I18N-ISSUE-285: Hebrew number converter inadequate for numbers >= 1000 [.prep-css3-counter-styles]

I18N-ISSUE-285: Hebrew number converter inadequate for numbers >= 1000 [.prep-css3-counter-styles]


Raised by: Matitiahu Allouche
On product: .prep-css3-counter-styles

This comment relates to http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-css-counter-styles-3-20130718/ section 6.1 for Hebrew, and also to http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-predefined-counter-styles-20130725/ section 12 Hebrew which is a duplicate of the former.

In the text, the additive symbols max up at 400. For numbers larger than 799, the symbol for 400 will appear several times. For numbers like the Hebrew year (currently 5773), this gives 14 such symbols, which is hardly readable and does not conform to common usage.
The better usage is to have the number of thousands followed by Geresh (\5F3) followed by the rest of the number.
For 5773, this would give \5D4 \5F3 \5EA \5E9 \5E2 \5D2.
Note that there is no space between the thousands and the rest of the number.
For 12345, we would have \5D9 \5D1 \5F3 \5E9 \5DE \5D4.

Received on Sunday, 4 August 2013 21:23:35 UTC