PROV-ISSUE-99: prov:eventuallyUsed - a transitive version of prov:used. [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-99: prov:eventuallyUsed - a transitive version of prov:used. [Formal Model]

Raised by: Timothy Lebo
On product: Formal Model

To clarify whether used is transitive or not, I propose a transitive superproperty "eventuallyUsed" to make the distinction clear.

The corresponding considerations also need to be made for the conceptual document.

The OWL axioms related to this property are at

   a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty;

prov:used rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:eventuallyUsed .

Received on Monday, 19 September 2011 18:35:07 UTC