SVG Accessibility/Mapping Graphs

From W3C Wiki

Maps, whether of physical places or schematic metro maps or organisation charts


canada.svg on github

Population of some Canadian provinces
Population of some Canadian provinces

A map of Canadian provinces. The legend suggests it is a population map, with colours representing differet levels of population, but only two provinces are coloured in. It might be broken with poorly-defined gradients


cubaRoads.svg on github

Roads in Cuba
Roads in Cuba

Lines representing the roads in Cuba - but nothing indicating boundaries such as "the shape of Cuba". (I think. Otherwise, it is a picture of where a snail went on a window over a few months).


network.svg on github

A 37-node network
A 37-node network

The points numbered 0-36 are coloured according to a gradient, where 0 is blue, moving through grey, yellow, and orange, with 36 red.

The connections are apparently non-directional and all the same unless distance is significant, with each node being connected to the following neighbours

0 connects to
1, 4, 22
1 connects to
0, 2, 4
2 connects to
1, 4, 30
3 connects to
4, 29
4 connects to
0, 1, 2, 3
5 connects to
20, 29
6 connects to
7, 8, 9
7 connects to
6, 10, 15
8 connects to
6, 9, 18
9 connects to
6, 8, 13
10 connects to
7, 11, 12, 13, 14
11 connects to
10, 12, 14
12 connects to
10, 11, 22
13 connects to
9, 10, 14
14 connects to
10, 11, 13
15 connects to
7, 16, 17, 18, 19
16 connects to
15, 17, 18
17 connects to
15, 16, 21
18 connects to
8, 15, 16
19 connects to
15, 20
20 connects to
5, 19, 21, 22, 23, 36
21 connects to
17, 20, 25
22 connects to
0, 12, 20
23 connects to
20, 24
24 connects to
23, 25, 26, 27, 36
25 connects to
21, 24, 27
26 connects to
24, 27, 35
27 connects to
24, 25, 26
28 connects to
29, 30, 31, 32, 33
29 connects to
3, 5, 28
30 connects to
2, 28, 31
31 connects to
28, 30, 32
32 connects to
28, 31, 35
33 connects to
28, 34
34 connects to
33, 35, 36
35 connects to
26, 32, 34
36 connects to
20, 24, 34