'universal hashtags' (was: Re: White House Launching Open Government Plan...)


I'm curious how 'edem' has become the 'universal' hashtag - esp when there 
don't appear to be any tweets available with it more than 7 days old.

What about 'egov' or 'gov20' or 'gov2'?

I would argue that e-democracy is a type of e-government and not the other 
way around (making the latter the umbrella term), as the latter includes 
forms of interaction with government that are not strictly about 
deliberation and decision-making.

Ah, open tagging - a double-edged sword.


Bruce Melendy | Senior Business Analyst 
Business Services | Small Business Victoria 
Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development 
Level 11, 55 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 
tel +61 3 9651 7274 | mob +61 419 306 020 
email: bruce.melendy@diird.vic.gov.au 
www.business.vic.gov.au | www.diird.vic.gov.au 

public-egov-ig-request@w3.org wrote on 08/12/2009 12:35:27 PM:

> It you tweet any comments on Tuesday during the 11 a.m. Eastern
> webcast - http://www.whitehouse.gov/live - be sure to use the
> "universal" hashtag for things e-democracy-related be it transparency,
> participation, information access, open government, politics online,
> etc.:  #edem  or follow the stream at:
> http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23edem
> Also note #opengov: http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23opengov
Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development,Government of Victoria, Victoria, Australia.
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