Re: additional sentence for 204


Since my initial response to bug 18952 [1], a couple of loose ends from
the various ISSUE-204 threads were identified in Bugzilla, and I've
attempted to address them in this commit:

As always, if there are additional issues in the current spec text,
please let me know, either by filing a bug or mailing public-html.

Summary of changes:

1) I removed the <map> example that Leif found to be problematic.

2) I attempted to include the clarification requested by Janina. I based
this on James' suggested text [2], but ended up with something a bit

3) and I rearranged things a bit.

James suggested:

> Note: Only hidden="" elements that are referenced indirectly by a
> unique identifier (ID) reference or valid hash-name reference may have
> their structure and content exposed upon user request.

I believe I captured this restriction by changes to the "When such
features are available" paragraph:

"When such features are available, User Agents may use them to expose
the full semantics of hidden elements to AT when appropriate, if such
content is referenced indirectly by an ID reference or valid hash-name
reference. This allows ATs to access the structure of these hidden
elements upon user request, while keeping the content hidden in all
presentations of the normal document flow."

I don't think the above gives UAs permission to use such an AAPI feature
for anything but hidden="" elements that are indirectly referenced, so I
think this covers Janina's concern. Janina?

James continued:

> Authors desiring to prevent user-initiated viewing of hidden=""
> elements should remove identifier (ID) or hash-name references to the
> element.

This part survived with only minor revision:

"Authors who wish to prevent user-initiated viewing of a hidden element
should not reference the element with such a mechanism."



Received on Tuesday, 25 September 2012 00:07:12 UTC