[Homepage of the Workshop on Digital Rights Management] [Program Committe Page]
Nr. | Company |
Author(s) | Title | Download |
1 | AccessTicket | Kilho Shin, Craig A. Schultz | Digital Qualification - direct deployment of PKC in the access control of diverse content and services | HTML |
2 | AFB-American Association for the Blind | Janina Sajka | Position Paper (Surpassing Gutenberg) | HTML |
3 | Archimuse | David Bearman | Functional Requirements for IP Management | HTML |
4 | Artesia Technologies | Sebastian Holst | Position Paper | HTML |
5 | Cloakware | Spencer Cheng, Paul Litva, Alec Main | Trusting DRM Software | HTML |
6 | CNRI | Larry Lannom | Position Paper | HTML |
7 | Compaq | Mark S. Manasse | Why Rights Management is Wrong (and What to Do Instead) | HTML |
8 | ContentGuard | Brad Gandee, Xin Wang | Position Paper | HTML |
9 | DAISY Consortium JSRPD |
George Kerscher, Hiroshi Kawamura | DRM For Persons Who are Blind and/or Print Disabled | HTML |
10 | Dentsu | Nicholas R. Givotovsky, Takahito Iida | Position Paper | HTML |
11 | Digital Goods | Jonathan Schull | Position Paper | HTML |
12 | Digitale Hanse | Frank Reichwein | Why DRM cannot protect copyrights | HTML |
13 | DMDsecure | Nickel van der Vorm | Position Paper | HTML |
14 | FSU | Judie Mulholland | Digital Rights (mis)Management | HTML |
15 | GEMPLUS | Pierre Vannel | Position Paper | HTML |
16 | Hewlett-Packard | John Erickson, Matt Williamson, Dave Reynolds, Poorvi Vora, Peter Rodgers | Principles for Standardization and Interoperability in Web-based Digital Rights Management | HTML |
17 | Hewlett-Packard | Poorvi Vora, Dave Reynolds, Ian Dickinson, John Erickson, Dave Banks | Privacy and Digital Rights Management | HTML |
18 | Hewlett Packard KPMG Consulting |
Mark Rowe, Zachary Coffin | Position Paper | HTML |
19 | IFPI | Philippa J.K. Morrell | Position Paper | HTML |
20 | Indecs | Godfrey Rust | Indecs Framework | LINK |
21 | Intel | Vaughn Iverson | Position Paper | HTML Revised Edition |
22 | International DOI Foundation | Norman Paskin | Position Paper | HTML |
23 | IPR Systems | Renato Iannella | Open Digital Rights Management | HTML |
24 | IrdetoAccess | Wim Mooij | Position Paper | HTML |
25 | McGraw-Hill | Robert Bolick | Position paper on Publishers' Requirements for Digital Rights Management | HTML |
26 | Metarights | JhongGeon KIM | Transaction Information Management in DRM process | HTML |
27 | Microsoft | Tom McMahon | Position Paper | HTML |
28 | MPEG | Rob Koenen | Intellectual Property Management and Protection in MPEG Standards | |
29 | Nokia |
Julian Durand | Position Paper | HTML |
30 | NTRU | Jeremy Wyant | Establishing security requirements for more effective and scalable DRM Solutions | HTML |
31 | Philipps | Gérard Lokhoff | Internet Digital Rights Management for Consumer Electronics Applications | HTML |
32 | Phocis | Andy Barlow | Position Paper | HTML |
33 | Pye Brook | Stephen Mooney | Digital Object Identifiers for ebooks: What are we identifying? | HTML |
34 | RealNetworks | Jeff Albertson | Position Paper | HTML |
35 | Reed Elsevier | Jeff Honious | Position Paper | HTML |
36 | Reuters | David Parrott | Position Paper | HTML |
37 | RightsCom | Chris Barlas | Position Paper | HTML |
38 | University of Helsinki | Viveca Still | Legal challenges for the development of Digital Rights Management Systems | HTML Final Version |
39 | University Paris | Michel de Rougemont | Digital Rights Infrastructures | HTML |
40 | Versaware | Jonathan D. Hahn | Position Paper | HTML |
41 | Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd | Roger Clarke | DRM Will Beget DCRM | HTML |
See the version for the program committee
Last update $Date: 2001/03/08 17:30:03 $ by $Author: rigo $