Re: minutes of todays teleconf

This is what I have from my Adium Logs. I am asking around to see what happend to the one we should have.

16:52:50 bblfish: hi
16:53:22 domel: hi
16:54:07 bblfish: I am going to call in now
16:54:41 bblfish: hi domel
scor [qw3birc@] entered the room. (16:57:08)
claudio [qw3birc@] entered the room. (16:57:13)
16:57:42 domel: zakim, who's here?
pchampin [qw3birc@] entered the room. (16:57:55)
Zakim [rrs-bridgg@] entered the room. (16:58:08)
16:58:16 domel: zakim, who's here?
16:58:16 Zakim: sorry, domel, I don't know what conference this is
16:58:17 Zakim: On IRC I see pchampin, claudio, scor, osacco, bblfish, domel, reto, peterw, danbri, mischat, webr3, MacTed, trackbot
16:58:29 rrsagent (RRSAgent): logging to
RRSAgent [rrs-loggee@] entered the room. (16:58:29)
16:58:55 bblfish: rrsagent, bookmark

16:58:55 rrsagent (RRSAgent): See
16:59:41 bblfish: zakim, this will be webid
16:59:42 Zakim: ok, bblfish, I see INC_WEBID(WEBID)11:00AM already started
16:59:49 domel: zakim, who's here?
16:59:49 Zakim: On the phone I see bblfish, [IPcaller], PeterW, scor, +44.500.aaaa, claudio
16:59:53 Zakim: On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, pchampin, claudio, scor, osacco, bblfish, domel, reto, peterw, danbri, mischat, webr3, MacTed, trackbot
17:00:01 bblfish: ok I hope I got that started correctly
17:00:07 bblfish: I think I should have done that differently
17:00:20 Zakim: -[IPcaller]
17:00:46 bblfish: who wants to scribe?
17:00:48 Zakim: +pchampin
17:00:55 reto: zakim, I am  +44.500.aaaa
17:00:55 Zakim: +reto; got it
17:00:57 bblfish: it's here
17:01:07 pchampin: *zakim, mute me*
17:01:07 Zakim: *pchampin should now be muted*
laszlo [laczoka@] entered the room. (17:01:12)
17:01:21 Zakim: +[IPcaller]
17:01:25 laszlo: hi all
17:01:33 reto: Zakim, who's muted?
17:01:34 Zakim: I see pchampin muted
17:01:34 domel: zakim, who's here?
17:01:35 Zakim: On the phone I see bblfish, PeterW, scor, reto, claudio, pchampin (muted), [IPcaller]
17:01:37 Zakim: On IRC I see laszlo, RRSAgent, Zakim, pchampin, claudio, scor, osacco, bblfish, domel, reto, peterw, danbri, mischat, webr3, MacTed, trackbot
17:01:43 Zakim: +jeffsayre
17:01:44 bblfish: hi all
17:01:56 domel: zakim, I am [IPcaller]
17:01:56 Zakim: ok, domel, I now associate you with [IPcaller]
17:01:57 pchampin: *zakim, unmute me*
17:01:58 Zakim: *pchampin should no longer be muted*
17:02:23 domel: zakim, who's here?
17:02:23 Zakim: On the phone I see bblfish, PeterW, scor, reto, claudio, pchampin, [IPcaller], jeffsayre
17:02:25 Zakim: On IRC I see laszlo, RRSAgent, Zakim, pchampin, claudio, scor, osacco, bblfish, domel, reto, peterw, danbri, mischat, webr3, MacTed, trackbot
jeffsayre [jeffsayre@] entered the room. (17:02:36)
17:02:38 pchampin: *that's what I was afraid of*
17:02:44 pchampin: *zakim, mute me*
17:02:45 Zakim: *pchampin should now be muted*
17:02:48 domel: zakim, I am [IPcaller]
17:02:48 Zakim: ok, domel, I now associate you with [IPcaller]
17:02:50 pchampin: *problem with my mike*
17:02:55 domel: zakim, who's here?
17:02:55 Zakim: On the phone I see bblfish, PeterW, scor, reto, claudio, pchampin (muted), [IPcaller], jeffsayre
17:02:57 Zakim: On IRC I see jeffsayre, laszlo, RRSAgent, Zakim, pchampin, claudio, scor, osacco, bblfish, domel, reto, peterw, danbri, mischat, webr3, MacTed, trackbot
17:02:58 pchampin: *but I don't mind scribing*
17:03:09 claudio: zakim, mute me
17:03:09 Zakim: claudio should now be muted
17:03:22 bblfish: anyone want to scribe?
AlexPassant [alepas@] entered the room. (17:03:26)
17:03:37 domel: zakim, [IPcaller] is domel
17:03:37 Zakim: +domel; got it
17:03:43 domel: zakim, who's here?
17:03:43 Zakim: On the phone I see bblfish, PeterW, scor, reto, claudio (muted), pchampin (muted), domel, jeffsayre
17:03:45 Zakim: On IRC I see AlexPassant, jeffsayre, laszlo, RRSAgent, Zakim, pchampin, claudio, scor, osacco, bblfish, domel, reto, peterw, danbri, mischat, webr3, MacTed, trackbot
17:03:58 reto:  pchampin but I don't mind scribing
17:04:17 pchampin: *nod @reto :)*
17:04:59 bblfish: Scribe: reto
17:05:11 pchampin: *no, reto was quoting me*
17:05:17 pchampin: I can scribe
17:05:24 pchampin: scribe: pchampin
17:05:28 bblfish: Scribe: pchampin
17:05:31 Zakim: +AlexPassant
17:05:46 alexpassant (AlexPassant): *is with osacco *
17:05:49 laszlo: has anyone dialed in using skype? i did last time, now it hungs up when I enter the conf code
17:06:01 pchampin: *but I can't seem to ear a thing right now... is anyone speaking now?*
17:06:02 scor (scor): laszlo: try again
17:06:08 laszlo: ok
17:06:10 bblfish: 1. Admin

Agreeing to last weeks report
17:06:14 scor (scor): laszlo: I had to redial, not with skype though
17:06:24 pchampin: *redialing (sorry)*
17:06:45 reto: *using sip with asteriks sounds easy*
17:07:21 Zakim: +pchampin.a
17:07:29 pchampin: *zakim, pchampin.a is me*
17:07:30 Zakim: *+pchampin; got it*
17:07:55 bblfish: action: bblfish, to check whether SIP is possible without telefone connection
17:07:55 trackbot (trackbot): *noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.*
17:07:56 trackbot (trackbot): Sorry, couldn't find user - bblfish,
17:07:56 rrsagent (RRSAgent): *records action 1*
17:08:17 scor (scor): ACTION bblfish to check whether SIP is possible without telefone connection
17:08:17 trackbot (trackbot): *noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.*
17:08:17 trackbot (trackbot): Created ACTION-13 - Check whether SIP is possible without telefone connection [on Henry Story - due 2011-02-28].
yngve [yngve@] entered the room. (17:08:22)
17:08:25 scor (scor): bblfish: worked
17:08:33 scor (scor): do not use the comma
17:08:52 Zakim: +??P26
17:08:57 bblfish: +1
17:08:59 domel: +1
17:09:04 yngve: Zakim, P26 is yngve
17:09:04 Zakim: sorry, yngve, I do not recognize a party named 'P26'
17:10:04 yngve: zakim, ??P26 is yngve
17:10:04 Zakim: +yngve; got it
17:10:04 pchampin: jeff: I was both in present and regrets in the minutes
17:10:21 pchampin: bblfish: I'll see if I can fix that; sorry about that
17:10:30 bblfish: Any new members?
17:10:36 bblfish: on the call to introduce themselves?
17:11:21 pchampin: topic: status of the deliverables
17:11:25 bblfish: here:
17:11:48 pchampin: close action-3
17:11:48 trackbot (trackbot): *attempting to close ACTION-3.*
17:11:48 trackbot (trackbot): ACTION-3 Look into mercurial and how mercurial and git interact closed
17:12:04 bblfish: close action-7
17:12:04 trackbot (trackbot): *attempting to close ACTION-7.*
17:12:04 trackbot (trackbot): ACTION-7 Create draft doc for use cases closed
17:12:05 pchampin: close action-7
17:12:05 trackbot (trackbot): *attempting to close ACTION-7.*
17:12:05 trackbot (trackbot): ACTION-7 Create draft doc for use cases closed
17:12:42 pchampin: action-9: bblfish sent an email
17:12:43 trackbot (trackbot): *attempting to add comment notes to ACTION-9.*
17:12:43 trackbot (trackbot): ACTION-9 Explore test case options notes added
17:12:59 reto: q+
17:12:59 Zakim: *sees reto on the speaker queue*
17:13:06 laszlo: reto: trying, I enter 93243, then it says it's not valid (sry for the noise)
17:13:15 bblfish: close action-10
17:13:15 trackbot (trackbot): *attempting to close ACTION-10.*
17:13:15 trackbot (trackbot): ACTION-10 Explain how to contribute to the WebID spec closed
17:13:17 pchampin: action-10: explained in the hg repository
17:13:17 trackbot (trackbot): *attempting to add comment notes to ACTION-10.*
17:13:17 trackbot (trackbot): ACTION-10 Explain how to contribute to the WebID spec notes added
17:14:17 pchampin: bblfish: about action-11, F2F have been proposed, we should vote on that
17:14:21 pchampin: ... one option is in London
17:14:23 yngve: q+
17:14:23 Zakim: *sees reto, yngve on the speaker queue*
17:14:54 pchampin: ... anybody has a preference?
17:15:50 reto: q-
17:15:51 Zakim: *sees yngve on the speaker queue*
17:16:09 pchampin: reto: suggest to add a comment to each action when closing them
17:16:15 pchampin: ... to explain why/how they were closed
17:16:19 pchampin: pchampin: +1
17:16:22 scor (scor): re action-3, I sent an email re interaction between hg and git
17:16:44 pchampin: ack yngve
17:16:44 Zakim: *sees no one on the speaker queue*
17:17:02 pchampin: yngve: F2F may conflict with IETF meeting
17:18:05 pchampin: could be a good idea to organize it just before or after
17:18:41 pchampin: bblfish: would be a good idea, as there are many security people at IETF
17:18:58 pchampin: ... we should take this into account
reto left the room (quit: Connection reset by peer). (17:19:06)
reto [reto@] entered the room. (17:19:31)
17:21:11 bblfish: Should we aim for f2f in next 2 months?
17:21:17 Zakim: +??P2
17:21:30 pchampin: *zakim, who is noisy?*
17:21:35 scor (scor): Zakim, who is making noise?
17:21:40 Zakim: *pchampin, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: bblfish (59%), ??P2 (100%), jeffsayre (4%), pchampin.aa (64%)*
17:21:44 jeffsayre: Solar flare?
17:21:52 Zakim: scor, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: pchampin.aa (90%)
17:21:52 pchampin: *zakim, mute ??P2*
17:21:54 Zakim: *??P2 should now be muted*
17:22:24 jeffsayre: +1
17:22:28 yngve: +1
17:22:35 bblfish: +1
17:22:53 scor (scor): +1, though I won't be in Europe any time soon so can't personally attend
17:22:55 alexpassant (AlexPassant): can you repeat the poll question ?
17:23:05 bblfish: Should we aim for f2f in next 2 months?
17:23:08 domel: +1
17:23:08 jeffsayre: zakim, mute me
17:23:08 Zakim: jeffsayre should now be muted
17:23:13 alexpassant (AlexPassant): +1
17:23:31 bblfish: Are people comeing to europe for IETF meeting?
17:23:37 reto: not me
17:23:42 yngve: +1
17:23:51 jeffsayre: :(
17:24:04 jeffsayre: done
17:24:09 pchampin: action-3: scor sent an email re interaction between hg and git
17:24:09 trackbot (trackbot): *attempting to add comment notes to ACTION-3.*
17:24:09 trackbot (trackbot): ACTION-3 Look into mercurial and how mercurial and git interact notes added
17:24:27 jeffsayre:
17:24:39 pchampin: action-12:
17:24:39 trackbot (trackbot): *attempting to add comment notes to ACTION-12.*
17:24:39 trackbot (trackbot): ACTION-12 Start a wiki page detailing vocabulary of terminology for us to use in discussion notes added
17:24:42 pchampin: close action-12
17:24:43 trackbot (trackbot): *attempting to close ACTION-12.*
17:24:43 trackbot (trackbot): ACTION-12 Start a wiki page detailing vocabulary of terminology for us to use in discussion closed
csarven [csarven@] entered the room. (17:25:04)
17:25:20 laszlo: zakim, ??P2 is me
17:25:21 Zakim: +laszlo; got it
17:26:18 scor (scor): bblfish: it is to list the implementations of WebID
17:26:35 pchampin: bblfish: we have ~44 issues now
17:26:50 pchampin: ... we need to prioritize them
17:27:32 pchampin: ... we can work out which ones are feasible now, which ones need evolution of browsers...
17:27:42 scor (scor): find low hanging fruits issues
17:27:56 reto: +q
17:27:56 Zakim: *sees reto on the speaker queue*
17:28:01 bblfish: Q?
17:28:01 Zakim: *sees reto on the speaker queue*
17:28:36 pchampin: reto: I would not just be looking for easy things to do
17:28:44 pchampin: ... would rather work on the abstract architecture
17:29:01 pchampin: ... then compare it with existing technologies
17:29:28 bblfish: Varieties of Reference: Gareth Evans
17:29:56 pchampin: bblfish: we don't want to get too abstract
17:30:01 Zakim: -pchampin
17:30:08 pchampin: ... [reference to the notion of reference in logic/philosophy]
17:30:39 pchampin: *strange, zakim, I'm still there :-/*
17:31:00 jeffsayre: +1
17:31:17 pchampin: ... we are focusing on the webby aspects of identity
17:32:15 pchampin: reto: I'm not suggesting to make things more complex
17:32:28 pchampin: ... on the contrary: on the mailing list, discussions are sometimes very technical
17:32:42 pchampin: ... we can discus at a more abstract level
17:32:56 peterw (peterw): chatting to the keyassure folks at RSA show, they indicate that little of the IETF work on embedded certs in DNS etc is expected to be market relevant for 2-3 years - even assuming the WG passes its process.
17:33:05 jeffsayre: Primarily a WebID as a browser-based identifier...
17:33:31 pchampin: bblfish: point well taken
17:33:35 peterw (peterw): browser and web-proxy - being webby.
17:33:44 reto: q-
17:33:44 Zakim: *sees no one on the speaker queue*
17:34:10 pchampin: ... we start abstract, we narrow it down by aiming at being webby and browser-based
17:35:15 bblfish: agree with reto: need to work on issue 42 start with general idea and constraints to filter our debates
17:35:16 pchampin: *how appropriate :-D*
17:36:10 pchampin: bblfish: who is working on test cases?
17:36:31 pchampin: *don't know :-(*
17:36:35 scor (scor): bblfish: same as ACTION maybe?
17:36:36 bblfish: open issue-14
17:36:52 bblfish: open issue 42
17:36:58 bblfish: open issue-42
17:37:59 scor (scor): open ISSUE-42
17:38:58 pchampin: bblfish: people wanting to alter the spec can clone the hg or git
17:39:12 pchampin: ... then we can compare their versions to the original, and merge it to the main branch
bheitman [bheitmann@] entered the room. (17:39:32)
17:39:49 bblfish: is it ok to add the sequence diagram to the spec?
17:39:54 bblfish: or propose it?
17:39:55 domel: +1
17:39:56 scor (scor): +1
17:40:08 pchampin: ... As an example, I'll add a UML sequence to the spec
17:40:13 bblfish: ACTION bblfish add sequence diagram to spec via git 
17:40:13 trackbot (trackbot): *noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.*
17:40:13 trackbot (trackbot): Created ACTION-14 - Add sequence diagram to spec via git  [on Henry Story - due 2011-02-28].
17:40:27 jeffsayre: +1
17:40:29 laszlo: +1
17:40:30 scor (scor): +1
17:41:06 bblfish: any questions? open time
17:41:12 pchampin: bblfish: Perhaps we should invite people from the outside
17:41:23 jeffsayre: q+
17:41:23 Zakim: *sees jeffsayre on the speaker queue*
17:41:34 pchampin: ack jeffsayre
17:41:34 Zakim: *unmutes jeffsayre*
17:41:35 Zakim: *sees no one on the speaker queue*
17:41:50 pchampin: jeffsayre: how many participants to we have
17:42:00 scor (scor): we should do a geo poll
17:42:01 pchampin: ... (re  the proposition to organize a later F2F there)
17:42:01 scor (scor): +1
17:42:02 jeffsayre: +1
17:42:06 alexpassant (AlexPassant): s/many participants/many US participants
17:42:22 alexpassant (AlexPassant): we could use TPAC
17:42:24 pchampin: bblfish: people from the US, please write +1?
17:42:41 scor (scor): AlexPassant: I'm not sure many people will be traveling there?
17:42:42 pchampin: jeff: Manu, Kingsley are also in the US
17:42:58 alexpassant (AlexPassant): scor: wont it be easy for US members ?
17:43:00 alexpassant (AlexPassant): 5-9 june
17:43:02 alexpassant (AlexPassant): for semtech
17:43:07 scor (scor): June 5-9, 2011
17:43:43 alexpassant (AlexPassant): I think you can still organise a f2f session for WebID at semtech
17:43:53 yngve: q+
17:43:53 Zakim: *sees yngve on the speaker queue*
17:44:38 peterw (peterw): rsa conference is oct, london. 1000 SSL types, lots from US travelling.
17:45:18 bblfish: the
17:45:48 pchampin: bblfish: the IIW (url above) is a very important event; we should also be part of that
scor_ [qw3birc@] entered the room. (17:45:50)
17:46:11 bblfish: ACTION bblfish to look into us joining Identity Commons
scor left the room (quit: Ping timeout). (17:46:11)
17:46:11 trackbot (trackbot): *noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.*
17:46:11 trackbot (trackbot): Created ACTION-16 - Look into us joining Identity Commons [on Henry Story - due 2011-02-28].
17:46:31 pchampin: ... not sure what I have to do at the W3C
17:46:43 peterw (peterw): i floated webid (FOAF+SSL) last year at IIC, but w3c "not popular". Need to do some fence mending.
17:47:02 pchampin: ... as soon as we have a running system
17:47:28 pchampin: ... we must see how it interoperates with other systems (OAuth, OpenIdentity)
17:48:39 pchampin: pchampin: I'm not a W3C specialist
17:48:51 pchampin: ... but I'm not sure we as a group can be a member of a consortium
17:48:51 bblfish: q?
17:48:52 Zakim: *sees yngve on the speaker queue*
17:48:59 pchampin: ... that would be the W3C itself
17:49:13 jeffsayre: zakim, mute me
17:49:13 Zakim: jeffsayre should now be muted
17:49:21 pchampin: ... but this can be a suggestion of our XG to the W3C
17:50:11 domel: there are also Oct 2011 - ISWC2011 - Germany
17:50:18 pchampin: ack yngve
17:50:18 Zakim: *sees no one on the speaker queue*
17:50:51 pchampin: *RRSAgent, draft the minutes*
17:50:51 rrsagent (RRSAgent): I have made the request to generate pchampin
17:52:55 pchampin: yngve: we should plan F2F early in advance, so that people can arrange
17:53:09 bblfish: any other issues?
17:53:25 alexpassant (AlexPassant): do we have a slot for the next meeting ?
17:54:42 jeffsayre: AlexPassant: Next WebID meeting? Every two weeks.
17:54:54 jeffsayre: +1
17:54:57 laszlo: +1
17:54:58 bblfish: +1
17:54:59 pchampin: +1
17:54:59 domel: +1
17:55:01 bheitman: +1
17:55:02 alexpassant (AlexPassant): thanks jeffsayre - was not sure we agreed on the same day/time
17:55:03 alexpassant (AlexPassant): +1
17:55:08 claudio: +1
17:55:09 osacco: +1
17:55:24 jeffsayre: AlexPassant: Same bat channel, same bat time
17:55:44 reto: +1
17:55:48 pchampin: bblfish: any new implementation?
17:56:06 pchampin: pchampin: python implementation on the way, but still needs some polishing
17:56:32 pchampin: bblfish: clerezza implementation coming soon
17:56:51 pchampin: ... Not sure what is happening with the federated social web XG
17:56:56 alexpassant (AlexPassant): no idea neither - no activity on the ML :-/
17:57:11 reto: I'm confused, clerezza already has an implementation
17:57:25 pchampin: alex: I'm part of that group
17:57:37 pchampin: ... nothing really happening so far
17:57:54 claudio: zakim, unmute me
17:57:54 Zakim: claudio should no longer be muted
17:58:14 pchampin: bblfish: we could dynamize their group
17:58:30 pchampin: claudio: we could ask them to provide us with use-cases
17:58:41 Zakim: -reto
17:58:53 reto: what happened 
17:59:12 bblfish: here
17:59:15 pchampin: *@reto that might be an old connection *
17:59:24 pchampin: *did you redial during the telecon?*
18:00:06 pchampin: bblfish: some use cases from the Social Web XG could be copied to our wiki
18:00:21 pchampin: ... and we could see how to implement them with WebID
18:00:22 bblfish: q?
18:00:22 Zakim: *sees no one on the speaker queue*
18:00:24 reto: pchampin, it just droppedf me out, and now it said "the conference is restricted at this time"
18:00:57 pchampin: *@reto: unlucky, it seems that the timeslot is off, yes*
18:01:21 pchampin: *also, try to use '/me' when chatting off-topic, it wo'nt show in the minutes*
18:01:40 reto: *ok*
18:01:57 jeffsayre: Cross reference SocialWeb XG stories with WebID XG. There will be a handful of intersections that make sense to further develop
18:02:05 pchampin: pchampin: +1
18:02:16 jeffsayre: +1
18:02:32 pchampin: bblfish: would that be an action?
18:02:34 bblfish: +1
18:02:36 pchampin: ... and to whom?
18:03:18 jeffsayre: I'll take it to start with...
18:03:39 pchampin: action jeffsayre to cross reference SocialWeb XG stories with WebID XG
18:03:39 trackbot (trackbot): *noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.*
18:03:39 trackbot (trackbot): Sorry, couldn't find user - jeffsayre
18:03:44 bblfish: ACTION jeffsayre to take a start at  Cross reference SocialWeb XG stories with WebID XG. There will be a handful of intersections that make sense to further develop
18:03:44 trackbot (trackbot): *noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.*
18:03:44 trackbot (trackbot): Sorry, couldn't find user - jeffsayre
18:04:00 bblfish: ACTION sayre to take a start at  Cross reference SocialWeb XG stories with WebID XG. There will be a handful of intersections that make sense to further develop
18:04:01 trackbot (trackbot): *noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.*
18:04:01 trackbot (trackbot): Created ACTION-17 - Take a start at  Cross reference SocialWeb XG stories with WebID XG. There will be a handful of intersections that make sense to further develop [on Jeff Sayre - due 2011-02-28].
18:04:21 bblfish: shall we close the meeting?
18:04:26 scor_: +1
18:04:30 jeffsayre: =!
18:04:30 domel: +1
18:04:33 laszlo: +1
18:04:34 jeffsayre: oops +1
18:04:35 bheitman: +1
18:04:40 pchampin: +1
18:04:40 claudio: +1
18:04:43 Zakim: -yngve
yngve left the room (quit: Quit: yngve). (18:04:51)
18:04:53 bblfish: hehe ok , thanks for coming. Talk to you in 2 weeks again. 
18:04:58 Zakim: -scor
18:05:03 Zakim: -PeterW
18:05:05 Zakim: -AlexPassant
18:05:07 Zakim: -claudio
18:05:10 Zakim: -domel
18:05:12 pchampin: RRSAgent, draft minutes
18:05:12 rrsagent (RRSAgent): I have made the request to generate pchampin
jeffsayre left the room (quit: Quit: Back to my work or family). (18:05:12)
18:05:15 Zakim: -jeffsayre
18:05:49 Zakim: -laszlo
osacco left the room (quit: Quit: osacco). (18:06:08)
18:07:39 Zakim: -bblfish
18:07:42 Zakim: -pchampin.aa
18:07:44 Zakim: INC_WEBID(WEBID)11:00AM has ended
18:07:46 Zakim: Attendees were bblfish, PeterW, scor, +44.500.aaaa, claudio, pchampin, reto, jeffsayre, domel, AlexPassant, yngve, laszlo
18:07:54 bblfish: ah it just happens by itself.
18:08:11 bblfish: great thanks all

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2011 21:18:20 UTC