PROV-ISSUE-292 (TLebo): Responsibility mapping [ a EntityInvolvement, ActivityInvolvement ] ? [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

PROV-ISSUE-292 (TLebo): Responsibility mapping [ a EntityInvolvement, ActivityInvolvement ] ? [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

Raised by: Timothy Lebo
On product: mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o

The mapping at

asserts the same Involvement to be both an EntityInvolvement and an ActivityInvolvement.

Are we okay with this shortcut? This "breaks" the underlying principle of the Involvement reifying a binary relation.

This leads me to think that EntityInvolvement should be disjoint with ActivityInvolvement.


Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 14:03:51 UTC