Progress towards a W3C Working Group

Dear all, I am pleased to announce that W3C has formally sent an advance notice [1] to its membership on the  development of the "Open License Expression Working Group Charter” [2].

In essence, the OLE WG will take the ODRL Community Group Final Specifications through the W3C standardisation process.
At the conclusion, all our work will become formally recognised as W3C Standards.

The advance notice will allow the current W3C Members to discuss the draft charter and formally review it (so not a 100% guaranteed outcome just yet).
If approved, we can then (as a group) finalise the charter and begin the transition work.

This is just the first step in a (very) long journey for some of the ODRL community, and the next step for its future!

Renato Iannella
Chair, W3C ODRL Community Group

[1] <>
[2] <>

Received on Thursday, 6 August 2015 13:38:39 UTC