Editorial Issue: SOAPAction

A colleague noted what I believe to be an editorial oversight in the  
SOAP binding related to SOAPAction. Section 4.2 states: "The value of  
the SOAPAction HTTP header MUST either be identical to the value of  
the wsa:Action header, or be empty." However, according to the WS-I  
basic profile, the value of the SOAPAction header is a quoted string  
rather than a URI. What I think we want to say is that the value of  
the SOAPAction HTTP header must be either '"' [action] '"' or empty  
and I'd propose to update the document to reflect this.


Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
Business Alliances, CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 18:47:12 UTC