Re: Fileutils

Here's a revised attempt at a fileutils package based on comments from
the last attempt. I still haven't addressed the notion of making
delete, copy, move apply to directories. I may have missed other
comments as well, apologies.

<p:library xmlns:p=""

<p:documentation xmlns="">
<h1>Fileutils Library</h1>
<h2>Version 1.0</h2>
<p>The steps defined in this library provide information about files
and the ability to manipulate them. All implementations are required
to support file: scheme URIs. Support for other schemes is
<p>All <code>href</code> attributes are made absolute with respect
to the element on which they are specified.</p>

<!-- ============================================================ -->

<p:documentation xmlns="">
<p>The <code>cxf:info</code> step returns a
<code>&lt;c:directory></code>, <code>&lt;c:file></code>, or
<code>&lt;c:other></code> (implementations may also return more
specific types, e.g., <code>&lt;c:fifo></code> or
<code>&lt;c:dev></code>). If the document doesn't exist, an empty
sequence is returned. The document element of the result, if there is
one, will have <code>readable</code>, <code>writable</code>,
<code>hidden</code>, <code>last-modified</code>, and <code>size</code>
attributes. The <code>readable</code>, <code>writable</code> and
<code>hidden</code> attributes are boolean and are only present if
they are true. The <code>last-modified</code> attribute returns the
last-modified time in UTC. The <code>size</code> attribute returns the
size of the file; it is absent for directories and other types that
have no meaningful size.</p>

<p:declare-step type="cxf:info">
  <p:output port="result" sequence="true"/>
  <p:option name="href" required="true"/>

<!-- ============================================================ -->

<p:documentation xmlns="">
<p>The <code>cxf:touch</code> step returns a
<code>&lt;c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of the
touched file. The step fails if the file does not exist and
cannot be created.</p>

<p:declare-step type="cxf:touch">
  <p:output port="result" primary="false"/>
  <p:option name="href" required="true"/>

<!-- ============================================================ -->

<p:documentation xmlns="">
<p>The <code>cxf:tempfile</code> step returns a
<code>&lt;c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of a
temporary file. The temporary file is guaranteed not to already
exist when <code>cxf:tempfile</code> is called. The file is
created in the directory specified by the <code>href</code>.
The step fails if the directory does not exist.</p>
<p>If the <code>delete-on-exit</code> option (a boolean) is true,
then the temporary file will automatically be deleted when the
processor terminates.</p>

<p:declare-step type="cxf:tempfile">
  <p:output port="result" primary="false"/>
  <p:option name="href" required="true"/>
  <p:option name="delete-on-exit"/>

<!-- ============================================================ -->

<p:documentation xmlns="">
<p>The <code>cxf:delete</code> step returns a
<code>&lt;c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of the
deleted file. The step fails if the file does not exist or if it
cannot be deleted.</p>

<p:declare-step type="cxf:delete">
  <p:output port="result" primary="false"/>
  <p:option name="href" required="true"/>

<!-- ============================================================ -->

<p:documentation xmlns="">
<p>The <code>&lt;cxf:mkdir></code> step creates a directory with the
name spacified in the "href" option. If the name includes more than
one directory component, all of the intermediate components are
created. The path separator is implementation-defined. Returns a
<code>&lt;c:result></code> containing the absolute filename of the
directory created. The step fails if the directory cannot be

<p:declare-step type="cxf:mkdir">
  <p:output port="result" primary="false"/>
  <p:option name="href" required="true"/>

<!-- ============================================================ -->

<p:documentation xmlns="">
<p>The <code>&lt;cxf:copy></code> step returns a
<code>&lt;c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of the target.
The step fails if the file represented by <code>href</code>
does not exist or if it cannot be copied to
the specified target.</p>

<p:declare-step type="cxf:copy">
  <p:output port="result" primary="false"/>
  <p:option name="href" required="true"/>
  <p:option name="target" required="true"/>

<!-- ============================================================ -->

<p:documentation xmlns="">
<p>The <code>&lt;cxf:move></code> step returns a
<code>&lt;c:result></code> containing the absolute URI of the target.
The step fails if the file represented by the <code>href</code> does
not exist or if it cannot be copied to the specified target; the source
file is deleted if the copy succeeds.</p>

<p:declare-step type="cxf:move">
  <p:output port="result" primary="false"/>
  <p:option name="href" required="true"/>
  <p:option name="target" required="true"/>

<!-- ============================================================ -->


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | CNN is one of the participants in the            | war. I have a fantasy where Ted Turner
                              | is elected president but refuses
                              | because he doesn't want to give up
                              | power.--Arthur C. Clark

Received on Friday, 29 May 2009 11:29:00 UTC