Julia Schofield Consultants Ltd.

Accessible Navigation

Tom Pereira

3 October 2000

Who are we?

JSC produces web-enabled designs and applications for the government, retail and health sectors.

This means that work increasingly raises:

JSC specialises in public-facing systems where many users are expected to not have Internet experience.

Who needs access to what?

Websites and access

Crudely, web-enabled solutions can be grouped:

Perhaps guidelines need to address the different groups of sites that now exist?

What sectors are different?



Life Events Example Screen 1

Life Events Example Screen 2

Life Events Example Screen 3

Why is access screwed up by government sites?

It is easy to confuse

Sites with complex navigation models often leave the user ‘lost in web-space’.

Portals often present lots of information   [MSN Example]

Content from elsewhere can ruin navigation: Screengrab of badly labeled image

Breaking the rules

Using nested tables breaks a WAI checkpoint.

However, in some circumstances this can increase accessibility.

In this example, the row-first scan employed by the speech browser can be diverted using a nested table.

Two tables, with 3 columns each. The first table has 2 rows. The second has 1 row, with 2 row nested tables in each column.


What is needed

Julia Schofield Consultants Ltd.

Century House, 351 Richmond Road,
East Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 2ER

Tel: +44 (020) 8891 4455
Fax: +44 (020) 8891 4555
E-mail: jsc@jsc.co.uk