CWM Bug: Broken --dereify

Another bug, and this time I'm using the CVS version of cwm, which I
can confirm contains the fixes noted on this list previously—thanks
Yosi! Very quick work. The CVS cwm has better --reify output too, but,
as this bug shows, --dereify doesn't work:

$ cat test.n3
@prefix : <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .

[ :p :q, _:r, "r" ] .
("a" "b" "c") a :List .
{ ?p ?q ?r } a :Formula .


$ cwm --reify test.n3 > reified.n3

$ cwm --dereify reified.n3
#Processed by Id:,v 1.195 2007-08-23 16:28:29 syosi Exp

#  Notation3 generation by
#,v 1.197 2007-09-09 22:49:43 timbl Exp

     @prefix : <#> .
    @prefix owl: <> .

     @forAll :p,
                :r .
      ( "a"
        "c" )
         a <> .
      [      a <>;
             <>  [
                 owl:oneOf () ];
             <>  [
                 owl:oneOf () ];
             <>  [
                 owl:oneOf () ] ].

      [      <> "r",
             ] ].
        :p     :q :r .

        }     a <> .


I had also tried using --unreify accidentally, and it gave no output
but no error message either; can something be put in place to catch
unknown flags?

I'm invoking the CVS cwm in the following way:

$ cat $(which cwm)

export PYTHONPATH=.../
python .../ $@ 2> /dev/null

The 2> is to get rid of the debug information, which couldn't be
turned off using --chatty=0. Is there a better way of turning it off?


Sean B. Palmer,

Received on Sunday, 14 October 2007 09:57:20 UTC