Purpose of this Document

This page was constructed in answer to a query for resources on Semantic Web web services. Its descriptions are highly subjective and will maintained it as long as it excites me.


Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS)
Stanford University, July 30, 2001 - gathering of a couple hundred SW geeks had a track on "(Web-)Services and Applications" with some practical implementations of service discovery and recombination. Proceedings are in PDF - no HTML version available.
DAML-S: A Semantic Markup Language For Web Services
Describes DAML-S 0.5. Describes relationship to UDDI, WSDL, E-speak and ebXML.
Serching for services on the semantic web using process ontologies
Use MIT Process Handbook schema to store service description ontologies. Specialized BD query interface called Process Query Language.
Approach to Service Description for Matchmaking and Negotiation of Services
Advantages/disadvantages of using RDF for web service advertisement. Flower vender example. Insufficient discussion of DAML capabilities. No proposals.
The Briefing Associate: A Role for COTS applications in the Semantic Web
From the abstrace: Use COTS to help generate ontological descriptions of the content of manually produced documents. Tool to import DAML ontologies into Powerpoint slides.
ITTALKS: A Case Study in the Semantic Web and DAML
Use DAML to express ITTALKS (an IT lecture service) subject, time and location. Has fallbacks 'cause users don't actually have DAML-enabled agents yet.
Open Learning Repositories and Metadata Modeling
SQL-backed tripple store (different from McBride's), PHP web front end. OLR API speciallized accessors to propert values (eg. getResourceTitle). Comparison to O-Telos Modeling Language.
This web services ontology using RDF and the Darpa Agent Markup Language provides a well thought-out and practical way to descibe web services so they can be precisely discovered.
Supercharging WSDL with RDF
Uche Ogbuji's article describing how WSDL could be encoded in RDF. This approach differs significantly from DAML-S. I perfer DAMl-S but beleive this provides a good path for WSDL folks to see how easily their data may be made available to the semantic web.
Annotated RDF WSDL Examples
An annotated version of an example from Uche Ogbuji's paper that is intended to make it easier to understand the schema.
WSDL RDF Mapping
An attempted to translate the intended WSDL model into an RDF model.


Communicating a service description to a party interested in using that service or to some third party which the party will query.
A set of parameters that characterize a web service so that someone looking for such a service will be able to identify it.
The process by which an interested party locates a service fitting some criteria.

See Also

Understanding ebXML, UDDI, XML/EDI

make: use DAML:equiv to assert that this procondition is the same as that postcondition.

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Eric Prud'hommeaux
Last modified: Wed Nov 14 18:57:55 EST 2001