, the QName will have no angle brackets, e.g. the triple:
<> dc:creator "Mark Birbeck" .
should be read as an abbreviation for the N-Triples syntax:
<> <> "Mark Birbeck" .
Datatypes can also be abbreviated, so the following:
<> dc:title "E = mc<sup>2</sup>: The Most Urgent Problem of Our Time"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
should be read as an abbreviation for this N-Triples statement:
<> <> "E = mc<sup>2</sup>: The Most Urgent Problem of Our Time"^^<> .
All [RDF URI references] are subject to xml:base
[XML-BASE]. Note
that this means that in the absence of an xml:base
attribute, the document containing the RDF statements is
itself the base.
An example follows to show how xml:base
affects the subject:
<span xml:base=""> <link about="" rel="dc:creator" href="" /> <meta property="dc:title" content="Internet Applications" /> </span>
The triples generated would be as follows:
<> dc:creator <> . <> dc:title "Internet Applications" .
In order to allow for the compact expression of RDF
statements, RDF/A uses CURIEs (Compact URIs)
[CURIE]. The rel
, rev
and property
attributes accept CURIE-only
datatypes, while href
and about
accept mixed CURIE/URI data. In particular, the
following notation is a valid RDF/A statement:
This document is licensed under a <a xmlns:cclicenses="" rel="cc:license" href="[cclicenses:by/nc-nd/2.5/]"> Creative Commons License </a>.
which generates the following triple, as expected:
<> cc:license <> .
The main idea behind the syntax for RDF/A is that existing
data should be easy to update to convey RDF triples. Thus,
the bulk of RDF/A can be expressed using only attributes
applied to existing elements within the XML document,
specifically about
, rel
, rev
, property
and content
. In addition, it should be possible
to represent a [triple] using only one XML element. In
this way it owes more to 'flat' syntaxes like RDF/N3
[N3-PRIMER] than it does to RDF/XML
[RDF-SYNTAX], despite its use of XML.
For example, given an XHTML chunk as follows:
This photo was taken by <span class="author">Mark Birbeck</span>.
a simple attribute augmentation can yield an RDF triple:
This photo was taken by <span class="author" about="photo1.jpg" property="dc:creator">Mark Birbeck</span>.
which yields:
<photo1.jpg> dc:creator "Mark Birbeck"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
Note that, in the above example, had "Mark Birbeck" not been
enclosed in an existing span
element, a new one could
have simply been used with about
and property
as its only two attributes.
Similarly, links can be augmented to express RDF triples. Consider an XHTML chunk:
This photo was taken by <a href="">Mark Birbeck</a>.
When the RDF object is a URI, the RDF predicate is designated using rel
This photo was taken by <a about="photo1.jpg" rel="dc:creator" href="">Mark Birbeck</a>.
which yields:
<photo1.jpg> dc:creator <> .
It's important to note that the various RDF/A attributes can be used
on any existing element of the XML dialect. Note also that one can
express a reverse relationship using the rev
attribute. For example, if the photo in question is actually a
depiction of Mark, one could write:
This photo was taken by <a about="photo1.jpg" rev="foaf:img" href="">Mark Birbeck</a>.
which would yield:
<> foaf:img <photo1.jpg> .
Both relations can be expressed simultaneously:
This photo was taken by <a about="photo1.jpg" rel="dc:creator" rev="foaf:img" href="">Mark Birbeck</a>.
which then yields both triples:
<photo1.jpg> dc:creator <> . <> foaf:img <photo1.jpg> .
And it's also possible to go further and add the attributes used for denoting statements in which the object is a [literal]:
This photo was taken by <a about="photo1.jpg" property="dc:title" content="Portrait of Mark" rel="dc:creator" rev="foaf:img" href="">Mark Birbeck</a>.
which would then yield:
<photo1.jpg> dc:creator <> . <> foaf:img <photo1.jpg> . <photo1.jpg> dc:title "Portrait of Mark" .
It's possible to do all of this without ambiguity, since
the property
attribute always denotes a predicate in a
statement in which the object is a [literal], whilst
the rel
and rev
attributes always denote a
predicate in a statement in which the object is a [URI reference]. Put
a different way, property
always works
with content
, whilst rel
and rev
work with
Of course, the more natural way to express the three above triples is to strive to make all metadata literals and URIs meaningful within the host XML dialect. Specifically, in the case of XHTML2, it makes sense to render as much of the useful metadata as possible and use RDF/A to mark up this rendered data. The following XHTML thus generates the same triples shown above.
This photo, entitled <span about="photo1.jpg" property="dc:title">Portrait of Mark</span> was taken by <a about="photo1.jpg" rel="dc:creator" rev="foaf:img" href="">Mark himself</a>.
As expected, an empty string in the about
designates the current URI. In addition, the value of
the about
attribute is inherited from parent
elements. The following XHTML thus generates the very same triples as
the XHTML above.
<div about="photo1.jpg"> This photo, entitled <span property="dc:title">Portrait of Mark</span> was taken by <a rel="dc:creator" rev="foaf:img" href="">Mark himself</a>. </div>
A second feature of RDF/A is that it is possible to use parts of the host document to provide the [subject] of a [triple]. This marks RDF/A from other approaches to serialising RDF, in that the the same syntax can now be used to make statements about parts of a document, and external documents.
It is possible to make such statements using the syntax introduced in the examples above:
<html xmlns:dc=""> <head> <title>On <em>Crime and Punishment</em></title> </head> <body> <blockquote id="q1" about="#q1" rel="dc:source" href="urn:isbn:0140449132" > <p> Rodion Romanovitch! My dear friend! If you go on in this way you will go mad, I am positive! Drink, pray, if only a few drops! </p> </blockquote> </body> </html>
However, two problems arise: the href
the entire quotation to become a clickable link, which may
not be the desired visual effect, and only one triple can
be expressed. Thus, RDF/A provides another mechanism,
using the special link
or meta
element without a specified [subject]. In such cases, the
[triple] concerns the parent element. This allows the
example above to be recast as follows:
<html xmlns:dc=""> <head> <title>On <em>Crime and Punishment</em></title> </head> <body> <blockquote id="q1"> <link rel="dc:source" href="urn:isbn:0140449132" /> <p> Rodion Romanovitch! My dear friend! If you go on in this way you will go mad, I am positive! Drink, pray, if only a few drops! </p> </blockquote> </body> </html>
This syntax (omitting the about
attribute to
refer to the parent element) only applies to the
elements link
and meta
, which means
that even without an id
attribute, the
following statement is still 'about'
the blockquote
element, and not the document as
a whole:
<blockquote> <link rel="dc:source" href="urn:isbn:0140449132" /> <p> Rodion Romanovitch! My dear friend! If you go on in this way you will go mad, I am positive! Drink, pray, if only a few drops! </p> </blockquote>
If more than one piece of metadata needs to be attached to the same
element, then additional link
or meta
elements can be added:
<blockquote> <link rel="dc:source" href="urn:isbn:0140449132" /> <meta property="dc:creator" content="Fyodor Dostoevsky" /> <p> Rodion Romanovitch! My dear friend! If you go on in this way you will go mad, I am positive! Drink, pray, if only a few drops! </p> </blockquote>
Now we have attached two pieces of metadata to
the blockquote
element -- the source of the
quote, and its author.
We say nothing here about how this metadata is used. In the previous example, the information may be of use to an RDF/A-aware browser, and it could be made available to the user accessing the page via a mechanism such as tooltips. But it may also be the case that the document is parsed by some external processor and the output stored as a set of [triple]s. In the latter case the [triple]s generated by the previous example would have a [unique anonymous ID] as the subject of each statement, as follows:
_:a dc:source <urn:isbn:0140449132> . _:a dc:creator "Fyodor Dostoevsky" .
If one wishes a non-anonymous node to represent the blockquote,
one only needs to add an additional attribute to
the blockquote
, namely the usual XML id
<blockquote id="q1"> <link rel="dc:source" href="urn:isbn:0140449132" /> <meta property="dc:creator" content="Fyodor Dostoevsky" /> <p> Rodion Romanovitch! My dear friend! If you go on in this way you will go mad, I am positive! Drink, pray, if only a few drops! </p> </blockquote>
which then yields:
<#q1> dc:source <urn:isbn:0140449132> . <#q1> dc:creator "Fyodor Dostoevsky" .
Using qualifying statements, RDF/A allows a single XML dialect document to include multiple RDF entities. Relations between the various entities of a given page can also be defined using RDF/A notation.
Consider the following XHTML, which defines two RDF entities of
type taxo:topic
, two RDF entities of
type biblio:Publication
, metadata pertinent to each
publication, including dc:title
and dc:creator
, and relations of
type taxo:topics
between the publications and tags:
<html xmlns:dc=""> <head> <title>Mark's Publications</title> </head> <body> <h2>Tags</h2> <div id="tag_standards"> <link rel="rdf:type" href="[taxo:topic]" /> Standards </div> <div id="tag_xforms"> <link rel="rdf:type" href="[taxo:topic]" /> XForms </div> <h2>Publications</h2> <div id="publication_1"> <link rel="rdf:type" href="biblio:Publication" /> <link rel="dc:creator" href="" /> <meta property="dc:title">A Standards-Based Virtual Machine</meta> <link rel="taxo:topics" href="#tag_standards" /> </div> <div id="publication_2"> <link rel="rdf:type" href="biblio:Publication" /> <link rel="dc:creator" href="" /> <meta property="dc:title">XForms and Internet Applications</meta> <link rel="taxo:topics" href="#tag_standards" /> <link rel="taxo:topics" href="#tag_xforms" /> </div> </body> </html>
This yields the expected triples:
<#tag_standards> rdf:type taxo:topic . <#tag_xforms> rdf:type taxo:topic . <#publication_1> rdf:type biblio:Publication . <#publication_1> dc:creator <> <#publication_1> dc:title "A Standards-Based Virtual Machine" . <#publication_1> taxo:topics <#tag_standards> . <#publication_2> rdf:type biblio:Publication . <#publication_2> dc:creator <> <#publication_2> dc:title "XForms and Internet Applications" . <#publication_2> taxo:topics <#tag_standards> . <#publication_2> taxo:topics <#tag_xforms> .
Beyond this theoretical example, this application of RDF/A is particularly useful for formats like FOAF. (See examples.)
The previous series of examples may mislead one to think that RDF/A
statements are only contextual, only meant to qualify existing
elements. However, as the first examples implied, a
fixed about
attribute can be used to specify a global
subject. It is actually quite easy to make independent, global RDF
statements. Statements like:
This document is licensed under a <a about="" rel="cc:license" href=""> Creative Commons </a>.
will produce the same triple no matter where they're located in the document:
<> cc:license <> .
In this section we look in more detail at the [triple]s that are generated when using RDF/A attributes and elements. We've already said that the aim is to make it possible to generate a [triple] with one element. However, we also saw that parent elements may have an effect on the triple represented by their children elements. We therefore need to understand how the subject, predicate and object parts of a [triple] are established from our syntax.
An [RDF/A element] is defined as any XML element
that contains one or more RDF/A
attributes: about
, property
, rel
, rev
, href
, content
Processing proceeds by examining each [RDF/A element] in
turn. The [RDF/A element] under consideration at any time
is the [current statement], and its parent element is the
[context statement]. Note that the [context statement]
does not need to be an [RDF/A element]. RDF/A also
includes a datatype
attribute. The presence of that
attribute does not by itself designate an [RDF/A element].
As each [RDF/A element] is examined, the processor tries
to establish the RDF triples it generates. There is
exactly one triple generated
per rel
, rev
, or property
attribute. Thus, an [RDF/A element] can generate at most 3
RDF triples, one for each of those three attributes. (For
now, we do not consider the effects of reification.) It
makes sense, then, for the processor to start with
identifying the predicate of a triple, then to figure out
the triple's subject and object.
The predicate of a statement is specified using
a property
, rel
or rev
attribute. These attributes can be placed on any element in a
document, and -- although readability may suffer -- can even
co-exist on the same element. The processor rule is simple: each of
these attributes generates exactly one triple. The specific type of
predicate indicates the type of resolution to use for the subject
and object of the triple.
A property
attribute indicates a new statement whose
predicate is the value of that attribute. The subject of the triple
will be decided using subject resolution (Section 4.3). The object
of the triple will be decided using [literal] object resolution
(Section 4.4). The following example indicates the name of the
author responsible for the text being quoted:
<blockquote> <meta property="dc:creator" content="Fyodor Dostoevsky" /> <p> Rodion Romanovitch! My dear friend! If you go on in this way you will go mad, I am positive! Drink, pray, if only a few drops! </p> </blockquote>
A rel
attribute indicates a new statement whose
predicate is the value of that attribute. The subject of the triple
will be decided using subject resolution (Section 4.3). The object
of the triple will be decided using [URI reference] object
resolution (Section 4.4). The following example indicates that one
'FOAF person' knows another:
<link about="" rel="foaf:knows" href="" />
The triple generated is:
<> foaf:knows <> .
A rev
attribute indicates a new statement whose
predicate is the value of that attribute. The subject of the triple
will be decided using [URI reference] object resolution
(Section 4.4). The object of the triple will be decided
using subject resolution (Section 4.3). Note that
resolution is effectively the same as if the rev
attribute had been a rel
attribute with object and
subject reversed. The following example indicates that one 'FOAF
person' knows another:
<link about="" rev="foaf:knows" href="" />
and the [triple] generated is essentially a reversal of our previous example:
<> foaf:knows <> .
and rev
It is perfectly acceptable to use both rel
and rev
attributes within the same
element. According to the rule that every predicate
generates a triple, this approach predictably yields two
triples. For example:
<link about="" rel="foaf:knowns" rev="foaf:knows" href="" />
<> foaf:knows <> . <> foaf:knows <> .
The predicates need not be the same, of course.
Once a predicate has been established, subject resolution can begin,
using as a basis the [RDF/A element] that contains the
predicate-generating attribute. The [context statement] may also be
relevant in determining the subject. If the predicate was established
using the property
or rel
attribute, then
the subject is determined by the about
including inheritance and some exceptions for meta
and link
elements, as detailed in this section. If the
predicate was established using the rev
attribute, then
the subject is determined using object resolution in the next
The subject of a triple is usually indicated using the about
attribute, as follows:
<link about="" rel="foaf:knows" href="" /> <link about="" rel="foaf:knows" href="" />
The value of the about
attribute is of type CURIE/URI
[REF], meaning it can either be a URI, absolute or relative, or a
CURIE in square brackets. Some example values of an about
attribute include:
: the base URI
with #person
appended to it. Refers to the
XML element with id="person"
, if such an
element exists.
: the absolute URI as indicated.[finance:GOOG]
: the
CURIE finance:GOOG
Note that this section does not apply to [RDF/A statement]s whose
predicates are defined in meta
or link
elements. Section 4.3.3 deals with meta
and link
If the [RDF/A element] that includes the predicate
attribute does not have an about
then the subject of the [triple] is determined by the
[context statement]'s about
attribute. The
resolution of the about
attribute is
recursive: if the [context statement] has no such
attribute, then the processor must continue up the DOM
tree to find the closest ancestor with
an about
For example, the following XHTML:
<div about="photo1.jpg"> <span class="attribution-line">this photo was taken by <span property="dc:creator">Mark Birbeck</span> </span> </div>
will inherit the about
attribute from the
enclosing div
and yield the expected triple:
<photo1.jpg> dc:creator "Mark Birbeck"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
If no such parent is ever found all the way up the DOM tree, then the
default value for the about
attribute is the empty
string, which effectively indicates the current document.
and link
@@TODO: make sure the treatment of
the id
attribute is precise here. In
particular, what happens with an id
attribute on a meta
or link
If an [RDF/A statement] is generated by a predicate attribute of
a meta
or link
element, and this element
does not contain an explicit about
attribute, subject
resolution is slightly different. Only the immediate [context
statement] is considered, whether or not it has its
own about
If the [context statement] is a meta
or link
element itself, the [RDF/A statement] represented by the [context
statement] is reified as the subject of this new [RDF/A
statement]. More details on reification in RDF/A are found in Section
Otherwise, if the [context statement] is neither a meta
nor a link
, two cases should be considered. The [context
statement] may have an about
attribute, in which case the
[RDF/A statement]'s subject is resolved as the value of this attribute
(exactly as if the current [RDF/A statement] weren't
a link
or meta
.) However, if the [context
statement] does not have an about
attribute, the subject
of the current [RDF/A statement] is the parent element itself. If this
parent element is not identified with xml:id
, it is
treated as a [unique anonymous ID].
For example, the following XHTML:
<div about="photo1.jpg"> This photo was taken by <meta property="dc:creator">Mark Birbeck</meta>. </div>
will generate one triple corresponding to the property
attribute of the meta
element, whose subject is resolved
as the value of the about
attribute of the immediate
parent element (div
<photo1.jpg> dc:creator "Mark Birbeck" .
However, the following, slightly different, XHTML:
<div about="photo1.jpg"> <span class="attribution-line"> This photo was taken by <meta property="dc:creator">Mark Birbeck</meta> </span>. </div>
will yield the possibly unexpected:
_:span0 dc:creator "Mark Birbeck" .
The meta
and link
elements should be thought
of as mechanisms for applying metadata to any existing element in the
XML document. Thus, to recover the previous triple, one could simply
switch the meta
to a span
, which will
trigger the recursive search up the DOM tree for the
closest about
attribute (this is exactly the same example
as that of the previous section):
<div about="photo1.jpg"> <span class="attribution-line"> This photo was taken by <span property="dc:creator">Mark Birbeck</span> </span>. </div>
or link
inside the head
A meta
or link
without its
own about
attribute and positioned
directly within the head
of a document will
automatically apply to the document
itself. Effectively, the head
of an XHTML2
document contains an implicit about=""
Note also that this isn't exactly the same thing as
having the subject eventually default -- all the way
up the DOM tree -- to the current
document. A meta
or link
applies to the parent element, never inheriting
further up the tree than the head
in this case. Thus, this additional detail about
the head
element is not redundant with any
other instruction in this document.
The object of the statement can be set using one of the
attributes content
or href
. Which
attribute is used depends on how the predicate was
set. If the predicate was set using property
then the object will be a [literal], and its value will
come from the content
attribute or the
element content. If the predicate was set with
the rel
attribute, then the object will be a
CURIE/URI whose value is obtained from
the href
attribute. If the predicate was set
with the rev
attribute, then the object will
be obtained using subject resolution as defined
in the previous section.
attributeThe content
attribute can be used to indicate a [plain literal] as follows:
<meta about="" property="dc:creator" content="Mark Birbeck" />
or, alternatively, using the content of the element (meta
or other) as an [XMLliteral]:
<span about="" property="dc:creator">Mark Birbeck</span>
If the element that carries the property
attribute also
carries a content
attribute and is non-empty, the value
of the content
attribute takes precedence and is taken to
be the object of the triple.
More details on determining the type of a literal object are provided in Section 5.1.
The href
attribute on the [RDF/A statement]'s element
is used to indicate the object as a [URI reference]. Its type, just
like that of the about
attribute, is CURIE/URI:
<link about="" rel="foaf:knows" href="" />
There is no other way to specify a triple's URI object in RDF/A.
Having established the different parts of the syntax of RDF/A, we will now look at the various aspects of the RDF Abstract Syntax, and see how they can be represented in RDF/A.
When a property
predicate is used in RDF/A, the
object is expected to be a literal. This literal can be
optionally typed by a datatype
attribute within
the same RDF/A element. The absence or presence of this
attribute has a significant impact on the interpretation
of the literal.
Without a datatype
attribute, the object
literal will either be a plain literal or an XML
literal, depending on whether the content
attribute is used. For example, consider the following
XHTML with RDF/A which designates the author of a web
<html xmlns=""> <head property="dc:creator" content="Mark Birbeck"> <title>Internet Applications</title> </head> ...
In this case, with the use of the content
attribute indicates that the object is a plain
<> dc:creator "Mark Birbeck" .
On the other hand, the following RDF/A will yield a slightly different triple:
<html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Internet Applications</title> </head> <body> <span property="dc:creator">Mark Birbeck</span> </body> ...
which yields an XML literal object:
<> dc:creator "Mark Birbeck"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
The default rdf:XMLLiteral
type plays a
significant role. XML documents cannot contain XML
mark-up in their attributes, which means it is not
possible to represent XML within the
attribute. The following would cause an XML parser to generate an error:
<head about=""> Author: <span property="dc:creator">Albert Einstein</span><br /> <meta property="dc:title" content="E = mc<sup>2</sup>: The Most Urgent Problem of Our Time" /> </head>
It does not help to escape the content, since the output would simply be a string of text containing numerous ampersands:
<> dc:title "E = mc&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;: The Most Urgent Problem of Our Time" .
RDF does, however, provide a datatype for indicating [XML literal]s. RDF/A therefore adds this datatype to any [literal] that is indicated using child text nodes on the [RDF/A statement]. For example:
<head about=""> Author: <span property="dc:creator">Albert Einstein</span> <h2 property="dc:title"> E = mc<sup>2</sup>: The Most Urgent Problem of Our Time </h2> </head>
would generate the expected triple:
<> dc:title "E = mc<sup>2</sup>: The Most Urgent Problem of Our Time"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
Note that the value of this [XML Literal] is the exclusive canonicalization of the RDF/A element's value.
RDF allows [plain literal]s to have a language tag, as illustrated by the following example from [RDFTESTS-RDFMS-XMLLANG-TEST006]:
<> <> "chat"@fr .
In RDF/A the XML language
attribute -- xml:lang
-- is used to add
this information, whether the plain literal is
designated by the content
attribute, or by
a datatype
value of plaintext
<meta about="" property="ex:property" xml:lang="fr" content="chat" />
Note that the value can be inherited as defined in [XML-LANG], so the following syntax will give the same triple as above:
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="fr"> <head> <title xml:lang="en">Example</title> <meta about="" property="ex:property" content="chat" /> </head> ... </html>
RDF allows [literal]s to be given a data type, as illustrated by the following example from [RDFTESTS-DATATYPES-TEST001]:
<> <> "10"^^<> .
This can be represented in RDF/A as follows:
<span about="" property="ex:bar" content="10" datatype="xsd:integer">ten</span>
If the datatype
is specified, but
no content
attribute exists, then the
typed literal's value is determined as the
concatenation of all textual child elements. For example, the following RDF/A:
<span about="" property="dc:creator" datatype="xsd:string"> <b>M</b>ark <b>B</b>irbeck </span>.
will yield the following triple:
<> dc:creator "Mark Birbeck"^^xsd:string .
A [blank node] is generated explicitly when an [RDF/A statement]
uses a bnode CURIE as its subject. A [blank node] can be generated
more implicitly when an XML element without an about
attribute has meta
or link
elements, also without about
attributes of their own.
In the latter case, the [unique anonymous ID] generated to identify
the [blank node] is associated with the [context statement] of
the meta
and link
elements. This allows a
number of statements to be made about the same [blank node].
For example, to establish relationships between a [blank node] and literals or URIs, one can use the implicit [blank node] construction of our earlier exapmle, repeated here:
<blockquote> <link rel="dc:source" href="urn:isbn:0140449132" /> <meta property="dc:creator" content="Fyodor Dostoevsky" /> <p> Rodion Romanovitch! My dear friend! If you go on in this way you will go mad, I am positive! Drink, pray, if only a few drops! </p> </blockquote>
This would generate the following [triple]s:
_:a dc:source <urn:isbn:0140449132> . _:a dc:creator "Fyodor Dostoevsky" .
One could also use the more explicit declaration:
<blockquote about="[_:a]"> <p> Rodion Romanovitch! My dear friend! If you go on in this way you will go mad, I am positive! Drink, pray, if only a few drops! </p> </blockquote> <link about="[_:a]" rel="dc:source" href="urn:isbn:0140449132" /> <meta about="[_:a]" property="dc:creator" content="Fyodor Dostoevsky" />
To establish relationships between [blank node]s, the [unique anonymous ID] must be set explicity using a CURIE bnode as subject or object. For example, if our desired output is the following [triple]s:
_:a foaf:mbox . _:b foaf:mbox . _:a foaf:knows _:b .
we could use the following XHTML:
<link about="[_:a]" rel="foaf:mbox" href="" /> <link about="[_:b]" rel="foaf:mbox" href="" /> <link about="[_:a]" rel="foaf:knows" href="[_:b]" />
or, alternatively, if we wish to partly render the information in XHTML:
<div about="[_:a]"> DanBri can be reached via <a rel="foaf:mbox" href=""> email </a>. He knows Libby. <link rel="foaf:knows" href="[_:b]" /> </div> <div about="[_:b]"> Libby can be reached via <a rel="foaf:mbox" href=""> email </a> </div>
RDF/A partially supports reification.
During subject resolution (which could be triggered by object
resolution for a rev
attribute), the processor may
traverse up the DOM tree in search of an about
attribute. If a link
or meta
element is
encountered before an about
attribute is found, and if
this link
or meta
element itself does not
have an about
attribute, then the subject (or, again in
the case of rev
, object) is resolved as the [RDF/A
statement] represented by this link
or meta
For example, the following XHTML:
<div about=""> <link rel="cc:license" href=""> <meta property="dc:creator" content="Ben Adida" /> </link> <meta property="dc:creator" content="Mark Birbeck" /> </div>
will yield the following triples:
<> cc:license <> . <> dc:creator "Mark Birbeck." _:a rdf:type rdf:Statement . _:a rdf:subject <> . _:a rdf:predicate cc:license . _:a rdf:object <> . _:a dc:creator "Ben Adida" .
which means that "Mark Birbeck" is the creator of the current document, that this document is licensed under a Creative Commons license, and that "Ben Adida" is the creator of that licensing statement, not of the document itself.
One of the advantages of using the same syntax to make general statements as well as statements about a document is that in many cases a document can carry its own metadata. For example, if an XHTML document contains a navigable link to the Creative Commons license, this link can also be used to express metadata:
<div about=""> This document is licensed under a <a rel="cc:license" href=""> Creative Commons License </a> which, among other things, requires that you provide attribution to the author, <a rel="dc:creator" href="">Ben Adida</a>. </div>
This chunk of XHTML will generate the same triples, no matter what other XHTML contains it:
<> cc:license <> <> dc:creator <>
FOAF requires the definition of at least two RDF entities: the FOAF person, and the FOAF homepage, which cannot be the same. Thus, the following XHTML can be used to represent a FOAF record:
<html xmlns...> <head> <title property="dc:title">Dan's home page</title> </head> <body> <section id="person"> <span about="[_:geolocation]"> Dan is located at latitude <meta property="geo:lat">51.47026</meta> and longitude <meta property="geo:long">-2.59466</meta> </span> <link rel="rdf:type" href="[foaf:Person]" /> <link rel="foaf:homepage" href="" /> <link rel="foaf:based_near" href="[_:geolocation]" /> <h1 property="foaf:name">Dan Brickley</h1> </section> </body> </html>
which yields the correct FOAF triples:
<> dc:title "Dan's home page" . _:geolocation geo:lat "51.47026" . _:geolocation geo:long "-2.59466" . <#person> rdf:type foaf:Person . <#person> foaf:homepage <> . <#person> foaf:based_near _:geolocation . <#person> foaf:name "Dan Brickley" .
If one wants to make the foaf:Person
a blank node, then
the only change required is taking out the id="person"
from the span
element, which then yields the following
<> dc:title "Dan's home page" . _:geolocation geo:lat "51.47026" . _:geolocation geo:long "-2.59466" . _:span0 rdf:type foaf:Person . _:span0 foaf:homepage <> . _:span0 foaf:based_near _:geolocation . _:span0 foaf:name "Dan Brickley" .