Proposal to Include whttp:code to the output of the binding operation

Hi all,

I wonder whteher its too late, but I think its import that it makes its way
into the spec. I was playing around with APP trying to write a WSDL for it
(Use it as a WSDL 2.0 demo). During this I came across a limitation which I
guess WSDL 2.0 should address. The HTTPBinding allows a user to set a HTTP
code on a fault but it does not allow a user to specify a http code on a
response. This is a trick that we missed.

I would like to propose the inclusion of whttp:code property to the output
of the binding operation. This will be critical for the HTTPBinding to be


Keith Chapman
WSO2 Inc.
Oxygen for Web Services Developers.

Received on Monday, 23 April 2007 06:01:09 UTC