Off-by-one error in double to long long conversion ?

Hi !

The number to long long and unsigned long long conversion algorithm seems  
to have a off-by-one error [1]

It limits long long to the [-2^53+1,2^53-1] range and unsigned long long  
to [0,2^53-1];

If we convert the values

-2^53 - 1 = -9007199254740992 (loses unit precision, throws TypeError  
according to the spec)
-2^53     = -9007199254740992 (has unit precision, throws TypeError  
according to the spec)
-2^53 + 1 = -9007199254740991 (has unit precision, allowed according to  
the spec)

2^53 - 1 = 9007199254740991 (has unit precision, allowed according to the  
2^53     = 9007199254740992 (has unit precision, throws TypeError  
according to the spec)
2^53 + 1 = 9007199254740992 (loses unit precision, throws TypeError  
according to the spec)

it doesn't make sense to disallow -/+2^53 because they still accurately  
represent the integer.

Thank you.


Received on Thursday, 23 August 2012 12:56:33 UTC