w3process-ISSUE-165 (List of Appealable Decisions): Where and how should an appealable decision be identified [Process Document]

w3process-ISSUE-165 (List of Appealable Decisions): Where and how should an appealable decision be identified [Process Document]


Raised by: Steve Zilles
On product: Process Document

Currently Section 8.2Appeal by Advisory Committee Representatives has two lists of decisions that can be appealed. In addition, certain decisions identified in the document indicate that they can be appealed. It is not clear that the 8.2 lists include all and only the appealable decisions.

Historically, the Process document has tried to avoid listing information twice, such as identifying appealable decisions with the decision and listing what can be appealed separately (as in section 8.2). It has been suggested that the list in 8.2 be reduced to examples of the more important appeals and have text to say that appealable decisions are described where the decision is described. That is the 8.2 text would become informative rather than normative so need not be complete.

Received on Sunday, 12 July 2015 16:02:26 UTC