RE: [ISSUE-53] (Empty string for allowedCharacters): Empty string for allowedCharacters [MLW-LT Standard Draft]

>> Could we then use ".[\n\r]" for "any characters?
> We can't use .[\n\r] as it is not valid class.

Duh... How did I missed that.

> What we can do is to redefine "." as matching any 
> character including \n and \r. This should not pose 
> any harm to implementors as RE libraries usually had 
> flag which controls whether \n and \r are covered by . 
> (whole string matching, and line-by-line matching). 
> I think this could be the easiest and cleanest solution 
> both from the spec and implementation PoV.

I think it's a good idea. But it seems a bit "un-formal" as there seems to be nothing in that requires implementations to have such flag. So there is no guaranty that . can be used like that.

Another option would be to use a range with all Unicode characters, but obviously we can't either because we can't specify the lower bound as it would be an invalid XML character.

So I think your solution ("." + a bit about . including \r\n) is the best Jirka.


Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2012 12:25:55 UTC