Minutes: User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 16 Aug 2012

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference -- 16 Aug 2012


User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group   Teleconference
16 Aug 2012

See also:
IRC   log

definition list of 4 items
Greg, Jan, Jim, Kelly, Kim, Simon, Jeanne
Kelly Ford, Jim Allan
list end

list of 2 items
list of 7 items nesting level 1
1. Next Publication
2. Review any proposals sent to         list
3. 1.1.5 - Need IER
4. HTML Media Capture
5. 2.8 Toolbar configuration (Mark and         Jaime) Action-747 (related to         http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2012AprJun/0123.html)
6. 2.3.5 Action-750 Look at IER from         2.3.5 and 2.1.9 and ensure the new 2.3.5 covers what was         important from the now deleted 2.1.9
7. What's left to do
list end nesting level 1
* Summary of Action Items
list end

<trackbot> Date: 16 August     2012

<kford> trackbot, start     meeting

<trackbot> Meeting: User     Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

<trackbot> Date: 16 August     2012

Next Publication

Kelly: published another editor's     draft earlier this week, discussion on putting out another     working draft -- any objections

<kford> Resolved: Group     agrees to publish another working draft.

Review any proposals sent to list

<kford> No new proposals.

1.1.5 - Need IER

Kelly: why don't we spend a     couple minutes working on it

Greg: resize and reposition --     it's primarily about people with visual impairments, correct?     people affected would be people who might need to
change the     text to make it easier to read, reduce the amount of distance     between the video and the alternative in order to avoid having     to
shift gaze too much

Jan: it's primarily for people     with low vision who simply needs those things to be bigger in     situations where the built-in magnifications can't
handle     it

Greg: also repositioning

Jeanne: if you have to resize the     video
... I think we had to do above below left right to not cover     the video
... some people just want larger captions, but once you get     larger and larger you cover up more of the video space

<Greg> The intent of this     success criterion is to allow users to adjust the size of     captions, sign language, and other visual alternatives so they
    are large enough to be a comfortable reading size, and in most     cases to allow them to do so without obscuring the primary     media.

<Greg> The intent of this     success criterion is to allow users to adjust the size of     captions, sign language, and other visual alternatives so they
    are large enough to be a comfortable reading size, without     obscuring the primary media.

Jan: we should have something in     that addresses the distance to gaze -- if text of the top you     want the captions near the top so they can be closer
... the intent of the B condition. People need flexibility to     position the captions in different places because the     information content in the
video can be in different places --     can be waiting at the top or the bottom and usually you are     going to want the captions position to limit the
amount of gaze     back and forth

Greg: if the video were at the     top of the window and the captions way down at the status bar     that would be suboptimal you want the text in close

Jan: they need to be above, below     to the right to the last overlapping because videos differ, and     you're trying to watch the video and see the
captions that are     conveying the audio material, but you don't want to miss the     visual material. So if the video you're watching has a lot of
  on-screen text and it appears at the top of the screen -- want     the captions at the top of the screen to see...
... you can read both equally, same with the bottom so once     again they are close together

<Greg> Users may reposition     the alternative so they can be placed in close proximity to the     most important portion of the main media, to make it
easier to     watch both at the same time.

Kelly: but if we say it's also     the intent of this success criteria to allow users to configure     video and alternative displays for the easiest readability

<Jan> The intent of the     repositioning requirement is for users to have the flexibility     to place captions in various posityions depending on the
visual     content of the video window...

<Jan> For example if the     video frequently includes on-screen text near the top of the     video then the captions will be easier to read if they are
    located above the video.

Jan: I like Greg's for the first     line in my example on the end of it

Greg: then we can repeat the     example as a real example

<Greg> Users may reposition     the alternative so they can be placed in close proximity to the     most important portion of the main media, to make it
easier to     watch both at the same time. For example if the video     frequently includes on-screen text near the top of the video     then the captions
will be easier to read if they are located     above the video.

<Greg> Depending on what he's     watching, Maximilian will adjust the position of his captions.     When he's watching a sporting even with a dashboard
displaying     statistics at the top, he positions the captions immediately     above the top so the captions are close to the statistics.

<Greg> Maximilian will adjust     the position of his captions depending on what he's watching.     When watching a sporting event with a dashboard displaying
    statistics at the top, he positions the captions immediately     above the top so the captions are close to the statistics.

<Jan> However, when he     watches a movie, he typically positions the captions so that     they overlap the video frame near the bottom.

<Greg> When he's watching     financial news with a stock ticker along the bottom, he moves     the captions to be immediately below the ticker.

Jeanne: maybe we can use Jim as     an example

changing the orientation of a video, where you     are watching it on an iphone

<Greg> When Tom is watching     narrow-aspect video on a wides-aspect screen, he moves the     window displaying sign language interpretation to the side,
    allowing the primary video to take up the entire height of the     screen without the interpretation getting in the way.

Jim: I tested on Netflix --     doesn't have the option of putting them on the side, even when     I went to the portrait view the video narrowed, the
captions     remain at the bottom

Greg: including something about     rotating the display on a mobile device would make sense

Jim: do we want the browsers to     do that or the hardware

Greg: we want the browsers to     allow the users to move it regardless of any automatic -- you     don't want to guess wrong as to what the user wants

Jeanne: particularly users with     limited mobility who may be only able to hold the tablet with     one hand

<Greg> Raymond only has one     hand, so he positions thec captions so that they're not covered     by the hand he's using to hold his tablet.

<Greg> (Thanks, Jeanne)

<Greg> Raymond only has one     hand, so he positions captions so they're not covered by the     hand he's using to hold his tablet.

Greg: any other examples     alternate media

Discussion about what to use to indicate there     are no resources at this point

Decided to use NA

<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to replace To be written in     Related Resources to N/A [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-755     - Replace To be written in Related Resources to N/A [on Jeanne     F Spellman - due 2012-08-23].

<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to     ask what should the term be when there are no related     resources.

HTML Media Capture


<jeanne> PF comments ->

Jeanne: accessibility from the     user point of view could be an issue. If people could take a     look at sometime this week we can pull them together
and take a     look in more detail next week

2.8 Toolbar configuration (Mark and Jaime)     Action-747 (related to

<kford> kford will send mail     on this one.

2.3.5 Action-750 Look at IER from 2.3.5 and     2.1.9 and ensure the new 2.3.5 covers what was important from     the now deleted 2.1.9

<kford> This is on me, not     quite done, should be sending to the list shortly.

What's left to do

<jeanne> the July 31 email     ->

<kford> Jeanne will send     updated list to the list when she has addressed work from last     week.

Jeanne: location in hierarchy and     configuring elements for structural navigation -- had     discussion but wanted to wait for Simon before we finished
it     action items 500, 545 and issue 87

Simon: reading it... was Greg     going to do something on this
... if we want to go on I can piece this together

Jeanne: only thing left on the     list is the big issue of global conformance. Other people who     have opinions on that -- need to get some background
before we     start on that

Kelly: next steps, publishing     working draft, Simon, others sent to list

<AllanJ> clos4 qction-733

<AllanJ> close action-733

Summary of Action   Items
[NEW] ACTION: jeanne to replace   To be written in Related Resources to N/A [recorded in

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2012 18:10:38 UTC