shapes-ISSUE-145 (minExclusive code incorrect): the SPARQL code for sh:minExclusive is incorrect [SHACL - Core]

shapes-ISSUE-145 (minExclusive code incorrect): the SPARQL code for sh:minExclusive is incorrect [SHACL - Core]

Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
On product: SHACL - Core

The SPARQL code for sh:minExclusive in a predicate constraint is:

SELECT $this ($this AS ?subject) $predicate (?value AS ?object)
 $this $predicate ?value .
 FILTER (!($value > $minExclusive)) .

This filters out all values that are not greater than the boundary, but also incorrectly filters out all values for which the comparison produces an error.

Received on Friday, 8 April 2016 18:28:50 UTC