Easter algorithm

From net news message

See that below as N3 rules

According to H.V. Smith in "Mathematical Spectrum," 11 (1978/79),
23-24, the following rule appeared in Butcher's Ecclesiastical
Calendar, 1876.  To find the date of Easter Sunday for year y:

              Divide            by      Quotient  Remainder
                 y               19                   j
                 y              100        k          h
                 k                4        m          n
               k + 8             25        p
             k - p + 1            3        q
        19j + k - m - q + 15     30                   r
                 h                4        s          u
        32 + 2n + 2s - r - u      7                   v
           j + 11r + 22v        451        w
         r + v - 7w + 114        31        x          z

Here x is the number of the month ond 1 + z is the day of that
month upon which Easter Sunday falls in the year y.