IRC log of xmlprotocol on 2003-07-09

Based on IRC log

Roll call
Present 13/9
AT&T, Mark Jones
BEA Systems, Mark Nottingham
BEA Systems, David Orchard
IBM, John Ibbotson
IBM, David Fallside
Microsoft Corporation, Martin Gudgin
SAP AG, Volker Wiechers
SeeBeyond, Pete Wenzel
Sun Microsystems, Marc Hadley
Sun Microsystems, Tony Graham
Systinet (IDOOX), Jacek Kopecky
W3C, Yves Lafon
W3C, Carine Bournez

AT&T, Michah Lerner
IBM, Noah Mendelsohn
Microsoft Corporation, Jeff Schlimmer
SAP AG, Gerd Hoelzing
Systinet (IDOOX), Miroslav Simek

Canon, Jean-Jacques Moreau
Canon, Herve Ruellan
DaimlerChrysler R. & Tech, Mario Jeckle
Ericsson, Nilo Mitra
Fujitsu Limited, Kazunori Iwasa
Fujitsu Limited, Masahiko Narita

DaimlerChrysler R. & Tech, Andreas Riegg
IONA Technologies, Eric Newcomer
IONA Technologies, Oisin Hurley
Macromedia, Glen Daniels
Oracle, Jeff Mischkinsky
Oracle, Anish Karmarkar

[scribe_mj] July 2 telcon minutes approved with inclusion of Jacek's regrets. 

Action items
[scribe_mj] if no debate on requirement doc by end of week, it will be published. 
[scribe_mj] Still waiting for response from IETF on SOAP media type registration. 
[scribe_mj] Remaining actions by Herve, DavidF and Gudge were done. 

[scribe_mj] status reports... 
[scribe_mj] draft agenda for the next f2f will appear this week. 
[scribe_mj] wireless and wired access will be provided at the f2f. 

[scribe_mj] MTOM boilerplate has been added; small errors corrected. 
[scribe_mj] MTOM WD has been submitted for W3C publication. 

[scribe_mj] Future XMLP WG activity ... attachment work and SOAP 1.2 maintenance. 
[scribe_mj] ACTION: DavidF will ping Mike Champion/WSA regarding possible work items 
  for an XMLP recharter. 
[scribe_mj] ACTION: DavidF will also inform WSA of our possible consideration of a 
  modified HTTP binding. 

[scribe_mj] Attachments
[scribe_mj] May 27 2003 version of requirements doc -- 
  is 1st in reqs thread 
[scribe_mj] Considering new requirements from the above thread ... 
[scribe_mj] DaveO likes a major/minor requirements distinction ... 
[scribe_mj] DaveO thinks we should keep existing requirements in view, even if not 
  directly met/addressed by MTOM. 
[scribe_mj] Gudge agrees with MarkJ that the requirements doc needs to be "MTOMized". 
[DaveO] q+ 
[scribe_mj] Jacek doesn't think we need to keep requirements that don't fit with 
[scribe_mj] MarcH thinks we should be careful about jettisoning requirements. 
[scribe_mj] MarkN volunteers to help restructure the req'ts doc! 
[scribe_mj] DavidF proposes that we keep all requirements, but add some structure 
  (major/minor) and identify which requirements are met by MTOM. 
[scribe_mj] Also, new requirements can be factored in. 
[davidF] ACTION: MarkJ & Chair to setup Reqs TF mtg(s) asap 

[scribe_mj] SOAP MTOM -- what are the next steps forward with this doc? 
[scribe_mj] Herve suggested a couple of items -- create a new HTTP binding and 
  considering the PASWA type specification. 
[scribe_mj] MarcH worries about doing a new HTTP binding given that we just went to 
  Rec and that the SOAP 1.2 binding has some extensibility points. 
[scribe_mj] MarkN roughly agrees with MarcH. 
[scribe_mj] ACTION: MarcH will try to be more specific about how MTOM will relate to 
  the current HTTP binding (section 4, MTOM). 
[scribe_mj] Section 4, for example, doesn't mention the content-type. 
[scribe_mj] Jacek suggests that the PASWA type spec and web resource rep needs to be 
  added to MTOM. 
[scribe_mj] Jacek notes that the web resource rep in PASWA depends on the type spec. 
[JacekK] ACTION: JacekK to propose incorporation of "the media typing stuff" into 
  our current work 

[scribe_mj] Moving on to the Issue discussion
[scribe_mj] Issue 431 -- semantics of attachments and intermediaries 
[scribe_mj] Intermediaries can change the set of optimized elements. /Gudge 
[scribe_mj] Resolution of issue seems to be premature at this time, pending more 
  requirements work. 
[scribe_mj] (issue 431) 
[scribe_mj] ACTION: MarkN will further the discussion of issue 431 on email. 

[Zakim] WS_XMLP()2:00PM has ended 

[RRSAgent] I see 6 open action items: 
[RRSAgent] ACTION: DavidF will ping Mike Champion/WSA regarding possible work items for an XMLP recharter.[1] 
[RRSAgent] ACTION: DavidF will also inform WSA of our possible consideration of a modified HTTP binding.[2] 
[RRSAgent] ACTION: MarkJ & Chair to setup Reqs TF mtg(s) asap[3] 
[RRSAgent] ACTION: MarcH will try to be more specific about how MTOM will relate to the current HTTP binding (section 4, MTOM).[4] 
[RRSAgent] ACTION: JacekK to propose incorporation of "the media typing stuff" into our current work[5] 
[RRSAgent] ACTION: MarkN will further the discussion of issue 431 on email.[6]