tracking-ISSUE-121: Should a user agent advertise its DNT ability by, e.g., sending DNT;NULL [Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)]

tracking-ISSUE-121: Should a user agent advertise its DNT ability by, e.g., sending DNT;NULL [Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)]

Raised by: Shane Wiley
On product: Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)

2012-01-30 Shane said:

As many User Agents may fall outside of the large web browser vendors, such as Apps, Toolbars, Custom Web Kits, etc., it will be helpful for publishers to receive a signal that a User Agent supports DNT even when a user has not yet provided a preference.


User Agents SHOULD provide a null DNT signal if the user has not yet provided a preference and the User Agent supports DNT. 
As many User Agents may fall outside of the large web browser vendors, such as Apps, Toolbars, Custom Web Kits, etc., it will be helpful for publishers to receive a signal that a User Agent supports DNT even when a user has not yet provided a preference.

User Agents SHOULD provide a null DNT signal if the user has not yet provided a preference and the User Agent supports DNT.  

Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 09:33:54 UTC