For Review: Pronunciation of Text-To-Speech (TTS) Working Drafts

Dear WAI Interest Group,

The Pronunciation Task Force and the Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group (APA WG) are seeking input on the following Working Drafts:

1. Explainer: Improving Spoken Presentation on the Web
- Briefly introduces the context for W3C work on pronunciation
- Describes the advantages and disadvantages of two approaches
- Poses questions for additional input

2. Pronunciation Gap Analysis and Use Cases
- Provides more detailed context
- Describes required features for pronunciation and spoken presentation
- Describes specific implementation approaches for introducing presentation authoring markup into HTML5 (called “use cases”)
- Provides a gap analysis
- Describes how the required features may be met by existing approaches

Background: These documents will guide work on a normative specification to enable content authors to ensure that text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis properly pronounces HTML content. For context on this work, please see:
 Pronunciation Overview

Review: We seek reviews of these Working Drafts from all interested web stakeholders, whether or not you specialize in web accessibility.
*We particularly request input on the following*:
* Are there additional use cases and requirements not described in these documents?
* Are there aspects of these requirements, use cases, and gap analysis that are incorrect or insufficiently defined?
* Have we overlooked some aspect in this analysis that should be addressed?

Comments: To comment, please open a new issue in the W3C Spec GitHub repository:
If this is not feasible, send email to:

Please send comments as soon as feasible.

Share: We encourage you to share this information and include @w3c_wai, @w3c, #a11y, #TTSpronunciation #SSML
Here’s a tweet you can use:

Janina Sajka, APA Working Group Chair
Irfan Ali, Pronunciation Task Force Facilitator
Roy Ran, W3C Staff Contact for Pronunciation Task Force

Received on Monday, 27 April 2020 18:20:04 UTC