Re: tracking-ISSUE-178 (rachel_n_thomas): Add "Marketing" to list of permitted uses in Compliance document [Tracking Definitions a Compliance]

I'm making the point that self-regulatory actors have a history, one they they selectively ignore.

This tread seems to ignore a core principle of the Direct Marketing Association, which has long promoted "ethical guidelines" in all fields of direct marketing.  

As a matter of policy, the DMA has endorsed the idea that consumers should have choices with regard to collection and use of data.  It is difficult to see how the broad exemption proposed in this thread is consistent with the spirit of the DMA's "ethical guidelines."

The DMA has an ethical operating committee.  It might be worth making an inquiry to it to see whether this proposal to exempt all marketing from DNT is consistent with the DMA's previous statements on the ethics of direct marketing.  A formal ruling from the ethical operating committee may clarify whether the DMA has changed its policy, whether it sees a no-choice option as consistent with policy, or whether this is a basic principal/agent problem.


Received on Saturday, 27 October 2012 03:53:13 UTC