I18N-ISSUE-342: Range of upper-roman and lower-roman list-style-type [.prep-HTML5]

I18N-ISSUE-342: Range of upper-roman and lower-roman list-style-type [.prep-HTML5]


Raised by: Richard Ishida
On product: .prep-HTML5

4.4.5 The ol element

The table list examples for the type attribute 'Examples for values 1-3 and 3999-4001' shows upper-roman and lower-roman values over 3999, but the latest editors draft of CSS3 Counter Styles spec has recently been changed to limit these styles to 3999 max. 

See http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-counter-styles/#simple-numeric

The table should be adapted to suit.

Received on Friday, 7 March 2014 16:03:52 UTC