floating paragraphs around images.

I originally posted this question to c.i.w.a.s, but I'm not getting
satisfactory responses (yet).

The question is about floating paragraphs around two images.
If I do:

<P><IMG SYTLE="float: left">short stuff</P>
<P>'nother paragraph</P>

would the correct rendering be

|                             |
| +-*P*---------------------+ |
| |                         | |
| | +-*IMG*-+ short stuff   | |
| | |       |               | |
| | |       |               | |
| | +-------+               | |
| |                         | |
| +-------------------------+ |
|                             |
| +-*P*---------------------+ |
| |                         | |
| | 'nother paragraph       | |
| |                         | |
| +-------------------------+ |
|                             |

(as I think it should be) or as other's think

|                             |
|                             |
|                             |
|   +-*IMG*-+ short stuff     |
|   |       |                 |
|   |       |                 |
|   +-------+ 'nother         |
|   paragraph                 |
|                             |
|                             |

I didn't draw the paragraph bounding boxes for this case because I don't
see how it can work that way.

I figured that if one wanted to have 2 paragraphs float around an image,
one would write

<IMG STYLE="float: left">
<P>short stuff</P>
<P>'nother paragraph</P>

But now I wounder if even that would work.  I think it may produce:

|                               |
| +-*DIV*---------------------+ |
| |                           | |
| | +-*IMG*-+ +-*P*---------+ | |
| | |       | |             | | |
| | |       | | short stuff | | |
| | |       | |             | | |
| | |       | +-------------+ | |
| | |       | +-*P*---------+ | |
| | +-------+ |             | | |
| |           | 'nother     | | |
| |           | paragraph   | | |
| |           |             | | |
| |           +-------------+ | |
| +---------------------------+ |
|                               |

instead of the desired effect.

So, how can you float two paragraphs (block level elements) around
an image?

Russell O'Connor                           roconnor@uwaterloo.ca
"And truth irreversibly destroys the meaning of its own message"
-- Anindita Dutta, "The Paradox of Truth, the Truth of Entropy"

Received on Thursday, 19 February 1998 15:27:30 UTC