This is an experiment in adapting the RDoc Ruby documentation code to output an RDF flavour of XML. Initially I sketched an alternate XML output format, and then got talking with the author of Rdoc, Dave Thomas, in IRC. We hacked about a bit and now there is an "rdoc -f rdf" commandline option :) files: See Makefile for the commandlinery that runs this, and successlog.txt for gloating. Hmm, why am I writing README.txt files when HTML exists. Doh. Old stuff... squish.xml is the original output, run against ../squish/squish.rb squish2.rdf is a first step towards RDFizing this (by trimming the generated example an annotating it slightly). squish3.rdf is a fully tweaked if minimal example. See comments in squish3.rdf for more detail Nearby: RDF: Understanding the Striped RDF/XML Syntax experiments with RDF programming in Ruby see also: timbl's python talk (@@url) TODO: set up a big/feature/test thing for squish.rb: found a bug, nowhere smart to record it yet: SELECT ?foo, ?bar, WHERE <- needs bogus final comma to parse Notes: [[ CMN no. one thing that danbri thought about (we've been using for Authoring tools) is RPM files - a database of linux packages. there's lots of RDF about them already (who made it, when shipped, etc). We thought about adding conformance info to RPM find info. Then you could say, "find me an editing tool and is AA conformant to ATAG or meets these five checkpoints that I care about." ]] see also: