PROV-ISSUE-149 (revision-asserter): Why does revision record include an asserter? [Data Model]

PROV-ISSUE-149 (revision-asserter): Why does revision record include an asserter? [Data Model]

Raised by: Simon Miles
On product: Data Model

The Revision record contains its own asserter, but it is unclear why.

"Deciding whether something is made available as a revision of something else usually involves an agent who represents someone in the world who takes responsibility for declaring that the former is variant of the latter...

A revision record...
may refer to a responsible agent with identifier ag."

The agent appears to be just the entity deciding whether to make the assertion or not (whether one entity is a revision of another). This is no different from any other assertion: it is always in some asserter's perspective that the assertion is true. We don't include the asserter explicitly in Used, Generated, Derived or other records, so why do we for Revision?

Received on Friday, 11 November 2011 12:01:44 UTC