w3process-ISSUE-44 (MinorUpdateNoNewReview): Process should be clear that minor edits at same level do not trigger new review period

w3process-ISSUE-44 (MinorUpdateNoNewReview): Process should be clear that minor edits at same level do not trigger new review period


Raised by: Ian Jacobs
On product: 

>From http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#rec-advance:

  " Between any two steps after a Last Call announcement, the Working Group MAY publish a new draft of the technical report at the same maturity level provided there are no substantive changes since the earlier step."

This allows a group, for example, to update a Candidate Rec with minor edits without having to go backwards.

In the new process it would be good to allow groups to publish drafts with minor edits without triggering a new mandatory review period.


Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 12:29:57 UTC