(atomic/compound) steps, containers and related issues

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I've been doing a close reading of the new alternative draft, and
(independently of its intended focus on options/vars/params) this has
reinforced a lingering concern that we just don't have our ontology
right and it's biting us badly.

I propose the following analysis as the basis for some suggestions:

           container            multi-container          atomic

step       p:for-each,          p:choose, p:try          p:add-attribute,
           p:viewport,                                   . . ., p:xslt,
           p:group[1]                                    pfx:user-declared-ppln

non-step   p:when, p:otherwise,
           p:catch, p:group[2]

           where p:group[2] is first child
           of p:try, p:group[1] is all
           other p:group

* Containers that have single subpipelines as their content;
* Multi-containers have multiple subpipelines as their content, each
  wrapped in an appropriate non-step container;
* Atomics have only binding contents

The environment of a *step* is the inherited environment from its
*container* (definition in the spec. for this can be retained).

The environment of a *non-step* *container* is the environment
- From its *multi-container*.  [I _think_ this is right, i.e. there is
_no_ modification necessary]

For simplicity of exposition I would _like_ to say that only the steps
can be named with 'name', and that the non-steps can't be referred to
unless you give them an 'xml:id', but I guess we can't get away with
that, so will have to say that all the above can have 'name's, but
only the steps can actually be pointed to by p:pipe.  I _think_ that
follows from the above definition of the environment.

- -- 
 Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
                     Half-time member of W3C Team
    2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
            Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail: ht@inf.ed.ac.uk
                   URL: http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/
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Received on Monday, 17 March 2008 14:04:29 UTC