Re: Issue-89, proposal 3: Duplication of triples & inferencing

While true, it's been pointed out before, several times, that this would 
fall short of addressing the use case at hand: allowing one to define a 
container over existing data by leveraging a domain specific vocabulary.

It's this new relationship that should be inferred.
Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Henry Story <> wrote on 12/12/2013 09:27:28 AM:

> From: Henry Story <>
> To: Linked Data Platform WG <>, 
> Date: 12/12/2013 09:31 AM
> Subject: Issue-89, proposal 3: Duplication of triples & inferencing
> Part 3 of Issue-89 creates a relation ldp:propertiesOnlyResource
> to allow an LDPC to point in its header to the "membership properties".
> The reason for this is to avoid so called duplication of triples.
> The duplication of triples is an issue mostly for the 
> ldp:DirectContainer as is visible for a container such
> as the following
> <> a ldp:DirectContainer;
>         ldp:containerResource <>;
>         ldp:containsRelation m:manages;
>     ldp:xyz <doc1>, <doc2>, <doc3> ;
>     m:manages <doc1>, <doc2>, <doc3> .
> ( I am using ldp:xyz for what alexander in ISSUE-89 calls 
>   ldp:contains. You can replace it without loss here and 
>   throughout this e-mail. )
> But according to the rule such as the one used in the Membership wiki 
> it would be very easy to determine the "membership triples" using only 
> the ldp:xyz relations
> PREFIX ldp: <>
> CONSTRUCT { ?subject ?predicate ?object }
>    ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;
>         ldp:containerResource ?subject;
>         ldp:containsRelation ?predicate;
>    ?ldpc ldp:xyz ?document .
>    BIND (?document AS ?object)                             # the 
> POSTed resource is the member
>  } UNION {
>    ?ldpc a ldp:DirectContainer;
>         ldp:containerResource ?object;
>         ldp:containedByRelation ?predicate.                   # 
> ldp:containedByRelation is used
>    ?ldpc ldp:xyz ?document .
>    BIND (?document AS ?object)
>  }
> }
> In that case duplication is not a problem at all,
> since a client could just infer the "membership triples"
> from the ldp:xyz ones using that query.
> On the other hand if such a rule is not true, and cannot
> be written out, then there is no duplication, since the
> "membership triples" are in fact different triples, and
> have no necessary relation to the ldp:xyz ones.
> But then this does give one a good reason for having them in a
> different possibly server managed resource. 
> [1]in the Membership wiki "Determining the membership  triples to be
> added when a new member 
> is created"
> Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 18:21:22 UTC