1: ... [by parsing ] 2: :GIRL a :WOMAN . [by erasure from step 1] 3: :DUCK :SAMEWEIGHT :GIRL . [by erasure from step 1] 4: :DUCK a :FLOATS . [by erasure from step 1] 5: @forAll :x, :y . { :x a wit:FLOATS; wit:SAMEWEIGHT :y . } log:implies {:y a wit:FLOATS . } . [by erasure from step 1] 6: ... [by rule from step 5 applied to steps [3, 4] with bindings {'y': '', 'x': ''}] 7: :GIRL a :FLOATS . [by erasure from step 6] 8: @forAll :x . { :x a wit:FLOATS . } log:implies {:x a wit:ISMADEOFWOOD . } . [by erasure from step 1] 9: ... [by rule from step 8 applied to steps [7] with bindings {'x': ''}] 10: :GIRL a :ISMADEOFWOOD . [by erasure from step 9] 11: @forAll :x . { :x a wit:ISMADEOFWOOD . } log:implies {:x a wit:BURNS . } . [by erasure from step 1] 12: ... [by rule from step 11 applied to steps [10] with bindings {'x': ''}] 13: :GIRL a :BURNS . [by erasure from step 12] 14: @forAll witch:x . { witch:x a :BURNS, :WOMAN . } log:implies {witch:x a :WITCH . } . [by erasure from step 1] 15: ... [by rule from step 14 applied to steps [2, 13] with bindings {'x': ''}] 16: :GIRL a :WITCH . [by erasure from step 15] 17: ... [by parsing ] 18: { :GIRL a :WITCH . } log:implies {:GIRL a :WITCH . } . [by erasure from step 17] 19: :GIRL a :WITCH . [by rule from step 18 applied to steps [16] with bindings {}] @prefix : . :GIRL a :WITCH .