shapes-ISSUE-84 (Allowed IRIs): Constraint to limit IRIs of focus nodes to a given enumeration (similar to owl:oneOf) [SHACL Spec]

shapes-ISSUE-84 (Allowed IRIs): Constraint to limit IRIs of focus nodes to a given enumeration (similar to owl:oneOf) [SHACL Spec]

Raised by: Holger Knublauch
On product: SHACL Spec

I tried to model that the class sh:NodeKind consists of exactly three instances (sh:IRI, sh:Literal, sh:BlankNode), but failed to find a simple way of expressing this within the SHACL Core language. Maybe I am missing something. But I believe this is a recurring pattern in controlled vocabularies and may deserve its "built-in" construct. OWL has the equivalent built-in via owl:oneOf.

A possible syntax and template are below.

 a sh:ShapeClass ;
 rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource ;
 rdfs:label "Node kind" ;
 rdfs:comment "The class of RDF node kinds: literals, blank nodes and IRIs." ;
 sh:constraint [
  a sh:AllowedIRIsConstraint ;
  sh:allowedIRIs ( sh:BlankNode sh:IRI sh:Literal ) ;
 ] ;

 a sh:ConstraintTemplate ;
 rdfs:subClassOf sh:TemplateConstraint ;
 rdfs:label "Enumerated class constraint" ;
 rdfs:comment "Specifies that the IRIs of the focus nodes must be one of the members of the rdf:List given as sh:allowedIRIs." ;
 sh:argument [
  sh:predicate sh:allowedIRIs ;
  sh:valueClass rdf:List ;
  rdfs:label "allowed IRIs" ;
  rdfs:comment "The list of IRIs that are allowed" ;
 ] ;
 sh:message "Node is not among the allowed IRIs" ;
 sh:sparql """
  SELECT ?this
    GRAPH ?shapesGraph {
     ?allowedIRIs (rdf:rest*)/rdf:first ?this .
  """ ;

An alternative would be to create an sh:inverseProperty constraint on rdf:type starting at the focus node sh:NodeKind using a sh:nodeShape scope, but this is verbose and doesn't feel intuitive.

Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2015 05:11:18 UTC