
From W3C Wiki

A very simple rendering of SNOMED in RDF

We have a SPARQL endpoint up where you can look at one possible rendering of how parts of SNOMED might be rendered in RDF.

In this rendering,

(1) all SNOMED is-a relationships are rendered as skos:broader relationships;

(2) the relationship between a concept and it "Fully Specified Name" is rendered as a skos:prefLabel relationship.

(3) uri-based names for SNOMED concepts are constructed using http://purl.oclc.org/snomed/sct#id- followed by the SNOMED CT ID. (NOTE: This is NOT an official uri for SNOMED!!!!! This is expressly created for this demo only!!!!)

(Note: this rendering is very problematic and no way is it anywhere near ideal...please look at this page for more discussion.)

Contact John Madden if you want access to the SPARQL endpoint.

and you will need a SPARQL client to view this.

If you want to use a sweet, web-based graphical front end, check out


which is by Alistair Rutherford (thanks Alistair for making this work with our repository!!!).

Paste the endpoint URL into the box labeled "Endpoint" at the top of the page.

Here's a sample query that you can use:

SELECT ?concept ?name
WHERE {?concept skos:prefLabel ?name}