[presentation-api] Well defined environment for nested contexts of the receiving browsing context?

tidoust has just created a new issue for 

== Well defined environment for nested contexts of the receiving 
browsing context? ==
The Presentation API imposes a well-defined environment for the 
[receiving browsing 
 when it is created, but it does not say anything about nested 
browsing contexts that this browsing context could create (e.g. with 
an `<iframe>`).

I'm not clear how the restrictions on cookies, Application cache, 
Permissions, IndexedDB, Web Storage, and Service Workers propagate to 
nested browsing contexts in particular. Should the spec rather attach 
the steps that deal with these constraints to the [create a browsing 
 algorithm in HTML so that they apply to all browsing contexts on the 
receiving side?

(This issue is unrelated to but still triggered by the discussion 
around `[SameObject]` and receiving browsing contexts in #365)

Please view or discuss this issue at 
https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/367 using your GitHub 

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 10:24:56 UTC