Rel attribute values/reply-to

From W3C Wiki

reply-to is a rel value for use when linking to a target URL (e.g. an email address) where notifications or contact information for the current page should be sent.

For example, on a technical specification, the contact link for the responsible working group should have a rel="reply-to" attribute-value pair.

The reply-to rel value is named after the Reply-To Mail Header introduced in the IETF RFC822, ARPA INTERNET TEXT MESSAGES.

Note: reply-to is distinct and different from in-reply-to, which indicates that the current page is a reply to the page being linked to.


   <a rel="reply-to" href=""></a>


In a document that has a point of contact for comments, questions, or other feedback, the reply-to rel value should be used on a hyperlink to indicate that contact information.

If there are multiple points of contact for a document, all of these contacts should be concatenated into a list of email addresses in a single hyperlink with the reply-to rel value. The reply-to rel value should not be used on multiple hyperlinks in the same document.


If a page contains a hyperlink with the reply-to rel value, the first hyperlink with the reply-to rel value should be used as the address(es) to send the contact message.

Example Usage

  • An annotation system that allows users to directly annotate a technical specification in a browser can look for the feedback link with rel="reply-to" to automatically detect the mailing list to send a notification when an annotation is made.
  • An article on a news site could include a feedback link with rel="reply-to" to allow people to easily and consistently send in corrections through another channel than a comments mechanism.
  • A popular blog could include a feedback link with rel="reply-to" to allow readers to send in feedback to the author even if the article has been republished on third-party aggregator sites.

See Also