ISSUE-293 (ebu:dates): Specify date as well as hours, minutes and seconds in time expressions [TTML2]

ISSUE-293 (ebu:dates): Specify date as well as hours, minutes and seconds in time expressions [TTML2]

Raised by: Nigel Megitt
On product: TTML2

Proposal from EBU to permit date to be specified in time expressions, optionally. Purpose of this is to allow 24 hour clock times to be used without ambiguity at midnight crossing. Also to permit second-accurate duration calculations by allowing externally managed reference of dates that include leap seconds.

An implementation may usefully allow dates to be inferred or inherited from a reference element rather than requiring the same date on every begin and end attribute where date semantics are needed.

Received on Thursday, 31 October 2013 12:31:57 UTC