Re: [AC] Access Control Algorithm

Below the same message without the silly line endings. Sorry about that.

On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 14:49:29 +0200, Anne van Kesteren <>  
> [...]

The current algorithm for access control is that a resource has an  
associated list two-tuples. Each two-tuple consits of one list with at  
least one item, the allow list. And another list which may be empty, the  
exception list. When a request is made to a resource to which the access  
control read policy applies you go through each of the two-tuples and as  
soon as you reach one where one of the items in the allow list matches  
with the request URL and the exception list (in the same two-tuple) does  
not access is granted and the access algorithm aborted. Otherwise access  
is denied.

This means for instance that a request from would get access  
in this case:

   [([*], [])
   ,([*], [])]

The two-tuples are formed by HTTP Content-Access-Control header rules and  
<?access-control?> processing instructions. Each of them creates one  

The advantages of this proposal are that each header rule and each  
processing instruction contributes one item which is individually  
analyzed. It's not really clear why this is needed or desirable though  
especially as it also allows scenarios as pointed out above. The main  
problem with this approach is that it's quite complex to grasp and so far  
nobody really got it I believe.

The other idea which was specified initially is that all rules specified  
by HTTP headers and processing instructions are combined into two global  
lists. One list of allow rules and one list of exceptions to those allow  
rules. (The latter could probably be called "deny" as it would be  
effectively the same.)

The algorithm for this would be that once both lists are constructed you  
first match the request URL against the items in the allow list and if  
there's match and there's no match in the exception / deny list you grant  
access. Otherwise access is denied. (Assuming that the access control read  
policy is applicable to the requested resource.

Personally I'm in favor of the second proposal as I think it addresses the  
same usecases and has less surprises and complexity. It would be good if  
authors and implementors commented on this approach.

If needed I'm willing to discuss this during the groups telcon if anybody  
sees some advantage in doing that.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2007 12:54:00 UTC