shapes-ISSUE-100 (sh:index): Proposal to allow (optional) sh:index for property constraints [SHACL Spec]

shapes-ISSUE-100 (sh:index): Proposal to allow (optional) sh:index for property constraints [SHACL Spec]

Raised by: Holger Knublauch
On product: SHACL Spec

As a little non-validation "annotation" feature similar to default values, I suggest that all property constraints may have an xsd:integer-valued property called sh:index that can be used to give hints about the relative ordering of properties. This information may be used to arrange widgets in a user interface, to pretty-print properties in Turtle or JSON-LD files etc.


    sh:property [
        sh:predicate ex:givenName ;
        sh:index 0 ;
        rdfs:label "given name" ;
    ] ;
    sh:property [
        sh:predicate ex:familyName ;
        sh:index 1 ;
        rdfs:label "family name" ;
    ] .

to hint that given name should appear before family name.

I believe this is easy to specify, easy to ignore by those who don't need it, yet may find widespread use - TopBraid would certainly support this in various places.  We already have sh:index in sh:Function definitions, to specify the ordering of arguments, and I am simply suggesting to pull this one level up, to sh:AbstractPropertyConstraint.

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 06:30:17 UTC