Re: Possible *third* proposal for ISSUE-41 Distributed Extensibility

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Ennals, Robert <> wrote:
> Comments?
> If it seems that people might like this then I’ll write it up formally.

Not a fan.  *Anything* that uses an XML Namespaces-like mechanism for
embedding new elements is a bad idea, imo, because the fallback story
(necessary to activate an experimental feature in multiple browsers,
and to transition from experimental to standardized versions) is so
horrible.  Maciej argued that it may be worse than not doing it at
all, and just using the public name from the start.

This is simply unusable as a way to allow browsers to add experimental
features without clashing with each other and future standardized
versions of the feature.


Received on Friday, 19 March 2010 03:13:42 UTC