tracking-ISSUE-186 (Chapell): Ensure that browsers communicae DNT functionality accurately [Tracking Definitions and Compliance]

tracking-ISSUE-186 (Chapell): Ensure that browsers communicae DNT functionality accurately [Tracking Definitions and Compliance]

Raised by: Alan Chapell
On product: Tracking Definitions and Compliance

I'm not attempting to specify User Interface. However, it seems reasonable to ask that browsers communicate DNT functionality clearly to Users. 

Mozilla describes its DNT functionality as follows: “Tell websites that I do not want to be tracked.” I'm not proposing that we specify exactly how browsers communicate to their Users. However, it seems self-evident that some guidance would be helpful. The notion that ‘websites’ are doing the ‘tracking’ that would be ceased as a result of a DNT signal is incorrect – as First Party websites are mostly exempt from the requirements of DNT.

At the very least, this group's output might benefit from some additional thinking in this area.

I was unable to find this issue raised previously. If I'm incorrect, please accept my apologies - and forward the issue and its resolution to me. 

Received on Monday, 5 November 2012 17:55:17 UTC