PROV-ISSUE-539: Notation Section 3, EBNF format [prov-n]

PROV-ISSUE-539: Notation Section 3, EBNF format [prov-n]

Raised by: Paolo Missier
On product: prov-n

The EBNF forms of each expression are helpful, but they are not easily human-readable. Line breaks between attributes would help distinguish the groupings tremendously (this is especially important when trying to determine which terms are optional, as visually identifying matched pairs of parentheses within a long statement can be challenging). Compare:

generationExpression ::= 'wasGeneratedBy' '(' (( identifier | '-' ) ',' ) ? eIdentifier ',' ( aIdentifier | '-' ) ',' ( time | '-' ) optional-attribute-values ')'

generationExpression ::= 'wasGeneratedBy' '(' 
(( identifier | '-' ) ',' ) ?
eIdentifier ','
( aIdentifier | '-' ) ','
( time | '-' )
 optional-attribute-values ')'

Received on Monday, 10 September 2012 09:57:08 UTC